
Chapter 159:- Death of 1.5 million people

After sunset, Aditya and Alicia left the White Lotus guild. Aditya has learned many things about the White Lotus guild from Sylvie.

The white Lotus guild originally was founded by Alicia. But to prevent anyone from suspecting that the Ethereal Empire is trying to form a intelligent network, Alicia made Sylvie the guild leader. Other Empires wouldn't have let the White Lotus guild operate in their Empires if they knew that the princess of the Ethereal Empire is running the White Lotus guild. Only a few people knew that it was the Goddess of wealth who run the White Lotus guild.

The purpose of the guild was not just to make money. The real purpose of the guild was to collect information. Through the White Lotus guild, the Ethereal empire was keeping an eye on every major powerful Kingdoms and Empires. It was a necessary step.