
Dream agency

What if the wonderful dream you had last night was not a dream made in your head like it seems to be but the sweet dreams department made it; and the terrible nightmares you had that gives you sleepless nights and eye bags were the work of the nightmares department? ______ When Karen click accept and won the contest to get a better dream for the night, she never expected to be stuck in her dream nor almost dying or become a criminal or become Cinderella or find her dream boyfriend. Having those things in her dream was a dream come true.

Anita_Badei · ファンタジー
67 Chs


Happiness POV

"I followed the woman and she went through an alley, it was dark and quiet and I thought it was now the best time to act. 

I ran towards her and snatched the shopping bag from her and ran away but she immediately was on my trails. 

I ran with all my might but I was very weak and she soon got to me and pushed me down. She took the bag from me even though I struggled to keep it with me. 

She called the police and had me arrested. 

I was in a cell when my mom came to see me. 

"Happy are you okay?" She asked worriedly but all these would have never happened if only she did not try to act all strict. It's her fault that I am in here like this. 

"Where is dad? I want dad and not you." I told her, her face fell and it was as if she would start crying but she held back and then left. 

Soon an officer came and unlocked my cell and let me out.