
Drawn Together - A NathMarc Tale

"Drawn Together" follows the intertwined lives of Nathaniel and Marc, two young artists in the bustling city of Paris. As they navigate the complexities of friendship, love, and self-discovery, they find themselves caught in a web of mystery and danger. When Paris falls prey to an unexplainable darkness, Nathaniel and Marc embark on a thrilling journey to uncover its origins. Along the way, they encounter enigmatic characters, unlock hidden secrets, and face formidable challenges that test their courage and resilience. With the help of miraculous powers and the unwavering support of Ladybug and Chat Noir, Nathaniel and Marc discover their true potential and the profound impact art can have on the world. "Drawn Together" is a tale of art, adventure, and the indomitable spirit of two young artists as they strive to bring light to Paris.

Mordrowned · テレビ
13 Chs

Compromising Values

Nathaniel and Marc had been dating each other for quite some time, but they had always kept it a secret from the world. As two boys in love, they knew that not everyone would understand or accept their relationship, and they didn't want to risk facing harsh judgment or ridicule from their peers. They treasured their relationship and wanted to keep it safe from any negativity that might come their way.

So, they went to great lengths to conceal their relationship. They avoided any public displays of affection and made sure to act like nothing was going on between them when they were around others. They always kept their guard up and were careful not to let their guard down, fearing that someone might catch them in the act and expose their secret.

It was a typical day in class when Nathaniel accidentally left his phone unlocked. He was so engrossed in his drawing that he didn't even realize it until he heard a snicker from behind him. He turned around to see Kim, the class bully, grinning at him with his phone in his hand. "What's this, Nathaniel?" Kim taunted, holding up the phone for all to see. "You and Marc are dating? How cute."

Nathaniel felt his face flush with embarrassment and fear. He had always suspected that Kim was homophobic, and he knew that this revelation could mean trouble for him and Marc. "Give me my phone back, Kim," Nathaniel said, his voice shaking with emotion. Kim just laughed and continued to read the text messages between Nathaniel and Marc. Nathaniel tried to grab the phone from him, but Kim pushed him away, enjoying the power he held over him.

Nathaniel had never felt more exposed or vulnerable than he did in that moment. He had always known that his relationship with Marc was not widely accepted, and he had gone to great lengths to keep it a secret. But now, his worst fears had been realized. Kim, the class bully, held all the power over him, and Nathaniel felt utterly helpless.

As Nathaniel pleaded with Kim to give him back his phone, he couldn't help but think about what would happen if their secret got out. He and Marc had been together for several months, and they had grown very fond of each other. But they both knew that not everyone would be accepting of their relationship. They had seen the way that some of their classmates looked at them and whispered behind their backs. They had heard the homophobic slurs and jokes that were thrown around in the hallways. And they had always lived in fear of being exposed and facing the consequences.

Nathaniel tried to reason with Kim, but the bully was not interested in listening. He continued to taunt and tease Nathaniel, holding his phone just out of reach. Nathaniel's heart sank as he realized that he had no choice but to comply with Kim's demands. He knew that he was giving up his power and his dignity, but he also knew that he had to do whatever it took to protect himself and Marc.

"What do you want me to do?" Nathaniel asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Kim's grin grew wider as he leaned in close to Nathaniel's ear. "I want you to make all my homework," he whispered. "You have to do the assignments for all my subjects. And if you don't, I'll make sure that everyone finds out about you and Marc."

Nathaniel sat at his desk, feeling his heart pounding in his chest as he looked up at Kim's smug expression. He knew he was in trouble, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as Kim explained what he wanted from him. Nathaniel's mind raced as he tried to come up with a way out of this situation, but he couldn't think of anything. He knew that he was trapped, and that he had no other choice but to agree. As he nodded his head in agreement, he felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. He knew that he would be subjecting himself to humiliation and degradation, but he also knew that he had no other choice.

As Kim handed him back his phone, Nathaniel couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat. He had always prided himself on being independent and strong-willed, but now he felt like a pawn in someone else's game. As he started doing Kim's homework, he felt a growing sense of resentment and bitterness. He couldn't believe that he had let himself be pushed around like this, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was betraying himself and his best friend Marc.

Nathaniel's mind was racing as he worked on Kim's homework. He couldn't help but think about how unfair this was, and how much he resented being forced to do something he didn't want to do. He knew that he was doing this for a reason, but he couldn't help but feel like he was betraying himself and his own values.

As Nathaniel continued to do Kim's homework, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of despair. He knew that he was putting himself in a dangerous position, but he also knew that he had no other choice. Being outed as gay could have serious consequences for his safety and well-being, and he couldn't risk losing everything he had worked so hard to build.

Despite his growing sense of unease, Nathaniel kept his head down and did what he had to do. He spent hours poring over textbooks and assignments, trying to make sure that Kim's work was perfect. He skipped lunch breaks and stayed up late into the night, trying to keep up with Kim's demands.

