
Disaster 6

With Naruto

"What happened to my men!" The thug exclaimed.

"It's all because of you, bitch. How dare you stop me from taking what's mine!" He started yelling.

"Ok, ok, man. Calm down. We can talk this out-"

"Shut the fuck up. Lousy brat. How dare you interrupt my noble quest to revive my Guild!" He exclaimed again.

"You have a guild?" Naruto was interested now.

"Now that I have this, I can bring it back to its previous glory," the thug continued in a dreamy tone.

Naruto sensed the girl standing up beside him, looking at the sword in affection. Her gaze turned cold as soon as it reached the man and Naruto felt something change.

"Give back my sword!" She yelled, charging mindlessly towards the dreamy thug. The thug didn't notice as he was far submerged in whatever dreams he was in not even minding his missing men. Naruto had enough.

He caught the girl and decided to ask what was going on as this is going on around the sword.

"Wait. As he is in his dream, tell me what happened," said Naruto, catching her before she could disturb the thug.

"Who the hell are you?" She questioned in suspicion.

"I'm a mage from Fairy Tail," said Naruto, showing his Guild mark and she seemed to relax a bit and mulled over for a minute.

"Thank you," she whispered, but Naruto heard it.

"For what?"

"For saving me from that attack. My name is Kagura," she introduced and Naruto nodded.


"Tell me, what happened?"

"When I-"

"It's time to celebrate, men!" The thug called and started to look around. A piece of ice struck him in the face, pulling him out of his delusions.

"Huh? What?" He looked around and after realising that it was his dream, he turned to see the bitch and the brat who was stopping him and decided to attack.

"Crescent Slash," he said, slashing with the sheathed sword, making a crescent moon shape and sending it to the talking duo.

'Hiraishin,' thought Naruto, teleporting to a tree he marked when he sent a clone with Sirius and Gray.

Kagura felt disoriented because of the sudden teleportation and wanted to spill her guts out.

"Sorry," apologised Naruto while rubbing her back, sending a bit of healing chakra. She glared at him but didn't stop him.

"You escaped? I must admit, it is fun to swing around," said the thug with a cackle.

"Oh, how rude of me. My name is Marsh. Marsh Mello, Guild Master of Cliff Crystal," Introduced the thug turned Guild Master.

Naruto was surprised by this. He couldn't believe the man in front of him to be a Guild Master and going by the name of it, it would be some kind of Treasure Hunter Guild.

"Ok. So you want that sword, I understand. But it is dangerous. You can see that, right?" Asked Naruto in a placating manner.

"Heh, are you kidding me, brat? You are severely underestimating this baby's powers," said the man and swinging it on a whim.

The swing released a large shockwave, destroying the forest in front of them in an instant. Naruto's eyes widened at this.

'What! How the hell does that thing able to destroy the forest like that?' He yelled in his mind.

Though he did more destructive feats than what the sword did, its raw power is to be noted as he knew the swing was a half-hearted one.

"Ok, it's dangerous. I admit. What do you want to do with it?" Naruto asked, turning serious.

"I'm going to sell to the highest bidder," replied Marsh as if it were the obvious answer.

"What if this bidder was a member of a Dark Guild or a mass murderer, a wanted criminal?"

"So what? I don't care. I want money to repair my guild and its reputation." Marsh said callously and that ticked Naruto off.

"What do you do with it?" He asked Kagura who was glaring at the man for swinging the sword senselessly.

"It's mine and I'm going to use it to kill the person who separated me from my brother and parents," she said resolutely and Naruto can see the burning desire and determination in her eyes and nodded.

"Then we have a problem, Marsh. I can't allow you to take that sword. Hand it over, now," he commanded, the aura around him changing.

Kagura felt the drastic change and the difference was evident. The ground around the blonde cracked at the pressure he was exuding and Marsh looked at him in interest.

"Hmm, I think not. What will you do?" Marsh asked cockily.

"As I said, you are going to face me to take that," said Naruto and Benihime appeared in his hand. Marsh smiled wickedly at this.

"Yes. This will be a good test. Let's see if you stand up to your talk," said Marsh and sent a test swing at Naruto.

With a mere thought, a Blood Mist Shield formed in front of him, protecting him and Kagura from the attack.

"Yes, yes," said Marsh and continued sending slash after slash at Naruto. All slashes were shielded and Naruto had enough and sent one of the light slash towards Marsh.

"Ooh, resistance?" Marsh said and lazily cutting the light slash and wanted to have more fun as the blonde's shield is not budging even a bit.

"Let's see how you do when I unsheath it!" Marsh exclaimed loudly and started to unwrap the clothing around the sword.

"Idiot, don't do it!" Kagura yelled, only to be ignored as a blinding flash filled the area.

And Cut

Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.

Tell me what you think in your comments or DM's. See you all in the next chapter.

Any suggestions are welcome.

See y'all in the next chapter.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.