
Dragon Ball: Saga Of The Strongest Human

When you die what do you expect to happen? Do you vanish into nothingness or be reincarnated? Let's say you do get reincarnated, but at the same time, you get nothing but being reborn. You have only your knowledge from your previous life and nothing else. Well, at least if everything went by the rules. Let's embark into another Saga where a human stands at the most forefront of power in the world of Dragon Ball. Note: This is basically an experimental novel of mine and is prone to mistakes etc. I appreciate harsh ratings and do not condemn them. I want to see where I could start to improve myself. Updates: Irregular. !!Disclaimer!! This Novel is a Non-Profit Fan-Fiction. DragonBall, DragonBall Z, DragonBall GT, DragonBall Super, DragonBall Xenoverse, DragonBall FighterZ, and Dragonball Heroes are owned by their respected owners and Akira Toriyama. Please support the official releases.

Soulcrystal · アニメ·コミックス
123 Chs

Meeting New People

Darc slowly rose into the air and closed his eyes. It became dark all around him and in his mind, his ki erupted horizontally just like a drop hitting the water and creating ripples. It traveled over great distances. While traveling it hit some weak and strong ki signatures here and there.

´Hmm, there are strong signatures at some places. Question is, where should I start? I don't seem to sense Guru yet.´, he thought.

Then he opened his eyes, looked to the right side and charged off into the distance.


A few kilometers away was a village and all the Namekian still didn't notice anything at all and continued their daily life.

Shortly after Darc came flying over and landed in front of the village. The Namekians naturally got instantly agitated after discovering him. It was an event where an alien came to their village. A danger yet not known to them.

The elderly brought the younger ones a little bit further back together, protecting them there and it didn't take long and some other Namekians that looked like warriors came out of the group and readied up to fight.

Darc saw how the Namekians reacted and smiled bitterly. Just as he thought. They live pretty secludedly here and wouldn't trust anyone that easily.

"Who are you! And what are you doing here!", said one of the warriors. And weirdly enough Darc could understand them. So there were no language barriers at all? Well, he still needs the Namekian tongue for Porunga.

Since they seemed about to attack him he didn't hesitate much and started talking. "Hello everyone! Sorry that I come here without any notice but could I talk with someone in charge here?", he said to them but they still remained vigilant.

So he sighed and used his newly gained tongue. He had to think for a moment what words he should use and especially how they were pronounced. He started talking afterward.

"Don't be so suspicious. I really am not here to harm anyone. Please believe me or why else would I know your language?", came out of his mouth in Namekian.

The warriors and the elderly immediately were shocked by an alien using their language.

They looked at each other and started nodding one after the other.

"You still haven't introduced yourself...", said the one Namekian that talked before.

Darc smiled. "My name is Darc. I am a Human from Earth.", he stated to them. "If you really don't trust me then I will just leave. But you would really help me out if you could tell me how I can get into contact with your grand elder. After all, he is the one that gives permission to use the Dragonballs, right?"

He gave them another shock. But the one this time was a little bit more complex since he knew about heir secret wish beads and their esteemed grand elder. They slowly thought that this person cant be normal to know so much.

But they still were skeptical and watched each other again and again and finally, some elderly person came forward and agreed to bring him to the grand elders home. The warrior Nail was also there. If anything happened Nail would make sure that the visitor will not do anything stupid.

Darc smiled and nodded. "Thanks, with who do I have the pleasure?", he asked the elderly Namekian.

The elderly looked at him and smiled at his question. "I am called Moori. I am the elder of this village."

Darc arched his brows up and scratched his head again. Then he nodded in acknowledgment. Looks like he met the main character without noticing. He gotta admit it was actually kinda hard to know since he never met them.

Then he glanced to the Namekian children and wondered if one of them is Dende. But he shouldn't be born yet so that was unlikely.

Moori noticed his glance and narrowed his eyes but Darc noticed that as well and added some words.

"So in Namekian culture, the old educate the young?", he asked Moori.

