
Bubble Gum Trouble 5

"You have a lot of guts tending to my patients like that, boy," Naruto heard someone say and turned to face them. He came face to face with a stern-looking woman.

She is a slim and tall elderly woman with pink hair, tied in a bun on the back of her head by two large pins with crescent moon-shaped edges, and with two bangs of hair left framing her face. She has reddish eyes, and a beauty mark located below her mouth, on the left side of her face.

Her attire consists of a dark green blouse with a tie around the collar, paired with a long matching skirt and simple shoes. Over this, she sports a crimson-coloured cape, with a wide collar decorated by massive Dragon horn-like decorations protruding outwards, and edges adorned by white, arch-like motifs.

"Sorry, granny-" Naruto dodged a broom attack from the woman.

"Seeing the seriousness, I had to act," Naruto said with a sheepish smile.

"I'll look at them and if I find something wrong, you are dead!" She said angrily and went into the infirmary to check Loke and Erza.

She checked Erza first and since her injuries are not that life-threatening and her treatment was easy as well as knowing the woman from past interactions, Porlyusica knew it would take more than what happened to beat Erza.

She then moved to the other patient. She didn't remember his face and assumed him to be a new member. His vitals are stable and the treatment given to him shocked her.

'What is this? This is no ordinary healing magic. It's thick and what a fierce aura. Why do I feel some familiarity with this?' She thought as she scanned Loke.

On closer observation, she can see more than 3 different magics in him. One felt abundant while the other 2 felt distant but very strong.

She noted to investigate this further and took a few samples of both of their blood to test for any abnormalities and left the infirmary.

"You have guts, kid. Well done. They are stable and need some rest, that's it." She said and everyone sighed in relief. This only made it awkward.

Naruto didn't mention or say he had healing capability or is a healer. Seeing their awkward stares, Naruto scratched his cheek awkwardly.

They discussed any possibilities of what happened and what Erza said before going unconscious was repeated in Naruto's mind.

"Naruto-" he heard Erza's low whisper and bolted into the infirmary immediately. He assured everyone and entered with an excuse to check them up.

"I'm here," he said, sitting on the seat beside Erza. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the concerned ceruleans with guilt.

"I'm sorry. They attacked us out of nowhere and Loke had to endure more than he could handle. They played dirty and singled him. I'm sorry I couldn't keep him safe, Naruto. I couldn't keep my promise," Erza cried in guilt.

"What are you talking about, woman? I was just reminded why I should be strong again. I was fooling around, not taking my training seriously. I guess this is long due.

Sorry, Naruto. I didn't do what was asked of me. I didn't do what I promised you. I promise I'll take my training seriously and become strong. Strong enough to protect my friends!" Loke proclaimed in a low but determined tone.

Naruto can feel the hurt and disappointment the proud Lion spirit is feeling and nodded with a smile. Erza turned to see a blurry Loke looking determinedly.

"Does that mean you have forgiven me?"

"I can't stay mad at such a beautiful woman, can I?" He said with a cough and Erza nodded in joy.

"Now tell me what you two are blabbering about," Naruto asked and Erza and Loke looked at each other.

Flashback Start

"They are doing good, Bubble," Gum said with a smile, nothing worse for wear. Even though he is fighting an S-class mage.

"Oh yes, I got such a good gentleman, he is taking everything I threw at him head-on. It's a pity that he can't handle them and he seems to learn a thing or two," Bubble said cheerfully.

"Let's start what we came for. I don't think she can wait long and she is starting to become an annoyance," Gum said, picking his nose and Bubble nodded.

"Bomb Kick," Gum said, appearing on Erza and kicking her, detonating his leg on impact. The explosion rocked the area, but it didn't affect Erza as intended.

"Wind God Armour," Erza spoke with a smirk. A gust of wind came to reveal Erza in new armour.

This armour takes the form of a tribal-type robe that covered her upper body in a waist coat-like garb. Her neckline is topped with fur along with a dark streak underneath that fur, with short hanging sleeves that end with a triangular pattern along the hem. A fur-lined sash sat beneath her bust, covering them and above that, a garb keeps tied up and the ends of the coat fanned out by the wearer's thighs. Her forearms are white bandages strapped around them from the wrist to below the elbow.

The lower portion of the armour consists of a pair of dark pants and light, shin-high boots where the tongue is flanked by the main body of the boot flaring out slightly. The armour is completed with a pair of wings that sit on either side of her head and with her hair tied into a low ponytail.