
Drawing Our Love

Samuel Huang is a world famous surgeon that can cure any illness and do any type surgery with 100% of success. But this isn't what he wanted. He love to draw and fell in love with a beautiful girl, but due to the pressure of his family, he was forced to abandon his dreams and love to become a doctor. Just like that Samuel live his life in regrets and took it to the end of his life. When he is lying in his death bed waiting to die, the God Of The Underworld walk up to him and give him an offer that will change his life forever...

Duguo_Loner · 都市
8 Chs

Painting 1: The Divine Doctor

Fame, acknowledgement, Respect, and being Idolize by others is my basically my entire life, but I am not truly happy. I am an average doctor, yet everyone call me by the nickname of the Divine Doctor. This may be due to me never failing any surgery and treatments and no patients has died in my hands.

At home, I have a beautiful wife that is....perfect? She can do everything a husband could ask for. The food she made is more delicious than a michelin star chef. She can finished houseworks within minutes. The most important thing of all is that she love me and only me.

People who saw this would say that my life is perfect and anyone would die to just live a day of my life, but they do not know that this isn't what I want. All of this that I have today is due to my parents pressuring me to do.

I love to draw and paint, but my parents say that this job doesn't have a future since there's a chance that my work will not be bought by anyone so they made me go to medical school to become a doctor. The girl that is currently my wife is my dad's friend daughter, Jane Wang. The two family arrange a contract marriage so that her dad's company would invest in my dad's start up company. Due to my father's greed, I have to break up with the love of my life so that I can marry his friend's daughter.

Although she doesn't say it, I could still feel that Jane is doing it voluntary and not forced by her dad. At first I don't know what will happen to our relationship, but later on I knew that she has been the one buying all my paintings that was auction at the studio where I learn to draw and donate money to orphanage. I may not love her, but her kindness and thoughtfulness has made me want to take care of her for the rest of my life. Oh did I mention that Jane is actually the goddess of my high school. She is super beautiful!

So you see, my life isn't as perfect as everyone think it is. It's just a pre-written story that I could not change nor re-write. Therefore I have to live with regrets my entire life until I lied here in this bed waiting for my heart to stop and die due to old age. *Sigh* If only I could turn back time and fix my mistakes so that I won't have to died in regrets.

"Hahaha! I could help you with that, but you have to give me something back in exchange.", A voice laughed.

"Who are you!? Show yourself!", I replied. "What do you want from me?"

"I am the one that you mortal may refer to as the devil, Lucifer, or Satan. So my dear lost soul. Would you like to sign a contract me with me?", A man in suit appeared.

"You want my soul?", I replied.

"Hahaha!", He laughed. "You are so old-fashioned my dear friend. I no longer wants you mortals soul."

"What do you want then?", I asked.

"Your emotions.", He smiled. "Basically, you will lose your emotions and cannot love anyone until someone who 'truly love you for who you are' appears and fell in love with you."

"Come on, this isn't a bad deal. Your life in exchange for some emotion.", He continued. "Drop your blood is this spell circle if you agreed."

This is too easy, I have Jane in my life so I could easily regain my emotions.

At first I hesitate, but there's nothing to lose since I have everything I need to break this curse and regain my emotions. Therefore I quickly bit my finger and drop my blood into the magic circle.

At that moment, paragraphs of ancient dialects appear in front of me and form into a hand.

That hand went inside my body, pull my heart out and put a seal on it.

"This seal will be release when the curse is broken and you have regain your emotions.", Lucifer said as he push the heart back into my body. "Now, off you go!"

My body suddenly start to feel weak and immediately went into a coma.

When I open my eyes, I was sitting on what look like a school desk. I look around and realize that this is my biology class from 12th grade! I've reincarnated back into my 17 years old self, but I don't feel anything different in my body. I thought Lucifer have put a seal onto my heart and took away my emotions!? Well, whatever...at least I could live my life again.

"Samuel! No looking around while taking the exam!", My biology teacher yelled.

"Exam? What exam?", I said in confusion.

"Then what the heck is that on your desk?", She replied sarcastically.

I look down at the paper and began to read it. Wait...isn't this my midterm!? This means that I have exactly three months left until the contract marriage happened! Hahahaha! This is awesome! Not only do I remember all the correct answers on this exam, I could also remember all of the work of the best-selling artists ten years from now. If I could show my family that I could make money out of arts, there's a chance that they won't force me into medical school!

"If you are done laughing by yourself like an idiot then please go back into doing your exam. You have only 20 minutes left until the exam is over!", She announced.

20 minutes? I only need 5 to finish all of these questions. Let's see A,B,C,E,B,B,C,A,D,E, A, B.

Just like that I quickly finish the midterm in five minutes and turn it in to the teacher.

"Are you sure that you want to turn in something you finish in five minutes? Do you want to double check your answers?", She asked.

"I'm sure that I'll pass this test with at least an A+!", I smiled confidently.

My teacher said nothing and shake her head. She must think that I'm just some arrogant idiot.

To a 17 years old, all of these questions about body parts and organs are like a nightmare, but to a doctor...these are just common sense!

"If you don't believe me, you can just grade the test right now and see for yourself.", I requested.

She just took a deep breath, hold up her pen, and began to grade my paper in front of everyone!

Although I'm standing all the way up here, I could already hear everyone mumbling about how cocky I am and how I am going to fail badly!

"No way!", Ms. L gasped. "He got all 100 questions correct and he also explain all of his answer thoroughly!"

I turn back and saw everyone jaws dropped.

"By the way. If you suspect that I cheated, you can go ahead and check my desk.", I smiled.

"I'll look into his desk!", David volunteered.

Ah...David. The jerk who spend his entire life hating me for being better than him at art.

"Aha! I found this paper with the answers inside his desk!", He yelled.

Everyone gasped, but only I smile because I know this cowardly act is something that David often do so I know all of his methods.

"Are you sure that paper belong to me?", I asked. "Lying is a very bad thing to do."

"I am sure that this is your handwriting!", David said confidently. "You definitely cheated!"

"Oh? What if I can prove that this paper isn't mine, but it's actually belong to you.", I replied.

"If you can prove that you are innocent, I will get on my knees and apologize to you!", He laughed.

Oh you are so going down stupid!

I take the two exam papers and place them side to side on the projector so that everyone can see.

"From just glancing through it, you all may think that both of these are my handwritings, but if you look carefully then you'll notice that all of the letters on the paper that David found is actually different then how I wrote them on my paper.", I began.

"For example, this D in question 12 has a slight curve to the left while on my paper is just a solid D without curve or any other marks.", I continued.

From one question to another, I show everyone in the class the difference between the two handwritings.

"Last, but not least is David most biggest yet foolish mistakes!", I smiled while looking at David. "You didn't throughly explain your answers like I did."

"So my dear classmate, do you accept that you are framing me for something you did?", I asked.

"I'm sorry.", He mumbled as he walk away.

"Hey everyone! What did our classmate here say when he accuse me of cheating earlier?", I yelled.

"Go on you knees! Go on your knees!", Everyone yelled in unity.

"Samuel! Do you have to force me to be embarrassed like this?", David replied in distress.

"A man have to keep his words.", I replied. "Unless...you are not a man?"

"Ooooooh! Samuel just mercilessly burn him!", Everyone yelled.

David then clench his fist and drop down his knee.

"I'm sorry!", David yelled.

I look down at him with an evil grin on my face.

*Intense music*

This is just the beginning! I will make sure that everyone who harm me or the one I love pay for what they did to me in my previous life!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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