
Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO

In the year 2173, the world's first Full-World Virtual MMORPG game 'Astral Online' changed the face of the blue planet Asteria. With its revolutionary Digital Capture System, players could scan themselves into the game with up to 20% beautification, and millions flocked to play it. The game's popularity skyrocketed with the introduction of the Real Money Trading (RMT) system, and professional players formed guilds and factions to increase their profits. But this prosperity was short-lived, as players began to fuse with their avatars, gaining powerful abilities in the real world that tipped the balance of power and caused chaos. Two years later, demons and monsters from inside the game invaded the real world, decimating over 90% of humanity. The remaining survivors were left hiding in fear, unable to fight back against the invaders. Zell was an average player who spent most of his life working overtime to make ends meet; although he inherited a wonderful house thanks to his parents, most of his wages went to the property tax and food bill. He found solace in collecting beasts in the game and evolving them into humanoids, primarily females. When the end came, he was powerless and alone, with only his pets and Rika, his cherished Flame Rabbit, as his companions. In a final act of bravery, Zell saves the life of a strange girl with white wings, sacrificing himself. But instead of dying, he awoke in an empty white room with a single computer and a game-like screen that allowed him to edit his IRL avatar and persona. Zell's second chance at life came with a mission: survive. But who gave him this second chance, and for what reason? Could he meet Rika again, or was she lost forever? As Zell navigates this dark new world, he must confront the harsh realities of survival, facing danger at every turn and making difficult choices to determine his fate.

Duke_Asmodeus · ファンタジー
298 Chs

Chapter 2: Recreating Myself [Part 1]

Say you died to protect someone and imagined you would awake inside heaven to rest.

Then you woke up in a strange white room with a single computer, tell me, would you touch the computer or wait?

Many would easily touch it, while others feel too scared and wait for some instruction.

Zell would have chosen the second option in the past before he experienced that hell and apocalypse.

Without thought, he sat on the white chair and soft cushion and opened the Windows 7-style browser.

The screen read

"Welcome, Zell Delacroix! Please answer the following survey with only your desires in mind!"

He believed this must be his chance.

That girl with wings, maybe she allowed him to be reborn?

It had been five years since humanity fell, and his idea of normal long changed from hugging pillows and waifus.

His pure white room lacked any windows or exits.

He noticed his face reflecting on the screen was himself from before the world ended, a 19-year-old Zell.

'I forgot I was quite handsome before scarring my face.'

On the computer's screen was one of those survey-type sites with a 3D image of himself, reminding him of Astral Online's character creation screen.

He filled out the survey because whoever brought him here was no longer around.

——| Edit Your Character |——

"Let me see. They filled in the name, Sex?" Zell browsed the options available. He noticed a new question would pop up whenever he answered.

"Male, Raven black hair… Very long. I am tired of brown. Getting that item was sheer luck." The rather handsome-looking boy said with a chuckle, scratching his short hair.

Once he pressed the enter key, his head felt extremely itchy as his brown hair fell in clumps. Zell panicked. He would hate to be bald more than impotent!

Moments later, a painful feeling throbbed in his scalp before his head flicked back; long, lustrous black hair grew to his waist, glossy and rich, smelling like strawberry milk.

Zell's face was still only in the upper middle level of looks; however, now his beautiful black hair down to his waist added several charm points. He was like a hair model, and it made his heart throb with excitement.


After this choice appeared, the hair question vanished. His mind became focused and ready to complete the questions.

Zell cracked his neck, opening the second question. It was the usual template. From the beginning, he had one colour in mind.

——| Choose Eye Colour |——

— Hazel

— Green

— Grey

— Brown

— Blue

— Red

— …

"Well, I am an avid fan of one colour. It was the only type not available when the game merged with reality. This is a must-have!"

With little thought, he chose red.

His favourite mixture of colours was always: black hair, red eyes, a handsome face and pointed ears.

He liked the feel of looking like an elven male with darker hair and vampire-like eye colour. 'Such a sweet combination of charm and badass!'

Zell went through the various choices; weight, height, build type, and skin colour.

He cleared them all quickly as if his mind had already created a clear image; however, unlike his hair, the body hadn't changed. 

"There are probably more body choices."

——| Face Type |——

— Ugly

— Plain

— Passerby

— Average

— Cute

— Sexy

— Rugged

— Handsome

— Male God

— Wuxia Villain (Pretty)

— Wuxia Hero (Handsome, masculine, sword eyebrows)

"These are some good choices. I love how it remembers my past personality and type." Zell spoke to himself; his voice sounded like someone had replied.

"I will go for Male God. Onto the next one!"

——| Race |——

— Human

— Dwarf

— Demihuman

— Demon

— Zombie

— Vampire

— Dragon

— …

— …

— Half Race / Custom Combination

Zell felt nothing strange.

When the world fused with Astral Online, many people suddenly changed races because they drank unknown items that changed their looks, sex or race. He wanted to choose a mixed race because they were best suited to solo play and could learn a sub job.

The only downside was their total bonus stats were two lower.

Zell was hoping to live long, and humans were not attractive, since his affection for humans long passed in the end times. He could not forget their evil nature and illegal schemes in the early days of the fall.

Slowly, he took the time to choose.

It displayed each race with a mini 3D picture of him.

"I will take the Crimson dragon as my secondary race. There is a pet that requires me to be related to the red dragon race."

— Crimson dragons are an offshoot of the red dragon.

They specialise in magic, with lower physical power. This race allowed him to cast up to the max tier of spells, even as a hybrid class.

"Well, my major race… A human would be a little too boring since the races I choose are humanoid. Can't I role-play a human, anyway? To be a fantasy race playing a human is ironic. Haha!"

After four years in the apocalypse, Zell found his sense of humour even worse.

A thought passed through his mind as he browsed through the races quickly like a bolt of lightning, faster than if your mother knocks on your door when mid-fapping session.

"It's there! Let me see… Proficient in melee combat, body built to be superior because of the race's nature. Perfect! Let's go with this!"

— Incubus (Zelgan Breed), an offshoot of the Incubus/Succubus race.

They lose most of the magical charm, but In return, they hone their bodies with half of their mana, increasing all combat attributes by a certain amount.

(50% for pure, 40% for hybrid)

The race's natural boost to manhood size was not the reason.


Moments after he read this, he came to the next screen.

——| Manhood Quality |——

— Monster girl's delight

— Centaur slayer

— Minigirl connesuier

— Average Joe

— Hung

— Versatile (Grows to the perfect size of your woman's insides.)

— Micro

— None

"We can remove the bottom two. Versatile means all sizes, right? Not all women like massive ones, but they also don't want tiny ones. A healthy balance over 23cm and some extra firepower if needed!"

— Versatile chosen!

Zell instantly fell back into his chair, a burning pain filling his body before static noise and throbbing pains filled his head; a moment later, his bones, muscles and skin began to tingle and spasm while his penis felt like someone attached it to a car, then drove away.


He felt his world shatter, a pain far beyond that of demons who destroyed his entire right arm in the past; Zell floundered like a fish trapped on a beach, drooling and foaming from the mouth.

He gasped, begged, and tried to hope for mercy.

But nobody was there.

As his body underwent earth-shattering changes.