

Few minutes later Ruco landed on Namek and flew to highest ki on the planet. When he was in front of Guru house strong namekian get out of the house. It was Nail. "Get out. Guru don't want guests.", "I need to unlock my potential","I said Guru don't want guests!" Nail was serious and didn't wanted to bother Guru. "Nail, let him in" Said elder and calm voice.It was Guru."Okay, Elder Guru." Then Nail entered the house Ruco was following him. There was hole what was leading to Guru. Ruco flew up there was Giant Namekian who was siting in the chair. "What you want child?" Asked Guru. "I want to you unlock my potential, and as a reward i can give you my protection of the Namek." Said Ruco with a terrifying smile and with desier of killing. Guru feeling the evil in him and at the same time fighting spirit said "Okay, come here." Ruco walked to his side and Guru putted hand on hos head. "Also if i feel that you reading my memories i will destroy this planet." Said Ruco. Few minutes later Guru said "I unlocked your potential." Ruco felt incredible power "Thank you" thanked Ruco. "Now i will protect your people and i will stay here" Said Ruco and created Katchin chair and sat in it. "Also kitty i wish to you create fruit of might it will be useful." After hearing this Guru asked "Wait does your kitty can grant wishes? And what do you mean it would be useful?" "Yes, kitty has limited power but unlimited wishes. It would be useful because it makes you almost unstoppable but it depends on your body will you die or not." After answering Guru was worried about his power but when he was thinking "Meow, MEOW!" Said kitty and fruit appeared in Rucos hands "Now kitty make a space inventory for me that only me can use... Almost forgot make everyone on Planet Earth forgot me." Said Ruco "Meow, MEOW!" Said kitty and at the same time portal opened in front of Ruco and he putted fruit there. "Now i will meditate so don't bother me" Said Ruco and at the same time he levitated cross-legged with closed eyes. "Kitty how i can get god ki?" Whispered Ruco "Meow, Meow!" Said kitty and tons of information entered Ruco's head and he started to meditate more.

After 4 years of meditating.

Ruco achieved 1% God Ki and also "somehow" he know how much god ki is 1 BP and he got 54,327 BP in God Ki. He now has adult body and he looks same as Goku but he same only with face and hair. He wear black gi same as Goku Black wearing. His BP with god Ki and adult body 4,218,982. But he also eated Fruit of might and almost destroyed his body so its more deformed than when he was born but his power rised from 4,218,982 to 63,284,730 IT INCREASED 15 TIMES!!! Ruco can now fight Frieza in half power final form. Also there is Zenkai after Fruit so his power around 75 millions.

Sorry for logic wirh is shit and grammar witg is less shit

YEEEEE BOIII its third chap in 2 -3 days

If intresting:

after potential: 4,139,215. FP BP

Thestupidboicreators' thoughts