
Dream agency

What if the wonderful dream you had last night was not a dream made in your head like it seems to be but the sweet dreams department made it; and the terrible nightmares you had that gives you sleepless nights and eye bags were the work of the nightmares department? ______ When Karen click accept and won the contest to get a better dream for the night, she never expected to be stuck in her dream nor almost dying or become a criminal or become Cinderella or find her dream boyfriend. Having those things in her dream was a dream come true.

Anita_Badei · ファンタジー
67 Chs


Happiness POV

I breath a sigh of relief when I got back to the mansion safely and without being caught. 

But for how long? 

Rin had decided to run for it and threatened to call him a stalker if he'd followed. 

That seemed to have put a damper on his day. 

He got all grumpy and moody and we went back to the mansion immediately because of that. 

I'll need to talk with Rin. She should face him for me and talk to him so he'll let her go or something. 


Work hours went by in a flash and soon I was free to return home. 

I couldn't be more happy to get home but when I got there and was greeted by silence instead, my heart ached. 

There was no longer anyone waiting for me at home patiently. 

I immediately lost all my appetite and went straight to my room. 

The house was still a mess but I do not have the mental capacity or physical power to clean it up.