
"Windows and Soap!?"

I just shrugged and got ready to take a shower. As I got my clothes and towel I started to notice there was no shampoo or conditioner. "UGH!" I yelled in disappointment. I stormed out of my room and went to the front desk. "First no windows!? And now there's no soap!?" I shouted at the lady. She added, "I'll order some now ma'am!" I walked back to my room and told the guards to knock when my soap was here. I ended up getting soap around one in the morning. So I took a shower and went to sleep around two. I woke up at two in the afternoon and was late for practice. I quickly brushed my hair and got dressed. I only put on mascara that morning and went to practice with three pimples on my face. Mayo questioned me so I told what happened last night and she understood. So she sent me to the bathroom with her expensive eyeshadow pallet she always keeps in her sea mobile. I put on a cute brown look and some lip gloss I kept in my little bag I carry. I hate purses. They say princesses are cute, sassy, and carry pink purses around with a little gown. Nope. Not me. I'm a tomboy. I wear boxing shorts and a crop top. I also wear a expensive pair of black Aseadas I wear every day.