
Chapter 31 San-Me Tribe

"ZZP!" Yuudai was gone from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber's dimension in a flash of light and appeared again at his house in Neo's dimension.

"Gahh!" Yuudai moaned as he clutched his head in pain. Information continually flowed into his brain about Ppo's art of time but he couldn't comprehend it. After about 10 minutes the pain had dissipated and Yuudai slowly got up.

"Man that Ppo guy sure knew a lot." Yuudai sighed wearily as he walked towards the door. As Yuudai walked out of the house he was in deep thought. 'A God of Balance, Gods of Time and a calamity. This is too far off original dragon ball. Then again Goku was a battle hungry dingus so this wouldn't have really mattered to him.' Yuudai thought as he walked towards the statue in the centre.

"It's time." Yuudai muttered as he touched the statue and was gone in a flash of light.

"Fate is a funny thing. It is like a formless wave out of reach of all but living beings always find a way to control it. Now go and help this dying tribe fend off their invaders." The voice which Yuudai had now heard many a time commanded.

After the voice had finished Yuudai looked around himself. The vicinity around him was a barren desert with raging winds. 'Well I better find this dying tribe.' Yuudai thought as he searched the ki signatures on the planet by using instant transmission.

'There you are.' Yuudai thought as he vanished and reappeared in a small run down village. It's inhabitants were just like humans except with one extra feature. A third eye. "Please dont take more from us we have nothing else." One of the tribesman said hurriedly while bowing down.

The other tribesmen did the same but Yuudai just waved his hand and said "It's fine. I haven't come to take anything on the contrary I came to help you with your invaders problem."

Hearing this the tribesmen looked up at Yuudai with hope. "Really?" One of them asked. "Indeed." Yuudai replied with as he continued "Anyway take me to your leader." But before anyone could take him there a man walked towards him.

He was bald with a long grey beard and wearing sandy yellow robes. "I am the leader of the tribe young traveler, please come with me now." The village head said as he looked Yuudai in the eye and then turned around.

Seeing this Yuudai just shrugged and followed him. Soon Yuudai was taken to a nicer looking small hut. As they went inside there were 2 chairs.

"Please sit." The leader said as he sat down on a chair. "Okay." Yuudai nodded as he also sat down. "So you've really come to save the tribe?" The leader asked. "Yes I have now could you explain the situation?" Yuudai asked in return.

"Thank Faith!" The leader said as he continued with a serious look "My tribe was once a prosperous tribe till 100 years ago when we were raided by a short green species. We didn't think much of it at first and just killed them when they attacked but they began to grow smarter and stronger and soon we were overwhelmed as they kidnapped our tribesmen and stole our food. But the worst didn't come till a year ago when they released fumes which turned the grass and the forests to ash. We haven't seen them since but we're still scared that they might be waiting for us in ambush. Apart from that with our low food reserves we've begun to starve."

Hearing this Yuudai went into deep thought. 'There were no other ki signatures of comparable levels when I checked with instant transmission so I will probably have to wait for these invaders to arrive. But before that I can help them with there food problem.' Yuudai thought as he looked at the leader.

"Well I think they might have died as I cant sense their presence anywhere on this planet, but I can help you with your food shortage." Yuudai said as he got up. "Really that would be a great help." The leader said as he got up along with Yuudai.

Yuudai soon started walking to the outskirts of the village as he asked "So what's your tribe's name?" "Ahh we're the San-Me tribe and I am, as you know, the tribal leader Airida. It's the bestowed name to every leader of our tribe." Airida said as the reached the gate of village.

"I guess I can do this right?" Yuudai mumbled as he crouched down and put his right palm onto the ground. 'So if I inject ki into the ground it should regain it's vitality, right?' Yuudai thought as he began to pump the ground with ki.

"PUUUU!" The air pressurized as Yuudai released his ki. "What da f*ck!?" Yuudai said surprisedly as he realized that his ki was far greater than it was prior. 'Ahh this makes sense considering the extreme torture I went through to arrive at Ppo's statue.' Yuudai thought as Yuudai controlled his ki the best he could and injected it into the ground.

Soon the ground turned browner and soon grass began to grow. This all happened with a 1km radius of Yuudai as he helped the ground flourish.

The people of the San-Me tribe were scared stiff by Yuudai's power but now they were amazed at the current sight as the ground was being revitalized.


Yuudai's Current Power Level: 50mil.

Now if any of you dudes start tellin me the Yuudai cant beat Freeza I will slap you silly. If he cant beat Freeza with the hacks I've given him then he doesn't deserve to be the protagonist.

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. I doubled the size and I decided to give you Yuudai's PL if you were interested. Well as well I wanted to have Tien's "clan" enter the fan fic so I made this. By the way so you all know it's HIGHLY likely that Yuudai wont finish the trials by the Saiyan saga and probably after this trial I'll have a time skip so those who are waiting for the Yuudai inserted into dbz you'll get it soon.

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts