
Chapter 3-The last two Rein

Spirit, Seven, and Wraith are going to the grassland to meet The Reins named Steve And Prudo.

"Hey kids," said Oe Rein.

"You were the one who came to my school)

(Oe has a school and he is the teacher teaching about dragon biology, dragon myths, and physical dragon-riding class.)

"Mr.Oe let's have a battle," Asked Spirit


Oe: go there my radioactive dragon.

Spirit: go spirit dragon.

Oe: Radio wave

Spirit's dragon fainted

Spirit: Wait...What?

Battle ended

"Who are you two," Asked Steve

"I am Seven" Said Seven

"I am Spirit" Said Spirit

" I am Prudo" said Prudo

" I am steve," said Steve

And that's all how they met and became good friends and team, the journey continues......


"The baby mysterious dragon"

A dragon dashed through the wall which broke the wall completely. Itzu rushed to come and see that it was a baby dragon which broke the big wall.

" How could this drag break the wall? it should have been the wall which must have broken the dragon's bones"

"if it was a big dragon, the wall must have broken but this is a baby dragon"

"I forgot to give the starter dragon to Prudo" Thought Itsu

Prudo came running for his starter dragon

Prudo asked, " Itzu where is my started dragon"

"Is this my starter dragon?" 

"Uhhh yes"

"Okay What's its species"

"Guess what, I found it "


"It just dashed through the wall, actually broke the wall"

"Broke the wall?"


"that's weird"

"Guess I will call it pepper"
