
Chapter 492: Who Can Resist a Wriggling Cow? (Edited)

Tom opened the box and took out the objects one by one.

Naya craned her neck curiously to see, but she found that most of them were common and ordinary things.

Wands, teacups, hats, candies...

"If all these are second-hand items, then it's not necessary," Naya said with a disappointed expression. She had thought she had found something interesting, but it turned out to be a seller of old and broken items. All these objects were pure trash, as her eyepatch could attest.

"We don't need second-hand wands," Dawlish said indifferently. Seeing that Tom was pulling out a bunch of junk, he was quite pleased because that meant he could quickly leave this store and continue "strolling" in the next one.

"They're not second-hand wands; they're trick wands," Tom corrected Dawlish's mistake.

What Tom had pulled out were joke products from the Weasley twins. He had always maintained a good relationship with the Weasley brothers and would always buy their new joke products as soon as they were released. What was in the box was their old products and some of the new ones they had developed.

"Trick wands? Are those wooden wands like the ones wizards use in Muggle circuses?" The word reminded Dawlish of a prank that the Ministry of Magic had played a long time ago.

The Ministry of Magic had arrested a man who was "performing magic" in front of Muggles for violating the Law of Secrecy, but after a thorough investigation, Ministry employees uncomfortably realized that the man was not actually a wizard but just an illusionist with outstanding skills. His extremely long wand was merely an auxiliary tool, not a wizard's magic wand.

In the end, the Ministry of Magic had to use the Memory Charm on the illusionist to make him forget everything that had just happened, and then they released him.

The matter was resolved, but the illusionist and his trick wand left a deep impression on wizards. Now, seeing the famous trick wand, Dawlish also felt intrigued.

"It's not a circus..." Tom wanted to explain, but Dawlish couldn't wait any longer.

"Can I pick it up and take a look?"

"...Sure, you can."

With permission, Dawlish quickly picked up the trick wand from the table.

"How is it possible that this is identical to a wand? Oh!" The wand in his hand made a noise and transformed into a small rubber cow. The sudden change startled Dawlish, and he shivered a bit.

But once Dawlish realized what was happening, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. The cow was made of rubber and felt elastic to the touch. Dawlish couldn't resist squeezing it in his hand, and the cow made a comical "moo" as it twisted.

"It's a very fun toy!" As an adult wizard and an elite member of the Ministry of Magic, Dawlish was someone who had left behind childish things and simple amusements.

But who could resist a moving cow? Nobody!

The little calf he held in his hand, despite his efforts to put on a serious and angry face, looked very funny.

"How much does it cost?" Dawlish's money bag floated out of his pocket without him controlling it.

"Special offer, only two Galleons!"

In reality, the factory price of this wand was only a few Sickles, but if it were someone like Ludo Bagman, a person with a large childlike heart, he would directly offer five Galleons. Obviously, not everyone was as wealthy as Bagman. Tom assessed Dawlish's financial situation and considered two Galleons an acceptable price.

Without saying a word, Dawlish took out two large Galleons from his money bag and placed them on the counter.

How childish! That was the only evaluation Naya had for her partner's behavior. Besides, that cow looked ugly!

Dawlish continued to fiddle with the rubber cow in his palm without stopping.

Naya struggled to control herself and avoided looking at Dawlish. "What are all these things? Won't they all turn into... cows like that wand?"

"No, only trick wands turn into animals. This is a Nose-Biting Teacup. If someone tries to use it, it'll bite their nose, just like the Nose-Biting Teacup they sell at Zonko's Joke Shop in Hogsmeade." Tom took the ordinary-looking teacup and moved it close to his nose, causing the cup to bite the air.

"It's a fun toy. Back in school, we used to play pranks with these things." The familiar name of the place and the known toy brought back memories for both Aurors.

"Yeah, back then we didn't have much money..." Dawlish pocketed the bull, holding a teacup in his hand.

"If you like them, consider them a gift. They're not very valuable items anyway," Tom said in a "generous" manner.

"Really? Thanks."

"No need..."

"Then we have these candies, our new products: Tongue-Lengthening Toffees. After eating them, your tongue will lengthen ten times its normal state. And we also have these cookies, another new product called Canary Creams: ten Sickles each. These cookies look and taste very similar to regular egg and milk cookies, but after eating them, the person transforms into a large canary. After a minute, the feathers fall off, and the person returns to their normal form."

Tom pulled out the Weasley twins' flagship products: the Tongue-Lengthening Toffees and the Canary Creams.

Although the two Aurors didn't show much interest in the Tongue-Lengthening Toffees, they were quite intrigued by the Canary Creams.

In the magical world, there aren't many ways to transform into animals. Lycanthropy and the Animagus Transformation are long-term methods, while short-term transformations can only be achieved through transformation spells.

And now it turns out you just need to eat a cookie to achieve it! It was truly amazing.

"How many of these cookies do you have?" Due to the caution of wizards, both Dawlish and Naya refrained from trying the cookies. Who knows what consequences they might have? Would they remain sane after eating them? Could they reliably return to their normal form after a minute? Was there any relationship between the duration of the transformation and the wizard themselves?

These questions had no concrete answers. This product still needed to be tested by Ministry of Magic professionals.

"I have a complete box of these cookies."

Tom took out a trunk that contained eleven perfectly stacked cookies. Counting the cookie he had in his hand, there were exactly a dozen. These cookies had a considerable cost, and they could be sold for seven Sickles each at Fred and George's shop. The box cost almost five Galleons.

Here, Tom had increased them to ten Sickles per cookie, which amounted to 120 Sickles, or seven Galleons and one Sickle for the entire box.

"We'll take them all," Dawlish said without hesitation and pulled out the money to buy all the Canary Creams.