
Chapter 5 ~ Training!

(A/N Thank you guys so much for 200+ collections! <3)

Chapter Length: 1353



I wake up thinking about the other night 'Today I'm going to convince my parents to let me train.' With determination in my eyes I spring out of bed and get ready, I put on some clothes and go to the main living room where I am greeted with my parents. "Karika-kun, good morning" "Good mornin' son" My mother waved at me as well as my father. Due to my vocal cords not being developed quite yet, I went ahead and showed them with gestured, I wasn't sure what kind of writing Saiyan's used so I just went with gesturing hoping they would understand. I put my thumb up and pointed it at myself, and then rose my arms up and flexed them and did a pushup motion.

They were surprised at my ability to communicate at such a young age and thought I was a Super genius.

"Honey I think he wants to-" My father suddenly realizes what he was going to say so he quieted down. "You want to train?" My mother asked, I nodded my head in response and she sighed. It was inevitable she thought. "You can train with your father but in no way are you to go on a mission until I think you're prepared." She said with seriousness in her eyes. I nodded once again and gestured to my father that we should go now. He looked a bit annoyed since I'm guessing he woke up not long ago but seeing my cute puppy eyes he could not deny my request.

---- -----


Outside of the Saiyan's home in their backyard there were 2 Saiyan's, both their eyes locked onto each other. One was a tall burly man with short spiky hair, another was a young boy not even a toddler yet. The tall burly man looked cheerful and bored, while the other was serious and excited at the same time. Of course, the tall burly mans name was Brussel, and the young boys was Kukamo. (A/N Changed the MC name, instead of Karika its Kukamo. From now on MC is Kukamo.)

"Are you ready? Come at me." Said Brussel, not getting into a stance showing he's not afraid. Why would he be? It's his own son, his power level should be very low since he's a child. Kukamo nodded and got into a stance. "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist" He whispered. Right now, Kukamo was holding back as much as possible as to not kill his father, and so he can test his techniques out at full strength (while holding back).

Kukamo dashed towards Brussel surprising him at the speed Kukamo was able to achieve at just 1 years old. "Not bad" He smirked and dashed towards Kukamo at a fast pace too, the 2 clashed arms with each other and Kukamo was the first to attack. 'Fang Interpolation' Karuma took his hands and closed his fingers and by exaggerating his finger tips he sends his hands flying to Brussels body.

Kukamos movement was smooth, like water, Brussel obviously noted this thinking back that his son was a super super genius. Brussel got more serious and increased his power output, seeing the power behind his fingertips he didn't want to take any chances, even if his son was so young.

Brussel tried to counterattack by sending his fist flying at his sons arm. Kukamo, seeing this canceled his Fang Interpolation and sent his arm flying up, he used the momentum that sent his body up and used his left leg to kick Brussel in the gut.


Brussel let out all the air that was in his mouth. He knew his son was a monster and he couldn't hold back any more, Brussel powered up and went full on out against his son. He smiled "I'm very proud of you son, you are the might of our race, you will become the strongest, I believe it." He was very proud that his son at the age of 1 was able to make Brussel go all out against him. Not only was he surprised but Kukamos mother too who was watching from inside.

"Aaah!" Brussel launched his fist straight at supersonic speeds. Kukamo smirked 'Water Stream Encampment' Kukamo created a small barrier around himself where his fists would destroy anything that comes in contact with it. "Fuuu" Brussel came full speed at Kukamo and just before his punch was going to connect with Kukamos body, Kukamo smacked Brussels fist away and slashed his hands downward at Brussels head.


All the dust on the ground flew up and covered the entire backyard. "Kukamo, Brussel!" Okra screamed in horror thinking that her son was badly hurt, the dust soon cleared up and what stood was a giant crater instead of the backyard. In the crater was Okra's husband Brussel his head badly injured and her son was near him with his both his hands twisted.

"Kukamo!" His mother screamed, she came to Kukamo and hugged him. "Are you okay? We need to go to the doctor!" She was afraid she was going to lose her son. "D-don't forget about me Okra-chan". Brussel got out of the crater barely standing and rubbing his head. "Look what you did to our son!" Okra yelled, trying to lecture Brussel. Kukamo just looked at his mother and smiled, still unable to speak anything, tho he gestured that he was okay and this injury was nothing, to lessen his mothers worries he gestured about how much he liked to spar with his father.

[Quest #3 Completed: Convince your parents to let you train and spar | Rewards: 25 EXP, 45 System Points

Bonus: Win the spar against your father | Rewards: 50 EXP | 100 System Points

[Collect Rewards?]

'System, make it so it automatically collects rewards please and thank you.' Kukamo didn't want to manually click the [Collect Rewards?] button because it would get annoying in the future, the System listened and suddenly Kukamo felt a lot better and his hands healed in an instant. Okra and Brussel looked at Kukamo with a shocked expression, his hands just twisted back into place in less than a second, what kind of monster was their son? Kukamo also wondered what happened but he quickly figured out when the System told him. [Because I am the System of all systems I act like a proper system from video games, every time you level up, your health goes back to max, but just your health, so don't try to rely on this too much.]

Kukamo was shocked, his System was an actual System, he asked to how much of a degree his System could heal wounds too and the System replied with [As long as you're alive when you level up]. This means that Kakuma would be able to instantly heal even if he was missing all of his limbs but still alive. 'This was better than senzu beans' Kukamo thought.

Getting caught up in his thought, Brussel and Okra were still amazed by what they just saw. "Kukamo, a-are you alright?" His mother asked holding his now NON twisted hands. Kukamo nodded and got up. He went to his father and prayed with his hands and twisted his body down, it took a second for Brussel to realize his son was apologizing for beating him up.


After all settles down and night falls, me and my parents were currently playing some board games, my father had bandages on his head, but he was a bit embarrassed as he was not the man of the house anymore, I, his own son was able to beat him to this extent. So we all settled down for a board game to end the day.

[System Status:


Name: Kukamo

Race: Saiyan

Bloodlines: Legendary Saiyan

Level: 4

EXP: 27/60

Age: 1 years old

BP: 45,214

Ki: Regular

Skills: Ki Manipulation[A++], Ki Compression[A+], Magic Manipulation[B+], Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist[D+]

Items: Gravity Bracelet [Current Effect 18x]


System Points: 5,170]