
Keep Going Forth

Marco’s friends eventually find him sitting on the edge near a collapsed fountain not far from the hospital where Drugo is getting treated. Scias approaches him firstly, but Nina closes in faster. She remembers what Drugo stated about his past, so she picks out words carefully when speaking to him.

“Marco… there you are,” she said calmly. “Marco…” said Scias quietly, joined with Aily.

Marco raises his head and glares at his comrades, “Um… hey, guys. Sorry for the commotion I made back there.”

“Marco, um…” Nina tried to send out kind words to sooth him. But her thumping heart prevents her from doing so. Marco shows that aura of resentful, which makes anyone dare not to come near him. Aily silently watches the explorer from behind her sister. She feels scared to face him directly.