

A Saiyan destined for greatness finds himself in a Kai's world. There, he is protected from evil and is trained to harness his abilities to reach his full potential. However, it isn't an easy journey as he is limited by his mind and body. As he trains and gets stronger, he has still yet to find his purpose in life and hasn't given his life any meaning.

VOID_000 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Chapter 6: The Path to Divine Power (P2)

It had been a week since Ryū began his training to master divine ki. He devoted himself to meditation and physical training to enhance his body both physically and mentally. Under Yasuko's guidance, he learned to harmonize divine ki within his body.

After the week had passed, Yamoshi took Ryū back to the barren land to continue his combat training. As Ryū focused on controlling the ki in his body, Yasuko recognized an opportunity to further enhance his combat abilities with divine energy.

Yasuko: "Now that you've gained a grasp of divine energy, it's time to test your practical skills."

Yasuko began to attack Ryū with relentless strikes, but Ryū responded quickly, evading effectively as he faced Yasuko head-on without the hesitation that had held him back before.

During their spar, Ryū channelled his ki into every strike, steadily increasing his power with each attack, and responded more swiftly to all of Yasuko's moves.

It was clear that Ryū had made significant improvements, but there were still areas where he needed to grow.

Later on, he would continue to improve his combat skills day in and day out. Day after day he would train to become faster and stronger. But each day, he felt as if he had reached his limit, like there was nothing more that he could push for.

Yasuko: "What's wrong, giving up already?"

Ryū: "No, it just feels like there's nothing more for me to learn. It's like I've reached my limit."

Yasuko: "Do you remember what I told you about being strong?"

Ryū: "That it's not about hitting your opponent very hard, that it's about the way you use that power and outlasting your opponent both physically and mentally."

Yasuko: "Exactly. Sure, you've learned how to let your divine power flow through your body and strengthen your attacks in a fight, but you've only scratched the surface of what divine power is capable of. It can be used in many different ways, as it can drastically change the flow of the battle."

Ryū: "When will I get to learn all of that?

Yasuko: "In time young Saiyan. You mustn't rush your training. It will all come to you with time and patience."

Ryū decided to take a break and clear his mind. Even after listening to Yasuko's words, he still felt as if he was getting nowhere after all of the time that he had spent training. So he gave it a rest for a while and just enjoyed his time in the new world he was in.

He wandered through the fields captivated by the landscape and all of its features. And then it would hit him - what was his purpose? He knew that he was training to protect himself from any sort of danger that may come his way, but he thought to himself: (What happens after that, what else is out there for me to do? What will I do after I master divine power?)

Yasuko: "It seems someone is having another existential crisis. What do I always tell you that's important?"

Ryū: "Patience is key."

Yasuko: "You're young, very young. Don't rush to get the answer, you'll only be taking away the precious moments of your life when you could've learned something new."

Ryū: "Okay master."

Yasuko was worried that already at a young age, Ryū started to lose ambition. So he chose to delay his initial training and focus on a key aspect that would contribute to his growth as someone who could be ranked among deities one day - the virtue of patience.

Throughout the week, Yasuko had been planning the perfect exercise that would effectively benefit Ryū. Then it came to him.

Yasuko: "Come with me."

He instructed.

Ryū would follow him to an empty vineyard. Yasuko planted many special seeds into the ground.

Ryū: "My training is a gardening exercise?"

Yasuko: "Precisely. Normally seeds would need water and light to grow, but these seeds are different."

Ryū: "Different how?"

Yasuko: "Instead of using water and light, we'll be using your divine energy. By now you've learned how to let that energy flow throughout your body, you're going to have to let that energy flow out of your body and into the soil for the seeds to sprout, the same way a river waters the soil around it.

For this exercise, you're going to have to release the same amount of energy precisely each time."

Ryū: "And how long is that going to take?"

Yasuko: "I don't know, maybe a few months or a year or two."

Ryū: "But... but..."

Yasuko: "The sooner you get started the better. One more thing, you're going to have to do this every day... for twelve hours. If you disrupt the process in any way, you're going to have to start from scratch. So... good luck."

With that, Ryū began to channel his energy into the ground, day after day, week after week. However, during this time, he would accidentally use too much energy to try and speed up the process and too little energy so that he wouldn't run out of energy before the twelve hours was up. He would look into the ground, but only to see that the seeds had not sprouted.

After that, he finally decided to follow Yasuko's instructions and after a month, the seeds finally sprouted.

But this was only the beginning.



Ryū: Age(9)

Current Power lvl: 110 000

Current Form(s): Divine Base Form


Divine Ki Blast

Special Attacks:


Hey everyone, I hope you're enjoying the story. I'm new to writing, so my ideas might not be the best. I apologize for the inconsistent release of chapters, but I'll do my best to release new chapters regularly. If you have any ideas for my story, please comment and let me know.

VOID_000creators' thoughts