
The Unexpected Selection

編集者: Atlas Studios

They were already selected as pilots. After the theory courses, they should have been assigned to various types of aircraft for learning according to their evaluations. Unexpectedly, the Air Force came to select people before the end of theory courses. The people to be selected were almost guaranteed to have bright and splendid futures.

Chen Haiqing and a student next to him silently exchanged glances. They seemed to have received some news beforehand and appeared calm. It was unusual for anyone to hear anything from the military in advance.

"Wang Jun, Fan Dazhi, Chen Haiqing, Ye Xiaowei, Lei Dong, and Lin Mo. Those whose names I called, fall out!" The Air Force Major called out the names of six students and swept his gaze across these students standing in front of him.

This current batch of students had formed a very close-knit group after entering the school. Apart from the six students who were named, the other students had varying degrees of surprise written on their faces, and even the dean was surprised. It seemed like this list of names was classified as confidential, and not many people at the top of the school knew about it. Even the dean had just found out.

Chen Haiqing stepped out quietly. The student who exchanged glances with him just now also stood out. The rest also stepped out one after another. Those that were called were agitated, but they suppressed their emotions and stood in a row!

Standing among the other students, Lin Mo frowned. There were many gaps in his knowledge of the world, so he did not have exceptional grades. He was unsure why he was called out, but judging from the reactions of most of the students, it seemed this recruitment was unusual. After hearing his name, he stepped out and joined the rest.

Having spent some time together, the students knew each other pretty well. Among the six selected students, Chen Haiqing ranked first in theory, Wang Jun had the best memory, Ye Xiaowei had a strong sense of direction, Fan Dazhi had the sharpest vision, Lei Dong's response time was very fast, and Lin Mo's physical fitness was far superior to ordinary people. They all had their own strengths, and there was no overlap. Although the pilot students selected were of a certain caliber, no one could figure out what the selection criteria exactly were.

These people, with their talents alone, were able to form an elite bomber unit. Commanding, navigating, piloting, target locking, throwing, and counterattacking were all complete.

"Report!" Finally, a student could not take it and shouted. "Major Yang, I am guessing that the recruitment this time is classified and won't ask where these six students will be heading or what they will be doing. However, I want to ask why they were selected and based on what criteria."

These students were selected across the nation among the new university graduates and had exceptional physical and psychological qualities. They were very proud, and they were, of course, dissatisfied that they were eliminated. This student could not hold back and asked what the others were thinking.

"The people I called out included someone who has flown a Boeing 737 before!" Major Yang's eyes and expression did not fluctuate as he calmly threw out this powerful bomb and looked at the questioning student. "Do you have any other questions?"

Hiss! He had a bit of acid reflux, causing his voice to choke.

Who was the exceptional one? These students were all selected carefully from new graduates across various universities and had just begun the most basic theory courses. Who knew when they would be able to fly a real plane up into the blue sky, but someone had actually already flown a Boeing 737 before. This was mind-blowing.

The others could have possibly operated a UFO before then. But even if not, hearing what Major Yang said meant that the selection criteria were stringent and irrefutable.

Almost all the students seemed to be struck by lightning, and their brains were reverberating with what Major Yang said.

Chen Haiqing and the others were also flabbergasted. They looked at one another, attempting to find out who among the six of them was the expert who had jumped the gun and flown a civilian airliner. It perplexed them. After flying a civilian airliner before, what are you doing here?!

Low-key, remain low-key. Lin Mo followed suit and looked around, pretending to try to find that expert who had flown a Boeing, knowing that this matter must have been dealt with and kept confidential. Even if it made the news, they would have blocked all the information about him. Otherwise, it would have long spread across the internet. The recruitment this time was both sudden and highly confidential. Since they selected him, then his experience piloting an airliner must have played a certain role in the decision.

To pilots, every hour of flight experience was valuable experience. Especially for the experienced pilots, their rankings were calculated by the hour.

Major Yang's eyes and expression remained calm, and there was no trace of suspiciousness that revealed the true identity of the person he mentioned. He had also stopped in time. It seemed like what he just said was to appease the students who had not been selected.

