
Dream agency

What if the wonderful dream you had last night was not a dream made in your head like it seems to be but the sweet dreams department made it; and the terrible nightmares you had that gives you sleepless nights and eye bags were the work of the nightmares department? ______ When Karen click accept and won the contest to get a better dream for the night, she never expected to be stuck in her dream nor almost dying or become a criminal or become Cinderella or find her dream boyfriend. Having those things in her dream was a dream come true.

Anita_Badei · ファンタジー
67 Chs


Happiness POV 

Then my mom would ground me and force me to eat something else for a month. Fortunately my dad loves them too so I sneak to him and we party with sushi in the night. 

Me and my dad were this close when I was little. 

The memory made my eyes teary but I swallowed it back before Fred could notice. 

I can't exactly share the memory with him and knowing him I will want to know about it. 

"He would buy them for you when he could? Yeah I know someone like that. My mother. She's a nagging woman ever since I was little but she loved me dearly and gave me lots of candy when I cry. I will always remember how she fought with my dad because he said I shouldn't get more candy." 

"She wouldn't listen to him at all and sometimes I believe she desires me to be chubby." 

He laughed happily. 

"You're seem really happy today, I'm envious. Can I ask why you are?" I said.