
Dream's that can't be Broken

Jack was abandoned by his family. Left to starve on the streets of New York, but that will not stop him. Through effort, intelligence, and scavenging, he will survive and find a family of his own.

Trevor_Kotilinek · 都市
10 Chs

A Stranger's Shelter

Winter's icy grip had settled upon the city, its chill seeping into every crevice and shadow. The streets, once bustling with activity, were now hushed by the bitter cold. For Jake, the arrival of winter brought a new set of challenges, as surviving on the streets became an even harsher ordeal.

One frigid night, with snowflakes dancing in the air, Jake found himself shivering uncontrollably as he huddled beneath his tattered cardboard shelter in a desolate alley. His makeshift clothing and layers of rags offered little protection against the biting cold that gnawed at his bones.

Desperation and fear clawed at him as he tried to find warmth amidst the unforgiving elements. He knew that if he didn't find shelter soon, the freezing temperatures could pose a grave threat to his survival.

With every labored breath, he scanned the alley for any refuge from the cold. His eyes fell upon a faint glimmer of light emanating from a nearby building—a small, unassuming door that seemed to lead to the warmth of indoors.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Jake dragged himself towards the door, his teeth chattering with cold. As he reached out to knock, the door creaked open, revealing a man with a weathered face and wary eyes.

"Who are you? What do you want?" the man asked, his voice a mixture of suspicion and concern.

Jake, trembling and nearly frozen, mustered the strength to speak. "I... I'm sorry, sir. It's just so cold out here, and I was hoping for some warmth."

The man regarded Jake for a moment, his eyes searching for signs of deceit. Then, as if making a decision, he stepped aside, allowing Jake to enter. "Come in," he said gruffly, "But don't try anything funny."

Jake nodded gratefully and stepped inside the building, which turned out to be a small, dimly lit storage space. The man motioned for Jake to sit near a flickering kerosene heater that cast a warm, comforting glow.

The meager warmth enveloped Jake like a cozy cocoon, thawing his frozen fingers and toes. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt such relief from the biting cold. With tears in his eyes, he whispered his gratitude to the man.

The stranger's demeanor softened slightly as he watched Jake's shivering form relax. "What's your story, kid? Why are you out here in this weather?"

Jake hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. He decided to share a portion of his journey, omitting the darkest chapters of his life. "I've been on my own for a while, trying to make something of myself. But winter... it's making it harder every day."

The man nodded, his expression a mix of empathy and curiosity. "Well, you can stay here for tonight, but only tonight. I don't want any trouble."

Jake, overwhelmed with gratitude, nodded enthusiastically. "Thank you, sir. I won't cause any problems, I promise."

As the night wore on, the stranger shared a simple meal and conversation with Jake. He learned about the challenges Jake had faced, the dreams he held close to his heart, and the determination that had brought him this far.

In return, Jake felt a warmth that extended beyond the physical—the warmth of human kindness, a rare treasure he had encountered so infrequently in his life on the streets. It was a reminder that even in a world that often seemed cold and unforgiving, there were still those who extended a hand to help.

As Jake settled down to sleep on a makeshift cot, the kerosene heater casting a comforting glow, he felt a renewed sense of hope. The stranger's shelter had been a lifeline in the biting cold, a beacon of warmth that had kept the frost at bay. It was a reminder that even in the darkest of nights, a glimmer of compassion could light the way to a brighter tomorrow.

Unaware of the stranger's lingering suspicions, Jake closed his eyes with a heart full of gratitude, knowing that this unexpected act of kindness would be a chapter in his journey he would never forget.