
Chapter 65 V.4 Start




It's been 1 year since we managed to defeat Cell, Buu, and 21, although I highly doubt I killed 21. I mean her ability to survive is extremely high, also her intelligence is on the same level as Bulma, and with both of those, I don't believe she is dead.

Nothing special has happened since then, Kakarot still decided to stay dead and not get wished back to life, so Krillin managed to wish 18 back to life. I still don't know how he did that but whatever not my problem, of course everyone wouldn't just allow 18 to still have the bomb inside of her, so Bulma took out the bomb, and since they wished back 18, Krillin managed to convince them to wish back 17 as well, but everyone knows it's just to get 18 to feel more indebted to him, and they should've already wished 17 back to life.

Another thing I find hard to believe is that somehow even after everything was recorded, Mr. Satan was still the one to have defeated Cell, at least that's what the public believes. Apparently, Before Kakarot and Cell fought, the camera broke, so the public only saw Mr. Satan fight Cell and that's it.

Now after the universe-saving battle that happened, everything mostly returned to canon. Goten was born a few months after the battle, Yamcha is still training which surprised me, Tien continued training like usual, and no one heard from him since. But the thing that still infuriated me was Gohans behavior, ever since that battle, Gohan hasn't trained once, I don't know what is going through his mind, but I'll make sure to change his thinking.

Welp with that, everything has been explained, the only thing that has changed is that Piccolo is still training seriously, which doesn't surprise me. Piccolo, Vegeta, and I are currently inside a gravity chamber training, which was created by Bulma and Nala together, but all three of us don't always train together, but every now and then we will.

We've been told that the gravity chamber can go up to 500x Earth's gravity, but when I tested Nala's runes as well with max gravity, I couldn't even move my body. Ever since then, I haven't even tried that, but since I'm training with Vegeta and Piccolo and they are significantly weaker than me, I'm wearing one of the weighted training clothes Nala has made for me.

Bulma-[All right you guys, lunch is done, so come and eat.]

Hearing Bulma through the speaker, I Immediately flash in front of the control console and deactivate the gravity chamber. Turning around, Piccolo and Vegeta are covered in sweat and currently gasping for air, and I'm only in a little bit better shape than they are.

Sage-"C'mon I'm hungry, besides we can train again later."

After saying that, I walked out of the gravity chamber and made my way around the building before arriving at my and Nala's temporary room. Walking inside, I go to the bathroom and quickly take a shower, 10 minutes later I'm walking down the hall and I finally arrive at the dining table.

Panchy-"Why hello there Sage, I've cooked a lot of food make sure to eat plenty."


Walking past the age-defying Mrs. Briefs, I sit down next to Nala, grabbing some food, I start eating and a little while later Vegeta arrives as well. After a few minutes of eating, Piccolo arrives but doesn't eat, he just goes to the back of the room and meditates like usual.

Sage-"So have you managed to master it yet, Vegeta?"

Vegeta-"Tsk, Yes I have. Now it's only a matter of time before I achieve ascended Super Saiyan."

Bulma-"So you managed finally managed to master your Super Saiyan? Since you have, why don't you actually act like a father and take care of trunks for once."

Coming from behind is Bulma while carrying the 1-year-old trunks in her arms, sitting down next to Vegeta she starts scolding his pathetic ability as a father.

Vegeta-"he is still too young for training women, I shall start training him when he reaches 4."

Bulma-"I'm not talking about training you idiot, I'm talking about taking care of him, or do you expect me to do all the work!?"

While those two were arguing amongst themselves, I heard a small cute voice coming from behind me.

Mia-"Dadda, up."

Turning around, I spot my beautiful daughter Mia, Picking her up with my tail I set her down on my lap, and she uses her tail and starts playing with mine while I eat.

Ohh, I probably forget to mention that Nala and I had a kid, I probably forget to mention it because I was training at the time, but yeah we have a cute kid, and her name is Mia.

A few months after we won the battle we decided that now would be a better time than any to have a child, it took only 3 months for Mia to be created or birthed. She currently has the body of a 3-year-old but she has only been alive for 6 months, luckily she isn't an Lssj or I don't know what would have happened.

She is indeed half-Ancient Saiyan and half-Naga, but she looks more like a Saiyan than a half-breed. Most of her body is covered in fur like me, she has a Saiyan tail, and her physique is practically the same as a Saiyan, the only difference she has from me is that her hair is long and pink, and her eyes are just like Nala's with a vertical pupil similar to a reptilian's eyes. Also, another thing that's different from me is that all her fur is pink, not black like mine, and the last thing about her physique is that her body is extremely flexible, it's almost like she has no bones at all.

Mia-"Momma, up."

Nala-"Yes dear, come and sit on momma's lap."

It seems Mia got bored of me and wanted to play with Nala, which is fine but ever since she was born Nala and I noticed she has a blunt and cold personality. Mia will say whatever she thinks whenever, and she rarely shows any emotion, even now the only emotion I've seen from her is curiosity, happiness, and indifference, but then again she has only been alive for half a year, so I'm sure she'll start showing more emotions as she develops mentally.

She also seems to have a great talent for magic and fighting so I planned to train her in a few years, and that means I will get to spend more time with Mia.

Sage-'Hmm, I will bring Mia with me when I go and teach that punk Gohan a lesson.'

While I was in my own world thinking about all the cool things me and Mia will do, Krillin, arrived with 17 and 18 right behind him. Bulma stopped arguing with Vegeta and introduced everyone to 18 and 17.

Bulma-"You finally made it Krillin, anyways I should introduce you guys to everyone. There is Nala, Piccolo, and Vegeta who you two have already met, over there is my mother, and the one sitting next to Nala is Sage."


Nala-"It's good to see you 18, and nice to meet you 17."

Panchy-"ohh, well aren't you a handsome young man."


Sage-"Hmph, if it isn't the robots, did you guys need your oil changed? Hahaha!"

yolo guys, hows everyone doing?

Thxs for any feedback :)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts