
Cuckolding the Wife

"Honorable guest, here's the manual that you bid for. Please take care and I hope to see you again." Seductively said Huo Fenghuang.

With a red face Long Lao Er accepted the manual and stored it in one of the spatial rings he had previously stolen. When suddenly a big event happened.




A young woman who had been serving Long Qingyu back in the auction house was being harassed by Long Qingyu the moment she went out of the auction house.

"Come with me beauty, let this venerable young master show you a good time." Said Long Qingyu to a young lady.

"I don't want to, besides I am already married." Replied the lady.

Not caring about her response, Long Qingyu who was at the Eight level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm knocked out the woman who was only at the Ninth level of the Qi Condensation Realm. But before they could go away a young man appeared.

"Don't you dare to put your ugly hands on my wife!!"

Said the young husband when he saw how his wife was being kidnapped by Long Qingyu. Seeing that the man had a low cultivation base at the First level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm, Long Qingyu laughed and realised his killing intent towards the young husband, paralyzing him.

"Don't worry, I'll try not breaking her too much. Although who knows but must likely when I'm done with her you won't be able to satisfy her anymore, haha!!" Wantonly said Long Qingyu while laughing.




Sometime later after the auction event, Long Lao Er was counting his spirit stones that he had received from Huo Fenghuang when suddenly the young husband entered the auction house, begging to see the auction house master, Huo Fenghuang.

"Master Fenghuang, please help me!!" Implored the young husband. Seeing the badly beaten husband, Huo Fenghuang asked.

"What happened?"

"My wife has been kidnapped by this brat called Qingyu." Answered the sobbing husband, but upon knowing who the responsible party was Huo Fenghuang decided to not intervene as it wasn't in her best interests to make herself enemies with one of the 4 big powers, the Evil Dragon Sect.

The young husband didn't let despair overwhelmed him as he tried to recruit other cultivators to help him, but who would help this poor man who had nothing to offer and who was not only asking him to battle a small army of Core Formation Realm cultivators but also to fight an enormous power.

Then a person accepted. It was the cultivator that had previously bought the array compass at the auction house. A not very tall man with a thin frame and a mask, accepted the request.

"I appreciate your help young hero. May I know your name?" Asked the young husband.

"It's Long Huan." Said the man.

"Thank you very much. I appreciate benefactors help."

Seeing that Long Huan didn't have a big cultivation base, only being at the Seventh level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm, Long Lao Er told them.

"You're waisting your time brother Huan. This is a suicidal mission. Suppose that you somehow managed to rescue the woman from an army of Core Formation Realm cultivators, then what? Those guys have to simply come back to kidnap the woman again and kill her husband in retaliation, but not before trying to find to kill for revenge."

The young husband with a depressed expression, looked downwards wanting to cancel his request but contrary to his expectations; Long Huan answered.

"It doesn't matter, I'll help them escape or I'll make get so angry at me; that they will only have the option of going after me." Corageusly answered Long Huan.

Seeing that he was determined to help the young husband; Long Lao Er who didn't want to get involved was impressed by Long Huan and decided to help.

"Do you at least have a plan?" Asked Long Lao Er.

Seeing that Long Huan didn't have one and that he'll create it during the mission.

"In that case, I've one."

Long Lao Er told them as jedecided to join them in this rescue mission inspired by Long Huan's courage.