Not going to be super omega strong, will hover around Goku and Vegeta, but the MC wants to be stronger than Goku! Goes through Dragon Ball- DBZ, DBGT, and DBS. read if you want, or don't~ This is pretty much my respect for Toriyama
Zephyr shook his head and flew off with the tank, "I'll see you later, Goku." Goku chuckled and waved, "See ya! By the way, Old Kai is at Roshi's house now…" Zephyr nearly fell out of the sky.
On Roshi's island, Roshi and Old Kai were talking happily when they were buried in an entire mountain of Pornos! They were stunned and then ecstatic, cheering and swimming through it all…
Piccolo, on Kami's Lookout, was watching and his lips twitched frequently…
Zephyr landed on the Lookout and waved, "Oh! Piccolo!" before walking away. Piccolo grabbed him, "What do you think you're doing?!" Zephyr pointed at the tank, Strengthening everyone on Earth!" Piccolo's lips twitched, "For what?!"
Zephyr blinked, "Next time we have to use a Spirit Bomb, obviously! The more Ki they have, the better for us!" Piccolo frowned, "That's dangerous!" Zephyr pfft'd, "They're just normal people. Worst comes to worst, just send Gohan to be a Superhero for a few days…" before he walked off, humming to himself.
Piccolo's eyes twitched and he followed him, "Just send Gohan… You're funny!" Zephyr rolled his eyes, "My son-in-law, if I can't bully him, what else can I do?" Piccolo was speechless, "You…" Zephyr shook his head, "Anyway, where do I put this thing?"
Piccolo pointed at an altar as Zephyr walked over, pouring out the Tank into the altar.
A sparkling blue liquid flowed out and entered the altar as it started pouring around beautifully, escaping out of the Lookout, dissipating into the atmosphere.
Zephyr emptied the Tank and asked with doubt, "That's it?" Piccolo nodded, "Yep." Zephyr and Piccolo were silent for a few moments before Zephyr coughed, "I'll be going then!" Piccolo's lips twitched, "Alright."
Zephyr left quickly, this kid Piccolo… can't he say some nice words to his teacher?! Sheesh!
He brought the Tank to Bulma, who looked at the drops inside, "Hmm…" Zephyr smiled after he finished explaining, "That's about it!" Bulma rubbed her chin, "Alright… I see! Good job!"
Zephyr nodded and left as Bulma started analyzing the drops of liquid, able to get a vial out of it.
10 years went by!
Zephyr was training in the Gravity Room when Launch walked in, "Zephyr! Goku's calling!" Zephyr looked over, "Huh? For what?" Launch's lips twitched, "He got turned into a kid or something…"
Zephyr was speechless and floated down, taking off the Weights, putting them on a Black stone pedestal. He walked over and muttered, "What do you mean he got turned into a kid…" as he took the phone, walking out of the room.
Launch rolled her eyes, "How should I know?! That's what he said!" Zephyr sighed and kissed her head, she smirked and leaned into his chest, whispering in his ear. Zephyr's lips twitched and he slapped her behind, chuckling.
"Hello?! Zephyr?! HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO~!"
Zephyr answered, "Goku? What happened?" Goku laughed and scratched his head, explaining quickly, "Well, Pilaf and those guys turned me back into a kid… King Kai said that if we don't go get those Dragon Balls, the Earth will explode!"
Zephyr was speechless, "The Earth will explode?" Goku nodded, "Mhm!" while stuffing his face, "You're a nice guy, mister!" the Kidnapper's eyes twitched, "Ha… thanks…" Zephyr was confused, "Anyway, what did you call me for?"
Goku swallowed a burger whole, "Well, the Dragon Balls are scattered across the universe! You wanna come?" Zephyr shouted, "Across the Universe?!" Launch's eyes lit up as a little figure jumped out, "You're going to Space, Daddy?!"
Zephyr looked at the kid and waved, "Don't make trouble, Rifle!" Rifle was Zephyr's third child!
He looked like Zephyr but with Blue and Blonde hair along with Pinkish-red eyes, he was also a boy.
He pouted, "But I wanna go!" Zephyr rolled his eyes, "Maybe in a billion years." Rifle flew into Launch's arms, "Mommy, hes' bullying me!" Launch held him and pinched his nose, "You're so cute. Do you want mommy to punish him?" Rifle nodded and Launch pinched Zephyr, making him hiss.
Zephyr waved the two trouble makers away, "Alright, when are you leaving?" Goku replied, "Huh? I don't know, ask Bulma." Zephyr's lips twitched, "Alright…" before hanging up.
Launch and Rifle looked at him as he said, "Well, I'm going to space!" Launch said excitedly, "Bring back a lot of alien weapons!" Zephyr smirked, "No problem!" Rifle pouted, "I wanna go! Me me!" Zephyr flicked his nose, "No!" Rifle pouted and flew away, "Meanie!"
Launch looked at him, sighing, "Look what you did!" Zephyr rolled his eyes, "What do you think this is?! A fun outing? There could be super dangerous alien creatures capable of universal destruction!" Launch looked at him in silence before Zephyr broke his serious face as they laughed together.
She hugged him and slipped her hands under his clothes, "Oh… you need a shower. Heh." Zephyr picked her up, grinning, "Wanna help, young lady?" Launch chuckled and they flew up the stairs.
A lot happened in these 10 years!
Humans got much stronger! But… nothing really went out of control since EVERYONE got stronger… So, only fighters seemed to really pick up skills.
The average person had around 150 combat power instead of 5 now.
There were even people with Super Powers… well, there were before, but there was more now! But the Police was also strengthened so everything was basically the same with everyone being a Captain America like existence!
Zephyr also made a lot of wishes, one of them was even for the Announcer Guy to return to his youth!
He was still announcing the Budokai tournaments!
Even Old Kai had his Youth returned to him and was teaching Shin how to be a real Supreme Kai…
At the same time, Zephyr had his potential Unlocked a long time ago before spending a few years with the Old Kai in training.
Over the years, his Point Balance shot up since he was fighting with Goku and Vegeta everyday. Buu was training with them for a while too before quitting to go live with Satan.
He bought a ton of things, most of them going to other people, like for example; countless blueprints sent over to Bulma, Species Ability Upgrades for the next generation, etc.
Zephyr even upgraded a Hyper Advanced Watch that Bulma made him. This watch doubled as a Shrinking Device, Dragon Ball Radar, Normal Watch, Weather Reporter, Map, Space Map… And that was only what Bulma did.
It was already a super good looking watch, Zephyr got a gold one.
Then he added his own Upgrades with the System.
Pinpointing Blood-kin, Super Dragon Ball Radar, Map of the Afterlife, Indestructible, Form Fitting, Size Changing, Item changing, and finally… Arguably the most important one, it had another Dimension in it!
A completely empty space that was bigger than 8 Suns that were put together in a cube formation.
It was extremely huge! He could fit a billion Earths in it!
Zephyr was happy with his new Storage Space Watch, the best part was that it was stylish.
Well, it better be! He spent over 500,000p on it after all!
Anyway, Capsule Corp was massive now, just on the technology provided to Bulma alone, not to mention everything else she came up with on her own! On top of having Babidi's ship, she improved the Capsule Technology…
Basically, everything on Earth was related to Capsule Corp. It could be said that everything you saw was from Capsule Corp. From buildings and spaceships, to bikes and skateboards.
Even Satellites were set up!
Business was booming!