
Dream Tower

Dream Tower, a game where they give you great temptation [Climb the tower and you shall have any desire granted] And I Eleri Clay is one of those people who got tempted and climbed the tower for my own selfish reason However by the end of this game will I have my wish granted or-- -- Will I die?

DreamKiller002 · SF
46 Chs

Chapter 41


Nouvel and Caesar held their breath and stared at the child fiercely

Before the child could even make a sound Caesar immediately threw a spear that appeared out of thin air as he yelled "Ability activate: Swordsmith!"

Immediately afterwards several red butterflies appeared infront of the child and melted the whole spear in a blink of an eye

Nouvel leaped his foot and dashed towards the child as he raised his sword and his eyes glowed cold and he muttered "Ability activate: Black flames!"

Dark flames emitted from his sword as he slashed through the pile of red butterflies and burned them

The child started to cry in fear and held a paint brush in his hand while the other was a paper, afterwards he started painting

Nouvel gritted his teeth and yelled "I won't let you!"

As he raised his sword he aimed it towards the child


Alas the sword did not hit the child as the child suddenly disappeared and turned into a pile of red butterflies


The butterflies were burned but some escaped and landed on Nouvel

"Urgh!" Nouvel grunted as he backed away

Just as the butterflies were surroundings him he suddenly heard a voice from behind

"Gift: Wind manipulation!"

A cold and sharp gust of wind suddenly surrounded Nouvel as it cut down all the butterflies in an instant

Caesar landed infront of Nouvel and asked worriedly "Are you alright?"

Nouvel clicked his tongue and said solemnly "I'm fine"

Caesar and Nouvel looked around when Nouvel said coldly "There"

The child spawn behind them 9 inches away and just as Caesar was about to move Nouvel suddenly widened his eyes in horror as he exclaimed "No!"

Nouvel and Caesar stared at each other but the expected bloody scene did not appear before their eyes

Suddenly they heard the sound of sniffling and both turned their head stiffly towards the child

They saw the child crying and the eyes that was once red turned back to blue, the hand holding the paper and paint brush were frozen mid air and the child spoke as he said regretfully "I- *Sniff* -I, I didn't mean to kill her *Sniff*-..I- I was scared…I didn't want to…."

Nouvel and Caesar did not speak but just stared coldly at the child

Suddenly they felt their heads aching and groaned as they fell to the ground on their knees

Images flashed across their eyes as they saw a woman with brown hair walking towards the child while being melted slowly by the red butterflies

In the last scene they saw the woman smiling at the child and apologizing, coaxing the child that he would not be harmed anymore

After the pain stopped the images also disappeared

Nouvel and Caesar panted as they stared at each other

Nouvel frowned and looked at the child as he asked "Is that your doing?"

The child was silent, lowered his head and nodded

Suddenly Nouvel stood up and said solemnly "You do know, intentionally or not 'you' still killed her"

The child flinched and tears swelled up from his round eyes as he started wiping it away and cried, yes, he does know that he is the reason for her death, he thought she was a bad guy that would hurt her just like those 'people'.

Nouvle stared down at the child coldly with a hint of confusion in his golden eyes, why did L let herself be killed for this child? Did she not know that he was the 'Disaster' or simply---

The child could be related to her in some way?

Nouvel frowned even more and rubbed his eyebrows

Caesar walked beside Nouvel and looked at the child thinking 'This child, is he just pretending to be weak and hurt or is what he saying the truth?'

Caesar felt that what the child said was probably the truth or else why would L sacrifice herself?

Caesar caught a climpse of Nouvel's clenched fist and he sighed as he asked "What are we gonna do now?"

Nouvel was silent and Caesar continued "L would probably get angry at us if she finds out that we killed the child. I also wouldn't want to let her sacrifice go to waste"

The child was still crying and Nouvel stared down at the child coldly before he let out a long sigh and said "Let's bring him"

Both the child and Caesar froze as Caesar asked with narrowed eyes "What are you planning?"

Nouvel placed back his sword in the scabbard and said "Since L died for the child I wouldn't want to see 'it' be killed by someone else"

Caesar was silent for a moment, looking at the child he whispered "Will he even go with us?"

