
Dream agency

What if the wonderful dream you had last night was not a dream made in your head like it seems to be but the sweet dreams department made it; and the terrible nightmares you had that gives you sleepless nights and eye bags were the work of the nightmares department? ______ When Karen click accept and won the contest to get a better dream for the night, she never expected to be stuck in her dream nor almost dying or become a criminal or become Cinderella or find her dream boyfriend. Having those things in her dream was a dream come true.

Anita_Badei · ファンタジー
67 Chs

Chapter seven

"We're in your head. There's a network in everyone's head and the dream agency gets its signals and connects them to our system. When we get your signal, we know everything about you, it's then we decided to either connect you with the sweet dreams department, which is that huge white cloud that the building stands on, or the nightmare department, which is that dark cloud that sits on the agency." Landon explained. Couldn't someone else do it? Am still upset with him. He needs coaching with speaking. Maybe he hasn't spoken to anyone in five years like Rylee.

"Here is your network container, where all your happy and sad memories are, we've lost the signal with you because of your persistence, when you refused to let us end the dream, you took control but we need to get it back, that's why we're here," Rylee explained. She seemed mature and more formed and formal now.

"Why is it a bad thing I take control?"