Moori was confused at first. He thought this person knew most things already. "Yes, it is a custom of ours. Like that we ensure that our traditions remain with the young so they continue it on. You don't do that?", he said and asked Darc.

"Some do it but mostly we do it a little different. Our knowledge is mostly written down in books and even that wasn't done all the time. We get educated at special places called schools by people that are made into mentors for teaching thousands of people. There are inconsistencies in learning in such a way. But we just basically compensated for our short lives. We only get to be around 100 years old after all.", he said and grinned to Moori.

Moori in return nodded. Namekians could become hundreds of years old so they took the time to educate their children. But they were fewer in numbers because of that.

"Alright, shall we go?", Darc asked.

"Yes, please follow me.", answered Moori and started flying up in a certain direction. Darc also did the same and followed suit.

The other Namekians looked how their elder and Darc flew away and wondered if everything will be alright.


A little bit later at the grand elders building.

A young Namekian stood tall in front of the building with beige pants and a blue top. Around his neck, he had a beige piece of clothing. This was Nail, the guardian of the grand elder and the strongest warrior from planet Namek.

Right now he looked upwards since two individuals were flying to this place and were descending down to him. He eyed them up and saw that one was actually a person not from his race. So he got pretty vigilant.

"Hello, brother.", said Moori after approaching Nail.

"What are you doing, Moori? You are bringing an alien to this place?", Nail retorted immediately. They may be siblings but Nail took his duty pretty seriously.

"I know what you want to say to me but hear me out. This child is called Darc. He is a Human from a planet called Earth and he knows about our grand elder as well as the existence of the Dragonballs...", tried Moori to explain.

"What!? That's even more of a reason to not lead him here!", Nail shouted this time.

Darc mixed into that discussion. "I just want to ask for permission to search and use the Dragonballs. Without them, I also won't be able to leave this planet for quite some time since I did come here with the Dragonballs from Earth. That means I don't have a spaceship.", he said and remained truthful in that matter. To lie wouldn't help his cause in any way. The grand elder would still want to read some of his memories.

"The Earth also has Dragonballs? Then why do you come here for ours?", Nail asked. He wasn't convinced. Normally someone would think that when one has their owns wish beads, why bother coming here for other wish beads.

Darc actually was surprised that he would ask something like that. "Well, our Dragonballs only fulfill one wish and they are pretty limited in that regard. I doubt the dragon could fulfill my desires and I also had to wait at least 3 years to make three wishes. Yours would be available three times in that time and make three times the amount of wishes. So, that's the reason."

´What do you expect, mate? That I tell you that I just plain and simply want three wishes instead of one? And it's not really that much of a lie.´, Darc thought secretly to himself after answering his doubt.

Nail and Moori both were surprised. Those Dragonballs he described really were much weaker than the ones they had. Still, Nail wanted to retort again but this time suddenly a voice was heard.

"Let the child come."

It was coming from the building behind Nail. Nail looked back and sighed. "Grand elder Guru wants to see you. You have permission to meet him. But do not think I will let you do anything stupid."

Darc nodded with a smile and all three people went inside the grand elders home.

Inside, it was kinda dark but his eyes adapted after a while. Nail lead them and went up to the second floor. After levitating up to the second floor as well. Darc could finally see him.

What made him open his mouth agape was the huge~ figure that sat on a throne. It was the grand elder Guru.

Darc knew he was big but this was something else. He looked like piccolo in his giant form. At least 5 Meters big if he had to guess.

Then Darc looked at Nail with a bitter smile. Nail actually told him not to do anything stupid? He would probably be squashed like a fly before that was even an option.

Nail noticed his predicament and actually smirked. He knew what he thought and it made Nail kinda relax a little.

"Welcome, child", said the grand elder "I am grand elder Guru. Please excuse my children. We do not get many guests."

Darc shook his head and made the fist and palm salute and bowed lightly. "Darc pays respect to the grand elder. I do not mind them. I understand why they would be so untrusting of me.", he said and relaxed his stance again, looking straight at the grand elder.