
Chapter 1: Why Do I Know That?

Droid54: You have been created to stop the Demons that came from the Demon realm at all cost, their plans are to make the entire universe like the Demon realm and conquering it.

Ryze: Demons.... like Towa?

Droid54: Indeed, I'm surprised you already know one of them!

Ryze: Ah no i.... it just popped into my head.

Droid54: I see, well I expected some side effect, unlike the others, you still have your intellect.

Ryze: Others?

Droid54: Yes, come with me.

The Droid showed Ryze the way to the elevator and went to the lowest floor.

Droid54: We are here, here are the other subject, or to say experiments locked away.

Ryze looked at each cage and saw some creature that was growling at him and others just stared at the floor.

Ryze: Saibamen..... Frost clan.... Pigs?

Droid54: The Doctor wanted to create multiple subject and tried to fused 2 different bloods with each other, while their intelligence is low, they can still be useful as pawns.

Ryze saw every last one of them and suddenly a memory entered his mind.

???: (I can't wait for the next dragon ball episode! Ohh, I also want to use the kam.e...)

Ryze: Ugh, what are these memories, Dragon.... ball?

Droid54: Are you Okay, Subject 1409?

Ryze: I'm... fine, and call me Ryze from now on, subject 1409 does not ring a bell for me.

Droid54: As you wish, so Ryze, do you want to see the different spices that was put together?

Ryze: Ah, sure I guess.

Dorid54: Great, in this cages is the fusion of blood that uses a lot of Saibamens.

Ryze: Saibamen... Ugh!!!

???: (Man those Saibamen are sure weak, but in the beginning, their power were equally as Radi....tz.....)

Ryze: What is an Raditz? Sounds like a vegetable?

Droid54 explain the different fusion between Saibamen a and other species.

Droid54:.... And this Saibamens blood was fused with a Namekian and is the one who are the strongest Saibamen so far!

Ryze: I see.... why did the doctor use the Saibamen as an experiment?

Droid54: According to my data banks, the Saibamen were the most easy to produce, and with a Namekian high regeneration ability's with the Saibamen explosiv nature, made it the strongest among the other Saibamens!

Ryze: Yeah.... fused with an Namekian.... Ugh.. not again!

???: (Piccolo sure is strong, well he is a Namekian after all! They made the drag...o..n... b)

Ryze: Who is piccolo, and why does these memories come to me, who am I really!!