Just as Nouvel was about to say 'We'll force him' the child suddenly stood up and said in a hoarse voice "I- I'll follow you!"

Nouvel and Caesar both looked at the child in surprise, the child said "I - I wanna see her again!"

In an instant Nouvel's eyes turned cold as Caesar asked in surprise "What do you mean-" suddenly he felt cold all over his body and recognized that it was Nouvel's momentum

Looking at the side he saw Nouvel with a dangerous face and instantly held his wrist as he said solemnly "What do you think you're doing?!"

Nouvel ignored Caesar and asked the child "How did you know?"

Caesar was confused and said "What the fuck are you two talking about? How is it possible to see L again?!"

The child was terrified and trembled but still said "I-! I know you're a regressor, and that you could regress back to the time before she died!"

Hearing this Caesar widened his eyes stunned and turned his head stiffly to Nouvel as he asked "Is that, true?…Caesar?"


Suddenly Caesar felt the strong killing intent and immediately unsheathed his sword as he stood before the child with his back facing him

He narrowed his eyes as he furrowed his eyebrows and said "Nouvel…"




"...We can talk about this, so…calm down"

This will probably the first and last time Caesar faces Nouvel's---

----Rampage state.



{Heheheehheheh! This is so much fun right? Look the insects are trying to fight back at us!}

{Shut up! You're so annoying!}

With their backs facing each other Eru and Kaylus looked indifferent as Kaylus smirked and with a raise of his hand he flicked his finger


The eyes of Kaylus suddenly glowed red as he the surroundings also turned ashen red making the fog dyed in red

"Ability activate: Strings--"

Suddenly the red strings started to appear out of the fogs as one of it's ends are on the finger of Kaylus

"---Blood Lines!"

Seeing this scene Yuki and Yukio were stunned but at the same time--

'What am I feeling? This eerie feeling, this is--'


Yuki and Yukio both shuddered at that thought and they clenched their fist as they swallowed their salivas

'This is, third strongest person in big sister L's group, Kaylus Lawless!'


Hearing the familiar irritated voice both Yuki and Yukio looked towards Kaylus and saw him smirking at them as he said "Eru and I can handle this one, you two go and find Nouvel and Caesar"

"What?!" Yukio was about to refute when a hand grabbed his wrist

Looking down at the hand he saw his sister Yuki shook her head as she whispered "Let's go"

Yukio opened his mouth and was about to say "But" when he heard Yuki say "Let's trust them, okay?"

After a long silence Yukio grunted before he nodded solemnly

With that Yuki also nodded and they started running at the opposite direction of Kaylus and Eru

{Hey! Where do you two think you're going! Come back here!}

As the voice landed a black hand appeared from the fogs and was about to grab Yuki when--




With one finger moved the red string cut off the black arm in an instant

{It hurts! It hurts!}

Kaylus did not care about what they said but just smirked as he said "I'll be your opponent"

At that moment they suddenly heard the same voice again but this time, it was somehow different

{Haah….ha, hahah, hahahahahhhaah, HAhhhahahahah!}

{You mere insect dares to talk back at us? Do you not know who we are?!}

In an instant the surroundings changed and as the fogs started to grow bigger and thicker that barely anyone could be seen

Both Eru and Kaylus immediately noticed the changes and unbeknownst to the voices they nodded very sightly that it's barely noticeable

After that Eru and Kaylus was then separated by the fogs

Kaylus was calm and he lightly groped around where Eru was just standing at and felt nothing

He thought 'As expected'

Heaving a deep sigh Kaylus closed his eyes

{Oh? What's wrong? Are you sad, angry, or are you annoyed?}



"Pfft- hahahahahaah!"

Kaylus laughed so hard that his stomach hurt and he wiped away the tear in his eyes as he said with a smile "Forgive me for my rudeness just now but- hahahaha!"

{What are you laughing at you insect?!}

"Hah, I already know that you're now alone and that the other one left and went to Eru, I may not know everything but, all I know, is that…"

Raising both his hand towards the side of his face he said with a sinister "…You killed my comrades, that's why…"


With strong killing intent Kaylus said with a sadist smile "I shall kill you!"