
Ch.15: Marriage???

The room went deathly silent after Skye busted out with her proposal. One of the officers gagging on his own drink. Eliza still does not know what was going on. Akira putting a death grip on Jason.

"A word in private you little punk..." Akira pulled Jason outside the classroom. She then slam Jason against the wall, trying to think what to say.

"Akira, we did not planned ANY OF THIS. All that was on her..." Jason shyly replied still red.

"We, you not performing the Marriage with all this crap going on, regardless if yall did not plan any of this." Akira said standing back.

"I do not even know how to do it anyways....." Jason replied, Akira turning red at the thought.

"I'll send Eliza there in a second, you can go ahead. You know what to do." Akira sending Jason off before heading back into the classroom. She then send Eliza off. It was then that they got down to business. The officials opening the briefcase up and put the collar onto Skye, instantly culling her into her fevered state. She grimace as the effect took hold.

"Yall no fun earlier, tsk." Skye said.

"Have we ever been here for fun, Fallen Princess of Avalon? Now for your much desired mission." one of the officers said as the other one pulled a dress out from the bottom of the briefcase.

"Basically fill in as the newlywed princess to Saudi Arabian's royal court till the official replacement be found. Should take two weeks max." the other officer finished.

"Shit, you actually look beautiful in that dress if yall Marriage be an actual marriage Skye." Akira snickered.

"Akira beat it would you!" Skye threw her shoe at Akira, only to missed.

"Oh and no killing your honeymoon partner Fallen Princess." One of the officers said before putting a bag over Skye's head and handcuffing her for transport.


Jason was waiting by the entrance to the stadium when Eliza came. He had a metallic mask on. In one swift movement, he pinned Eliza onto the ground. Both of them at a standstill. Jason finally removing his mask.

"So going to kill me off before yall wedding?" Eliza question as Jason looked away.

"There's no wedding, will not be as I do not even know how to do a dragonic marriage between contractor and contractee. This be quick as this has to be kept under wraps....." Jason grimace.

"Wo wo wo!" Eliza halted Jason before could do anything. "So you two freakin loves birds have not even put a freakin ring on it yet?!" Eliza yelped.

"Uhhhhh dragonic marriage is totally different. Do not know bout Skye but for other dragons...kinda like a deepened bond and able to armor and/or weapon equip the rider known as a Dragon Arch..." Jason beginning to turn red. That instant that Jason's grip weakened, Eliza swipe his leg over, causing him to lose balance. Eliza now on top of Jason.

"Then guessing this witch still have a chance." Eliza smiled before kissing Jason. Jason turned away afterwards.