
Dragon Saga

Alex and Ethan spend their days either arguing with each other or running around the town to escape the trouble caused by the perverted friend Ethan. An unusual accident threw the two childhood friends in the world of martial artists as one of the strongest warrior race. Turns out the world they arrived at isn't that unfamiliar after all, as they had watched past, present and the future of the world all along as they grew. As the duo starts their adventure, changing the events as they please to keep surviving as they enjoy the new world of Dragon Ball. ** Disclaimer: Dragon Ball Z and all its characters are solely owned by the original franchise. I don't claim ownership of the given and just using the contents as a part of my fanfic story. Cover credits: evillilmonk.deviantart.com --- Please support me on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/dtroid

Dtroid · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Battle with Goku

In the next few months, the two Saiyans trained the way Krillin instructed them to and after every session of training, they had to meditate and go through special training that Master Roshi prepared to keep their mind calm in every situation.

As time passed, Alex and Ethan had already gotten used to their new body and the new environment.

At first, Alex trained much harder to match up to Ethan's increase in power then trained normally to get accustomed to his Saiyan body the same way Ethan did.

Krillin made them train the same way Master Roshi did when he and Goku joined as pupils but the difference in growth rate the two displayed left him amazed.

In these four months of training, Alex and Ethan became as strong as Krillin and were contending to surpass him.

At this moment, Krillin and Ethan were having a spar to test each other's skills and improvement levels. Even though the Saiyans haven't completely learned to control and sense Ki but Krillin was still having a hard time to keep up with Ethan's barrage of moves.

In their previous world, Alex had a great comprehension level to learn anything he took an interest in and Ethan had developed abnormal reflexes while protecting himself from fighters on the streets. So after gaining the Saiyan body they quickly adapted to fighting as a martial artist.

After ten minutes, both of them had to stop their spar to welcome Goku who unexpectedly paid a visit to check on them.

"Hi! You guys seem to be having fun, I can feel the difference since the last time I saw you."

"Wow Goku, which part of this spar looked like we were having fun to you?"

Krillin rolled his eyes to Goku's comment and sat by the beach to get some rest, as this was already the sixth duel Krillin was having.

After every six days of training, Master Roshi had told them to spar with Krillin for morning training on the seventh day and get rest after lunch.

"It's really messed up if you ask me. Training every day without any free time to pick up girls and even the caretaker is a weirdo who carries submachine guns."

"And here I thought you loved her guns. These days she spends the same amount of money Roshi spends on our food to buy bullets."

Alex replied sarcastically to Ethan's complains then looked towards Goku and continued,

"Goku are you able to grow back your tail?"

"My tail? When Kami removed it he said it won't grow back anymore."

Goku nonchalantly replied to Alex's question but Krillin as if recalling something horrifying looked towards Alex then at Ethan while beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

In this time while training the two had tried to control their great ape transformation but were surprised by the differences they found out compared to Goku's transformation which Krillin described.

The most distinct feature of their transformation was the size that was twice as large from Goku's great ape form. Other than the size differences the duo could keep their rationality in the great ape form by the first try but the influence of Saiyan instinct was amplified multiple times.

The great ape transformation was the most distinctive feature of a Saiyan which was lost in later stages of series but apparently, it was a natural phenomenon that Saiyans were born with.

So Alex decided to study this Saiyan trait completely before he makes any decisions to get rid of the tail as other Saiyans did.

Afterward, as they spoke Alex informed Goku about how Saiyan could transform into a great ape form under the full moon which can increase their power by ten times and can be controlled with enough training.

"So that monstrous form is a racial trait of Saiyans."

While the four were having their casual chat about Saiyan tails, Master Roshi came out from the house to join them with a few bullet marks on his forehead.

"Yeah, although it's bothersome trying to control at first but it can become one of the best options to fight against strong enemies."

After talking for a while Master Roshi suggested them to have a practice duel with Goku and let loose to test their growth.

Goku got excited about the duel and was ready to fight them on the island itself but Krillin advised them to fight in the desert to lower the amount of damage to the surroundings.

Alex and Ethan were also eager to test the results of the training they went through until now.

As Goku and the other two Saiyans moved towards the desert, Master Roshi and Krillin accompanied them as spectators.

Alex went first to confront Goku while Ethan waited on the sidelines.

On Krillin's signal to start the fight Alex made the move first jumping up and firing an energy ball towards Goku and the next moment his figure blurred and appeared behind Goku to land a punch.

Goku blocked the punch effortlessly while sending his own energy ball to defend against the energy attack. After the first exchange, Alex kept attacking with punches and kicks while probing Goku's true limits but everything was in vain as Goku kept defending while attempting simple counter-attacks from time to time.

As the duel progressed Alex got serious fighting with Goku intensely while raising a sandstorm.

Master Roshi and Krillin were surprised to see the real improvements that Alex displayed as he never took interest in any of his duels with Krillin.

After half an hour Alex couldn't keep up with Goku's strength but instead of giving up the duel he asked Ethan to fight together. Noticing the increasing pressure on him even Goku was enjoying the duel and fought with more vigor.

Far away from the desert above the skyscraping tower in a subspace, the guardian of the Earth was standing near the edge of semi-spherical structure observing the battle as he had already found out about the two Saiyans from talking with Goku through telepathy.

When he learned about the future threat Earth might have to face Kami's expression turned grave and wanted to make all the fighters of the Earth train on the Lookout to prepare for the fight but after Goku reassured him with all kinds of reasons he decided to believe in Goku.

At the moment even Kami was excited looking at the two powerhouses similar to Goku that had become natives on the planet and will be a great help in protecting the Earth from all sorts of dangers in the future.

"Mr. Popo after the two youngsters finish their duel and had enough rest please invite them to train at the Lookout."

"As you wish Kami."

After the short exchange between the Guardian and his caretaker both of them turned their attention towards the ongoing battle.

As time passed by, the three Saiyans panted in exhaustion as injuries started to pile up but their attacks got more and more intense.

Goku thinking of testing his and his opponent's limits with one final attack started to prepare his signature move but before he could even condense the energy the two Saiyans fell to the ground passing out on the spot.

"Krillin have them take a Senzu. These two are reckless the same way as Goku when it comes to testing the limits of their power."

Master Roshi passed two Senzu to Krillin for Alex and Ethan while moving towards Goku who sat as he panted looking at the two passed out Saiyans.

"No Master Roshi they are different from me. The two don't even notice when they are tired and kept fighting until they pass out from exhaustion.

One is excessively perceptive to analyze whatever move I throw at him while the other has incredible reflexes which he uses to adapt and confront different situations."

"You're right, Alex thinks about every possible outcome before taking any steps. So it might be that they trust us enough to go all out with their abilities while passing out after the battle."

After having Senzu both of the Saiyans kept lying down looking at the sky in deep thought as if absorbing all the experience from the duel they just had. While Goku decided to eat Senzu only if it was necessary for him to do so and let his natural recovery do the work.

Still trying to perfect the way I write battle scenes. So if you guys have any suggestions do share them with me.

Anyways, this chap was just a filler but because of the battle scene, it took me a lot of time to make corrections time and again to for my satisfaction with the quality.

So throw me some Power Stones so all the inspirations bleed out of me while writing. Do comment and review to let me know of your views.

Finally, try and support me on Patr-eon for the extra encouragement. (link in the description)

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