
Chapter 217: The abnormal noise next to the hotel (Edited)

Everyone stopped chewing and watched as Hunter pulled out a notebook.

He flipped to one of the pages, and on it was a copy of a square of paper. Dr. Hunter handed the notebook to the group and passed it to them. When the notes reached Tom, he stared at the pattern for a while, but couldn't make sense of it. The pattern was a regular rectangle, divided into twelve even squares, arranged in a 4 x 3 pattern, each with a large cat's eye inside.

Tom could only be sure that they were all the same cat, because the shape of the cat was the same in all twelve squares, except for a slight difference in the lower left corner: the cat's eye was tilted slightly to the left.

"According to the translation of the file, it says that this is the 'key' to the city, which I gather is something like an entry permit, indicating that the city is extremely civilized." Dr. Hunter laid out his speculation, "You see, the three rows may correspond to the three entry conditions, and the other four columns are the actual conditions of the entrants, so that the guards can easily understand the situation of the entrants and adapt the entry tax reasonably."

Will slapped his thigh, "I see, it's unbelievable! They look like customs from 5,000 years ago."

Tom and the others nodded, thinking Will's statement was very graphic, it was a customs house, but it was unusual for ancient Egypt to have such an airtight "customs house" within their own country.

The subject was gently dismissed and the group returned to the food on the table. Tom was not particularly interested in the rice dish, which was said to take at least four hours to cook, because it was a bit too strong: he used lamb liver, lamb meat and lamb's tail oil, but only salt and black pepper for the garnishes, and parsley and purple basil for the vegetables, which did nothing to remove the stench. For those who are used to lamb and like its flavor, it will be a real treat, but for someone like Tom, who can't eat sheep's milk or cheese, this dish is "overkill".

But the rest of the dish was excellent, especially the yesso, which Tom chopped up and served with skewers and salad, topped with a soup that went down like a glove.

As the door closed, he realized that tonight he would be staying in the same room as Hermione.

He had many distracting thoughts, but Hermione didn't seem to notice anything, he sat on the edge of the bed, untied the laces of his boots, threw them on the floor and pulled off his socks, stretched his socks, his arms rose slightly but stopped momentarily, then he threw them on the floor and ran barefoot to the bathroom.

"I'm going to take a shower first!" then there was the sound of dripping water, and it seemed her scent still lingered in the room.

Tom took a couple of deep breaths, repressed his emotions, and turned to his crystal ball and his tattered copy of "Dispelling the Mists of the Future" to study divination, a subject he felt he would be wasting his talents on if he didn't learn it properly.

Soon the clouds in the crystal ball moved and some plausible shapes appeared. Hermione had also finished bathing, the dust from a long day of running had been washed away, and her old sweat-stained clothes had been replaced, and when she emerged from the bathroom in dry, comfortable clothes, she saw Tom fiddling with his crystal ball.

"See anything?" Hermione approached Tom and found him looking intently at the crystal ball, even though he had just stepped out of the shower.

"I'm predicting the future of our journey..." muttered Tom, his hands flipping quickly through the textbook, "What this image represents is..."

Hermione was intrigued as well,

Hermione was intrigued and moved closer to listen to Tom's vision of the future in the crystal ball.

Tom's hand stopped, "Ah, there it is, the image means, "Ah, I found it, the meaning of this image is: 'The birth of a new life', accompanied by our adventures, a new life will be born!"

Hermione's face flushed and she nudged Tom, "What are you babbling about!".

Tom looked back and realized that Hermione was standing next to him, arms crossed and furious. He was about to say something to explain when he heard a rhythmic sound coming from next door.

"Ah, uh-uh-uh-uh-uh..."

Snap, snap!

"Ah, ah-ah-ah-ah..."

This sound is like being gutted.

Hermione: "..."

Tom: ⊙0⊙

"Keep your voice down!" he shouted towards the wall where the sound was coming from.

"Oh, yes ~ Sir!"

The context was so graphic that Tom couldn't even tell if the other had heard him.

He shrugged looking at Hermione, "I feel like my prophecy was pretty accurate after all..."

Hermione went into "sexy girl" mode and responded with a small "mmm".

Tom was devastated: damn it, don't use your precious gift of prophecy for something weird!

"Go to bed first! Tomorrow we're going shopping in Cairo."

"Okay," Hermione hesitated, because she didn't know if she should take off her clothes now, but the next thing Tom did solved Hermione's problem: he changed his shape.

A huge three-headed dog appeared in the room, a huge furry mass that took up the whole bed at once.

Hermione gritted her teeth and said, "Thank you!"

Is that how you solve the problem of whether or not to undress for bed, by taking up the whole bed? Hermione didn't say it, but it was completely conveyed through her eyes.

Tom understood and moved his big, meaty buttocks a little to make some room.

Hermione: "..."

She slowly came to understand what Tom was saying.

She looked at the big dog on the bed, and suddenly realized that this three-headed dog looked rather cute.... The black fur looked clean, and the whole body was fleshy and fluffy, so it should feel good to the touch and be warm in her arms, right?

Being so familiar with the three-headed dog, the fear Hermione had felt when she first saw Fluffy had disappeared and the three-headed dog seemed cute to her: even with three heads, it was still a dog!

Just a little bigger.

Hermione climbed onto the bed and Tom tucked in his belly to make room for Hermione. Hermione walked over to the empty space, curled up, and the next thing she knew, she was covered in fur coming from all directions.