Nathaniel continued to push himself to the brink, spending countless hours working on Kim's homework, even when he was exhausted and burned out. But despite the overwhelming pressure, he found himself starting to feel a sense of pride in his work. He knew that he was making a difference in Kim's life, and that he was helping him to achieve something that he might not have been able to do on his own.

Over time, Nathaniel also began to notice a change in Kim's behavior. The once-cruel and taunting student started to show a bit more kindness and respect towards Nathaniel. He was no longer the same arrogant and dismissive person that Nathaniel had first encountered. Instead, he seemed to be genuinely grateful for Nathaniel's help, and he even started to treat him with a bit more humanity.

At first, Nathaniel was skeptical of Kim's change in behavior. He couldn't help but wonder if it was just a ploy to get him to work harder, or if Kim was simply trying to manipulate him in some way. But as the days went by, Nathaniel started to believe that Kim's change in attitude was genuine. He began to see glimpses of a kinder and more empathetic person beneath the surface, someone who had been hurt and damaged by the harshness of the world.

One day, as Nathaniel was walking down the hallway, he heard someone call out his name. He turned around to see Kim jogging up to him, a hesitant expression on his face.

"Hey, Nathaniel," Kim said, looking down at his feet. "Listen, I just wanted to say that...I'm sorry. For how I've been treating you."

As Nathaniel stood there, stunned, he couldn't help but feel a surge of conflicting emotions. On the one hand, he was grateful that Kim had finally apologized for his past behavior. It was a small but significant step towards repairing their relationship. On the other hand, Nathaniel couldn't shake the memories of the humiliation and degradation he had endured at Kim's hands.

He wondered if he should forgive Kim so easily. After all, it had taken a lot of effort on Nathaniel's part to improve Kim's grades and earn his respect. He didn't want Kim to think that his past behavior was completely acceptable just because he had apologized.

But at the same time, Nathaniel knew that holding onto grudges would only lead to bitterness and resentment. He believed in giving people a second chance, and he hoped that Kim would use this opportunity to change for the better.

After a moment of hesitation, Nathaniel nodded and gave Kim a small smile. "It's okay," he said, his voice soft. "I forgive you."

Kim looked up, his eyes wide with surprise. "Really?"

Nathaniel nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah. We all make mistakes, right? And I think...I think we can learn from them."

Kim's face lit up with a smile, and Nathaniel couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest. He had never seen Kim look so happy before, and he knew that he had made the right decision in forgiving him.

Over the next few weeks, Nathaniel and Kim continued to work together on Kim's homework, but there was a newfound sense of ease and understanding between them. They no longer felt like adversaries, but like two people who were working together towards a common goal.

As they worked, they also talked more about their lives outside of school. Nathaniel learned that Kim was an avid gamer, and that he loved spending time with his little brother. Kim, in turn, learned that Nathaniel had grown up in a small town, and that he had always been fascinated by arts and space.

One day, as they were working on a particularly difficult assignment, Kim turned to Nathaniel with a serious expression on his face.

"Hey, Nathaniel," he said. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what's up?"

Kim took a deep breath. "I know this is kind of weird, but...do you ever feel like you don't belong here?"

Nathaniel was taken aback by the question, but he could see the sincerity in Kim's eyes.

"Yeah, sometimes," he admitted. "It's hard being different from everyone else."

Kim nodded, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, I get that. But you know what? I think being different is what makes us special. Like, you're really good at drawing and stuff, and I'm really good at video games. It's like...we all have our own talents, you know?"

Nathaniel smiled, feeling a sense of warmth spreading through his chest. He had never expected to hear such wisdom from Kim, but he realized that he had underestimated him.

"Yeah," he said. "I guess you're right."

Nathaniel's thoughts continued to swirl around in his head as he walked from class to class. He couldn't help but replay the conversation he had with Kim over and over again in his mind. It was as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, and he could finally see a path forward that didn't involve constantly hiding who he truly was.

For so long, Nathaniel had been afraid of being judged or rejected because of his sexuality. He had kept it a secret from most of his classmates, including Kim, for fear of being ostracized or bullied. But hearing Kim apologize and acknowledge his past behavior made Nathaniel realize that maybe he didn't have to be so afraid.

He started to think about all of the things that he had kept hidden from others - his love of painting, his passion for music, his dream of one day traveling the world. He had spent so much time trying to fit in and be like everyone else, that he had forgotten about the things that made him unique and special.

But now, with the weight of Kim's apology off his shoulders, Nathaniel felt a renewed sense of confidence and hope. He started to make plans for the future - he would start painting again, he would join the school's music club, and he would save up money for a trip abroad.

For the first time in a long time, Nathaniel felt like he had a real chance at happiness. He still had to deal with the challenges and obstacles that came with being gay in a sometimes hostile world, but he no longer felt completely alone in his struggles. Kim's apology had given him a glimmer of hope, and Nathaniel was determined to make the most of it.