
Dragon Ball Revised

In an alternate timeline where Paragus reacts more passionately to Broly's execution, he and his friends band together and flee Planet Vegeta! What will this do to the timeline? How will the change in upbringing affect Broly? Find out in Dragon Ball Revised! https://www.patreon.com/EveryLittleHelps - Please consider tipping if you like the novel, I really appreciate it The Fanfiction is written so that even if you are not a fan of Dragon Ball you can still understand what is happening. DISCLAIMER: Broly isn't the main focus until chapter 40! Broly is the main character but there are 40 chapters worth of backstory! Broly however will still be doing Broly things! Also! There are many OC's! The main cast of the story will be made up of the main character in the anime and manga but more than a few OC supporting characters will be introduced! Bare with the wait! DISCLAIMER PART 2!!!: I am a Broly fan as much as the rest of you so I can assure you that Broly will be wiping the floor with the frost demons and stomping his enemies into the dirt, however! My Broly will not a cruel and heartless MC that kills his enemies excessively. Broly, by all means, seeks peace but rest assured there is no shortage of people for him to overcome. Announcement: This novel is not dropped but currently under reconstruction I didn't like the trajectory the story was following so changed it, if some of the plot around the 120-140 chapters seems jumpy, this is why.

LOLRIP · アニメ&漫画
151 Chs

Sudden Eruption (45)

Zes dashed backwards, making space between itself and Broly.

The left side of its surface began to freeze over, ice taking over it completely, the same shard-like ice armour appearing. Its right arm then combusted into flames, a bright blue fire engulfing it.

Broly couldn't stop anger from rising in his chest.

"You think those cheap tricks will work on me? Stop dreaming! Wake Up!" he yelled annoyed at the robot, he wanted to see techniques and martial arts, not gimmicks that failed once you figured them out.

Broly had capped at the Level 10 combat androids who only taught him how to fight with no wasted movements but he could sense there was something more.

Dr Console was taken aback by Broly's outburst, he heard about the Saiyan who managed to rank first in the Robotics placement test and how he was a nice and calm guy, an anomaly among Saiyans.

Yet the same person mocked him so openly.

Broly couldn't help himself, he felt scammed and deceived into thinking he would have a good fight with the Tsufurians. In his eyes, the strength of the Robot was simply too low to take seriously.

Zes stretched forward it's left arm and shot icicles at Broly.

Broly slapped the first icicle out of his face, the shockwave that followed knocking all the other icicles away.

Broly stared down at Zes, looking at it as if it was stupid for even thinking that would work.

Dr Console received Broly's stare, his brows furrowed and his teeth gnawed against each other.

'I see what Dr Barrel was talking about' he thought as a sinister idea grew in his mind.

Two different cannons appeared at Zes' waist, a rope-like length shot out from them, small rockets on the tips blasting past Broly to the edge of the stage. Broly watched the ropes move in slow motion, trying to guess what his opponent would do next.

Zes dashed towards Broly as the rope-like length wrapped around his body multiple times, restraining him.

'What is this made of?'

Broly with the strength he had limited himself to, couldn't break free of the restraints and wondered which material he was bound by.

He saw Zes was now in front of him and waited expectantly.

'He's just standing there? Tch! Who cares! I have you now Saiyan!'

Zes wrapped both its arms around Broly and squeezed, the ice from its left half crawling onto Broly whereas he pressed his burning right arm into Broly back, lifting him off the ground. The fire and ice harmonised, not repelling each other and worked together to damage Broly.

Dr Console let out the widest smile he had all day, there was no way Broly could break free from his grip and he effectively won the fight.

Dr Console wanted revenge, he wanted to return the stares and looks of idiocy Broly had given him but his rational side spoke, he knew that Saiyans grew when they got angry and he panicked thinking about what would he happen if he triggered Broly.

Dr Console stared at his unmute button, mulling over in his mind.

His demons and pettiness tempted him.

After a few moments of deliberation, he pressed the button.

"You piece of shit Saiyan! The ice is taking over your body and you will soon be immobilised! Fuck you and your bullshit race! Hahahhahahaha! You were idiotic enough to let me touch you so now you are doomed! You moronic monkey!" Dr Console let out his inner gamer and started trash-talking, thinking that his natural words would be better then the pre-programmed cursing Zes was capable of.

"You can't be serious," Broly whispered in a low voice.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I'm perfectly serious you ape! I can't wait to jump up and down on your helpless body! The same way I did to your father! You're lucky the medic droid came when they did otherwise I would have ground Mushro to meat paste!" Dr Controller yelled, his gamer-tongue continuing.

Broly snapped.

The anger he had been suppressing from the very start, spoke to him.

'Crush this arrogant fool! You can snap him in half with your eyes closed! Let loose! Give in to your anger! Break this idiot apart!'

"ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" Broly let out a horrible scream.

"You can whine all you want you bitch! Keep moaning for daddy!" Dr Controller continued, happy that he was finally able to break Broly.


Broly's ki regenerated at a ridiculous rate, the small portion in his body quickly and rapidly expanding to fill him up completely. Broly's body was forcefully pushed to the maximum and the ki stores on his body were way too slow to try and contain it, much of it radiating off his skin.


A thin wave of ki burst out from Broly snapping the restraints and sending Zes flying away, forcing Zes to whip out his wings.

'A thousand years! It's finally been a thousand years!' a thick deep voice called out from the depths of Broly's mind.

Broly gripped the side of his head and screamed, a horrible pain overcoming him.

'Huh? Why are you so nice? Are even a Saiyan at all? It doesn't matter! Submit your body MORTAL!' the voice continued.

'What's going on?'

Broly felt calm, he felt a strong relaxing power flow through him but he couldn't feel his body anymore. His smell, his hearing, his touch was suddenly removed from him, it was almost as if he forced back inside his own mind. But he could see very clearly what was happening.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Broly began to laugh maniacally, as darker, thicker green ki poured out of his body. Broly's ki as it was, was already incredibly destructive, only short of exploding on contact with air but now the combustibility went up a few folds. A nightmarish green aura surrounded Broly as his jet-black hair rose to the sky, his pupils shrunk becoming almost invisible as the veins on his faces tightened.

A wicked, devilish smile formed on Broly's face.

"You're finished!"

[Narrator: Broly's snapped! And the emergence of a monster has finally begun! Will Broly be able to claim his body back? Will the mysterious personality overpower Broly completely? Will the Author ever stick to a consistent upload time? Find out in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Revised!]

Sorry for the late upload

There was a bunch of things that needed tweaking for this chapter but anyway!

This is the one you've been waiting for!

Broly unleashed!

LOLRIPcreators' thoughts