
Dragon Ball RE

12 years after the events in Dragon Ball Z, we check in on the lives of gang. Kicking off with Pan at the Martial Arts Tournament.

Im_Jihi · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

A New Day, A New Resolve

As dawn broke over Satan City, the light crept into Gohan's house, illuminating Pan's room. Among the neatly organized shelves of trophies and books, a collection of plushies sat, one notably adorned with a red hat, atop which sat a faux Dragon Ball.

From the hallway, Videl's voice pierced the morning calm. "Pan, it's time for school!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up," Pan called back, her voice heavy with sleep. She lay still for a moment longer, her gaze fixed on the ceiling, lost in thought. To stand beside Grandpa Goku... I need to be stronger. But how? Her hand found a plushie, gripping it as if trying to squeeze the answer from it. Bulla's leap in strength... it makes no sense. All my training with Piccolo...

Her thoughts drifted to the advice she'd received from her father, Goten, and Trunks — none of it making her journey to strength any clearer. Just get angry? A tingly feeling in my back? There has to be more to it.

"Pan, you'll be late!" Videl's voice, more urgent this time, snapped Pan back to reality.

"I know, I know! I'd make it in a flash even if I had just a minute," Pan muttered, pushing herself out of bed. Her movements were automatic as she readied herself for school, her mind still wrestling with her challenges.

As she approached the door, Videl's keen eyes caught the shadow of defeat lingering over her. "Sweetie, are you okay? Still thinking about the tournament?"

Pan halted, the question slicing through her facade of indifference. "Sort of... I mean, Bulla can go Super Saiyan without even trying," she admitted, the words tasting bitter.

Videl knelt, pulling Pan into a gentle embrace. "Losing is part of the journey, Pan. It teaches us our limits," she soothed, her words soft but filled with an undeniable truth.

"But I want to be the strongest," Pan whispered.

"Martial arts is more about mastering yourself, not just overpowering others," Videl reminded her, echoing the wisdom of warriors past. "Remember, there will always be mountains yet to climb, challenges to overcome."

Pan's struggle was palpable, the weight of her aspirations clashing with the reality of her journey. Videl's words, meant to comfort, also painted the vastness of the path ahead. Stronger opponents, uncharted paths... How do I forge my own legacy?

Pan's voice trailed off, a mix of defeat and determination in her tone. "But it feels like everyone's moving forward without me," she admitted, her shoulders slumping.

Videl pondered for a moment, her eyes lighting up with an idea. "Hmm... I've got it! Why don't we see what Uncle Krillin has to say? He's been through all sorts of challenges and comes out stronger on the other side."

Pan's frustration gave way to curiosity, albeit with a healthy dose of skepticism. Uncle Krillin? Really? How's he gonna help me in a way Mr. Piccolo hasn't? she wondered silently, her mind racing with possibilities.

"Okay... Thanks, Mom," Pan conceded, not entirely convinced but willing to explore all avenues.

As Pan made her way to the door, Videl's voice followed her. "Take care, sweetie! I love you!"

"Love you too, Mama! Bye!" Pan called back, stepping into the sunlight with renewed purpose, despite her doubts. Guess I'm putting my trust in Mama's plan, she thought, a reluctant smile tugging at her lips.

Glancing at her watch, Pan's eyes widened. "Two minutes to class!" she gasped, breaking into a sprint. The city life of Satan City buzzed around her — the towering skyscrapers, the busy sidewalks, and the steady flow of traffic. It was just another day in the city, but for Pan, every moment was a step towards her goal.

In full sprint, Pan didn't hesitate. "Nimbus!" she shouted. As if on cue, the familiar golden cloud swooped down from the sky, its arrival marked by a soft whoosh. Pan jumped aboard with a practiced ease, leaving a crowd of stunned onlookers in her wake. None of that mattered to her; she was on a mission.

"Let's hit max speed, Nimbus!" Pan urged. With a joyful laugh, she and her cloud companion shot forward, racing toward school as fast as lightning. With the wind in her hair and the city blurring past, Pan couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement for what lay ahead.

I might not be the strongest right now, but I'll find my path. Just you wait, Grandpa, she thought, her spirit undeterred. The Nimbus carried her swiftly across the sky, a yellow streak against the blue, a symbol of her determination and the adventures yet to come.

Hope you enjoyed, the prologue is Finally over. Now let's start the real story! Leave a comment

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