Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama
Zephyr was training with Vegeta on Beerus' planet, fighting hard.
They stopped and Vegeta wiped his sweat, "Alright. That's enough for now. I have to go back and stay with Bulma." Zephyr wiped his sweat, "Huh? Okay." Whys looked at his staff, "Oh, Goku wants to come along, I'll grab him on the way back."
He left with Vegeta as Zephyr looked over at Beerus, "Wanna go, kitty cat?" Beerus yawned, "I wanna nap." Zephyr pouted, "You purple rat, lazy fuck, asshole, loser!" Beerus waved, "Keep going, I won't fight you no matter what!"
Zephyr frowned, "Fine. I guess you're just a pussy cat." Beerus yawned and licked his lips, "Oh… oh!" Zephyr shouted, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU! I GET YOU'RE A CAT, BUT ARE YOU THAT LAZY!?"
Beerus yawned again, "I told you! I need a nap! I've been awake for so long now! Usually I'm up for a month… two max!" Zephyr shouted angrily, "I can't sit here and wait 10000 years for a sparring session, you lazy asshole!" Beerus sneered, "Even in 10000 years you won't be even a match for me!"
Zephyr sneered and grinned, "Then I'll go train with Master for a billion years. Then I'll come back and beat the shit out of you!" Beerus waved, "Go, go. I'll see you in a Billion Years, okay?" Zephyr sighed and wilted, sulking, "Please spar with me, Lord Beerus-Sama."
Beerus smirked, getting comfortable, "Hmm… Maybe if you ask nicely~" Zephyr kicked him flying, shouting, "I JUST DID, ASSHOLE!" Beerus shouted angrily, "ALRIGHT! THAT'S IT! I DON'T CARE HOW DELICIOUS YOUR WIFE'S RAMEN IS! YOU'RE GETTING DESTROYED TODAY!"
Zephyr grinned, "Come on!" as he went Big Bang State and flashed at Beerus, fighting at Lightspeed.
An hour later
Goku arrived and looked at Zephyr holding his knees and panting as Beerus sneered at him, "Had enough?" Zephyr wiped the blood off his lips, "No way!" as he attacked again before getting slapped with a tail, flying out.
He jumped up, "Why can't I predict it!?" Beerus yawned, "Bulma sends her regards!" Zephyr stomped, "Damn it! Bulma!" as he charged at Beerus, flashing through Time, but Beerus stopped him, "Time doesn't work on Gods!"
Zephyr pushed himself and punched at Beerus insanely fast, as punches came from nowhere suddenly, Beerus blocked them all, "Punching from the past into the future. Not bad." he flicked his tail at nothing as Zephyr was shocked, "You blocked a punch to the past too!? You asshole!"
Beerus chuckled and Zephyr sped up, flashing like crazy, pressing his hand son the ground and slamming his feet out hard!
Beerus blocked them both and kicked Zephyr in the face, "You almost got me there." as Zephyr ran into Beerus' fist from behind. He slid down to the ground, reverting to normal…
Beerus stepped on him, "Heh! Just because you have good food, you think I'll let you go?!" as he stomped on Zephyr, "Take this! And that! And this!"
Goku was speechless, looking at Whys, who spread his hands, sighing with a smile. Goku grinned, "I'm up next!" Beerus yawned, "I'm tired!" Zephyr jumped up and punched Beerus in the chin!
Zephyr laughed, "Hahahaha! You prick! I got you! HAHAH-ACK!" before he was stomped into the ground!
Goku looked at the dup before asking, "By the way, what happened to the Tournament with all Universes? I'm getting anxious here!" Beerus walked on Zephyr towards Goku, "Forget about it. The King of All is too pure hearted that he's unpredictable!"
Zephyr got up and ate a handful of Senzu Bean Trail Mix before going to shower.
By the time he got back, he saw Goku holding a button. Zephyr's eyes widened and he flashed over, grabbing Goku's shirt as he pressed the button. They both disappeared as Beerus and Whys froze.
Goku and Zephyr appeared in Zeno's place. Zephyr jumped up, "Zeno-kun~!" Zenos looked and ran over, "Goku! Zephyr!" Zephyr squatted down and grinned, "Have you been brushing your teeth?"
They nodded and showed him their teeth before Zephyr nodded, rubbing their heads, "I brought more gifts!" They cheered as Zephyr took out more candy, RC cars, Video games, and small drivable toy cars.
The Zenos were shocked and cheered as Zephyr put them in the cars, "You do this and this and then turn here…" they started driving around and giggling.
Zephyr held his hips, standing up with a fatherly smile, "It's really nice seeing them happy." The Grand Priest walked over and rolled his eyes, "What are you two doing here?" Goku smiled, "Hey! I wanted to know how that Tournament was going?"
Zeno drove over, "Tournament?" the other drove by, "Oh. I forgot." Goku scratched his head, "I thought so…" The two looked at each other, "Oh, if we do that, then we can do the other thing." They nodded, "Sounds good. Mhm. Let's do that then."
One Zeno looked at the Grand Priest, "When would be good, Grand Priest?" He hummed, "How about 5 ticks?" Goku and Zephyr were confused as he smiled, "About 40 Earth Hours." They were stunned, "SO SOON?!"
Before waving, "We need to go then." The Grand Priest stopped them, "Oh, wait. Apart from Beerus, the other Gods need to be informed." Goku was speechless, "That'll take forever for them to get here!" The Grand Priest smiled, "No. They'll be here instantly."
He talked into his staff, "All Angel Guides. This is the Grand Priest, please respond. Are you all there? Everyone listening? I have something to discuss with everyone, so prepare to be here immediately. That is all." Goku was stunned, "That's it?!"
Zephyr muttered, "Well, he's like the King of Angels, so I guess it's not that hard…" Goku rubbed his head, "Yeah, I guess! Haha!" Zephyr took out two more cars, "Wanna race?"
Zenos were happy as Goku and Zephyr started racing in cars around the room.
A minute later