
The power of Super Saiyan Rose 2

With his newly obtained power, Black seemed unstoppable.

"Now it's time to pay the price of defying God," Black said as he looked at Goten.

He moved at a rapid speed towards Goten.

Appeared behind him and knocked him out of his ultimate rose form.


At the time Vault.

"That idiot. Now Black is almost unstoppable." Beerus said as he looked at the fight.

"Still the power of a Saiyan that is combined with a divine soul is terrifying. To think that someone who is not even in powerful as a super saiyan god would manage to become this strong just because of said power." Whis said.

But Black receiving such a massive boost in power only makes sense.

He fought Blue Evolution Vegeta, Kaioken times 50 Goku and Goten in his Ultimate Rose form.

Those are the opponents even Beerus would sweat against.

Zenkai already was a massively overpowered ability that helped Vegeta from getting defeated by Zarbon and Recoome to being able to fight against First Form Frieza.

When the limit of how strong it is removed becomes instantly terrifying.

"They have to do something very fast. Otherwise, if he keeps on becoming stronger even I will not be able to take him down." Beerus said.

Suddenly he saw Chronoa putting something on Goku and Vegeta's ears.


"Now the era where weak God's rule will finally be over," Black said as he used an air fist on Goten.

Goten tanked the attack before launching a Starbreaker at Black but Black simply waved away the attack.

"Tsk. Not only his raw power increased but his techniques and movements also seemed to improve by leaps and miles." Goten said as he looked at Black.

He dashed in towards Black and tried to use a martial arts mixup called meteor combination but Black simply negated his attack by just using one hand.

"Now so mighty now," Black said as he looked at Goten.

He then launched him flying away using an airwave from his hand.

He then launched an air slash using the ki blade on his other hand that sliced apart the reality. Creating a vacuum of space.

Luckily it fixes itself immediately before something dangerous happens.

Goten was able to dodge the attack.

He then delivered an uppercut to Black's face.

"Heh." Black laughs as he tanked Goten's attack head-on without even moving an inch.

Goten used Kaikai to back away from Black as he tried to look for an opening and a few seconds to catch his breath.


Then suddenly a huge power emerged. It is not as powerful as Black but it is still terrifying.

"Yosha." He said.

He was wearing an orange undershirt and a blue gi on top of it.

His hair colour is black. It is similar to that of Vegeta but with bangs just like Goku.

He was wearing an armband that had the capsule cooperation logo and a pair of Potara on his ears.

"Son Goku? No, Vegeta?" Black was confused.

"It's the Potara Fusion," Black said as he noticed the earring on the warrior.

"Bingo." he said as he joined the fight.

He kicked Black away.

Black does not seem to be hurt by his attack but it was still powerful enough to knock him away.

"Goten. Are you okay? Can you still fight?" He asked.

Goten nodded.

"I will manage," Goten replied.

He then detransformed back to his base form. And activated Ultimate form.

"Now. It's time for us to finish you once in for all. Black." the warrior said as he pointed his finger at Black.

"Now let me introduce myself. I am Vegito. A warrior created from Potara fusion." He said and he looked at Black.

"Vegito," Black said as he looked back at the emerged warrior.


"Are you Okay?" Future Trunks asked as he helped out Chronoa who had now reverted to her normal form.

Her body was full of injuries that were transferred from Goku and Vegeta.

Not only that she also gave them her remaining ki before they fused just so that Vegito would be stronger.

"Trunks. Can you carry me to that place?" She said as she pointed at a location.


Vegito transformed into Super Saiyan Blue as he stood near Goten.

The two then dashed towards Black.

In terms of raw power, Vegito was strong enough to fight against Black despite being weaker.

Black used sonic sway to dodge Vegito's assaults.

As he was about to stab Vegito with his ki blade Goten used a long-range version of Kaikai to teleport Vegito out of the way.

Vegito appeared above Black.

"Big Bang attack." He said as he used a Big Bang attack on Black launching him to the ground.

"It's worth less. Anything you do will only make me stronger." Black said.

But he was having problems.

His body has been healed so much to the point that the healing rate was starting to slow down.

He could still get another Zenaki boost if he was able to heal from another life-or-death situation.

But now he has become so strong that he probably would not be able to heal himself if he was almost beaten to death while being a Super Saiyan Rose 2.

He then flew towards Vegito.

Vegito used an air fist to hit Black in the chest.

Black dodged the attack but as he was about to land a hit on Vegito, Goten appeared near him and kicked him away.

Goten doesn't have enough power to knock away Black when he is directly facing him as he is only using his ultimate form.

But with Black off guard and solely focused on Vegito, it was more than enough.

"Take this, Spirit Bomb," Goten said as he gathered and launched a spirit bomb at Black immediately after that.

"Ha." Black used Kiai shockwave to destroy the Spirit Bomb.

Black was so much stronger than Goten and his spirit bomb was charged mainly using his remaining ki instead of the ki from his surroundings so the Spirit Bomb was destroyed.

But Goten's goal was not to end Black with that attack.

"No," Black said as he saw Vegito dashing towards him but now in a form called Evoken which is the combination of Goku and Vegeta's strongest form.

Blue Evolution and Kaioken.

"You two are starting to piss me off," Black said as he launched a punch at Vegito.

Their punches clashed but Vegito was blown away.

Not only that he was also knocked out of Evoken.

Black's power in his Super Saiyan 2 Rose was powerful enough to even overwhelm Vegito in his strongest state.

"Mare Mortals parading around as gods," Black said as he followed Vegito and threw numerous attacks at him.

Goten prepared to help Vegito but he was stopped by a voice that called him out.

"Goten. Catch." Chronoa said as she launched a Senzu bean that was on the ground at Goten while Black was focused on Vegito.

The fusion is called Ex-Vegito. It’s weaker than Normal Vegito but has a permanent fusion time. (From Dragon Ball Fusions)

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