
[Reality] Our Deaths

He was much younger. He was too young. By fate, we met again at the capital when he was 19. He came back to the country as an exchange art student.

Looking from afar, it was my turn to protect him. I was an office lady and my income was more than enough to path his way to his dream.

He joined my weekend photography class. And we would go to outdoor scavenger hunt in groups.

We would cross path at times. I would write him anonymous letters occassionally and introduced myself as a fan.

That year, life felt tulmonous with the heated political situation in the country. Demonstrations and protests ended up in riots were getting more frequently.

At the end, schools and public facilities were closed and martial law was declared. But situation in the capital was getting worse and riots escalated.

That was how we died. He was 19, I was 76 then. The dormitory where we sheltered at was caught in fire.