The dean was still reeling from the shock. Good heavens. Having Chen Haiqing emerge as a leader that won the support of the others was not all. There was someone even more capable. This batch of students was truly incomparable to the previous ones and had more hidden talents. Even someone that had flown an airplane had enrolled here. No wonder the military came to ask for them directly.

"The selected students, please pack your belongings and assemble here in an hour to set off. Dismissed!" Major Yang's expression was still cool, and he spoke few words, unwilling to divulge more.

Major Yang, who was here to escort the six students, did not even tell them where they were going or what the purpose was. After an hour, he only loaded them onto a military van and drove for around six hours before turning into a small airport.

Night had fallen, shrouding everything on the ground in the darkness, and there was only light from the stars. The S-70 Black Hawk helicopter purchased by the Chinese military from the United States cut through the night sky during the long flight as it flashed its signal. This somewhat old green military transport helicopter engine roared with a deafening noise that turned into a sleepy lullaby. After boarding the helicopter, Major Yang remained reticent, like an old monk entering a meditative state, and observed everything.

The six students brought their luggage onto the helicopter and, as if by prior agreement, remained silent like Major Yang. They needed to have exceptional psychological qualities to become pilots, and anyone impatient and irritable could not have passed the psychological tests. In front of Major Yang, who was like a monk entering meditation, the six of them managed to hold up as well.

"The boss who has flown a 737 before can reveal himself now!" Lei Dong, who was always lively, was unable to stand this kind of silence. He rolled his eyes around for a while and then broke the sleepy atmosphere in the cabin, no longer able to suppress his curiosity from the moment they left the school.

Leaning against the vibrating cabin wall, Major Yang, who was securely fastened with a seatbelt, blinked as though he had not heard anything.

"…" Surprisingly, no one in the cabin answered. Lin Mo was leaning against the cabin wall with his head slanted and snoring lightly. Even he did not expect he could sleep so soundly while flying. In the past, he had only been in the sky for combat and had to guard against his mount giving him trouble.

Chen Haiqing was also very curious. His outside information sources only informed him about this order suddenly being passed down one day in advance. Since many things were related to military secrets, there was no way to inquire about everything. He quietly looked at the others while resting, seemingly looking for some clues, inwardly thinking that this guy had concealed himself deep enough.

"What the hell! It can't be some confidentiality regulation again!" Lei Dong muttered to himself. Air Force recruitments were highly confidential. "Where exactly are we going?!" Lei Dong was like a deflated ball, and his mumbling was lost in the helicopter's roaring propellers. The sound insulation of this helicopter was not satisfactory.

The quiet Major Yang finally raised his head, looked at his wristwatch, and said, "We'll arrive in half an hour. Remember to bring all your things!"

It was pitch dark outside. They seemed to have left the densely populated areas. The entire aircraft's fate was in the hands of the pilot.

The six students were both curious and nervous. After sitting quietly for half an hour, they felt the helicopter start to descend. Before long, they landed turbulently, and the cabin doors slid open.

"Where is this?" Lin Mo woke up the moment the helicopter was on the ground. He felt that the air forces of this world seemed to keep their strength highly confidential, not any less than the Sland Empire's Dragon Knight Legion he was once in. The camps were mostly in secluded and unknown locations.

Lin Mo had always hidden very deeply. If the people of this world discovered that he had come from another world, he would likely lose his freedom and be treated like the unwelcome guests who occasionally entered his original world. Without exception, they were all hunted down for imprisonment or killed at any cost to let the scholars research them. Therefore, Lin Mo did not dare to expose his peculiarities.

Major Yang did not disembark with Lin Mo and the rest. He held the cabin door and said loudly to these six students, who were holding their luggage, "Okay, this is a special training base of the Air Force. Here, you will undergo further learning and training. Don't think that you can reach instant success after coming here. If you fail the assessments, you will still be eliminated and have to return to where you came from. Someone here will receive you."

Afterward, he gave them a military salute and then shouted to the helicopter pilot, "Mission accomplished. Let's go!"

The S-70 Black Hawk helicopter modified by the Chinese military stirred up strong winds and took off.

Lin Mo and the rest watched the Black Hawk helicopter disappear into the night sky and did not regain their senses for some time. It was now three o'clock in the morning, and they were left in this dark place just like that.

A cold wind blew through, and everyone could not help shivering.