
DRAGON AGE: Starting Off In A Mage Tower

Unknown date Divine calendar. Thunder rumbled in the air as arces of lightening forked darkened storm clouds in the waning hours of daylight. A lone carriage could be seen steadily making its way down a beaten path, it's width being barely large enough for it purpose. Some would come to believe the heavens wept that night as the rains that followed this storm carved their sorrows into the very earth itself, But for what reason only few would know. And none would find out. For it was this day that birthed a Monster. A Legend. A Myth.

McTripp · ゲーム
3 Chs

Chapter 3: Grant inevitable purpose ( Las Nadas Sulevin )

And so we burned.

We raised nations, we waged wars,

We dreamed up false gods, great demons

Who could cross the Veil into the waking world,

Turned our devotion upon them, and forgot you.

—Threnodies 1:8


As Kael, Lira, and Elaris made their way down the tower's winding staircases, the anticipation of lunchtime filled the air. The aroma of freshly cooked food grew stronger with each step, guiding them to the dining hall on the second floor.

The dining hall was a bustling hub of activity, with mages of various ages and talents gathered around tables, engaged in lively conversations. The trio found an empty table and settled in, their hunger growing as they glanced at the spread of dishes laid out before them.

Kael wasted no time, his fork quickly diving into a plate of roasted chicken and vegetables. "I don't know about you two, but all that learning has made me hungry."

Lira laughed and nodded as she picked up a piece of warm bread. "You and me both, Kael. Let's dig in!"

Elaris observed their enthusiasm, his own appetite awakened by the enticing array of dishes. He reached for a bowl of soup and a piece of bread, his eyes drifting around the hall as he listened to the buzz of conversations.

Between bites, Kael looked up from his plate. "So, what did you both think of the lecture? Primal magic is pretty different from what I expected."

Lira's expression grew thoughtful as she chewed. "Yeah, it's fascinating how it's tied to the elements. I never really considered that magic could be so closely connected to nature."

Elaris nodded in agreement, his eyes distant as he recalled Vilgartory's words. "And the idea of aligning oneself with the elements rather than dominating them... it's a perspective I haven't encountered before atleast not by humans, Though is it a common understanding for us Dalish."

Kael nodded, his gaze thoughtful. "It's a different approach, for sure. But it makes sense. Magic isn't just about power; it's about harmony."

Lira grinned, her playful spirit surfacing. "Speaking of harmony, after lunch, how about we check out the recreational rooms? I heard they have some games and activities there."

Kael's eyes lit up at the idea. "That sounds like a great idea. A little fun and relaxation could be just what we need."

Elaris's lips twitched, a faint smile forming. "Sure, I will accompany you guys."

As they enjoyed their meal and shared their thoughts, the conversation flowed effortlessly between them. The camaraderie they had forged since Elaris's arrival continued to deepen, and with each exchange, their connection grew stronger.

Once their plates were clean and their hunger sated, they pushed back their chairs and stood, ready for the next adventure of the day.

Making their way out of the dining hall, they headed down the corridor to the recreational rooms, guided by the faint sounds of laughter and activity.

The recreational rooms were a spacious area filled with various entertainment options. There were tables set up for card games and board games, a corner with musical instruments, and even a small stage for impromptu performances.

Kael's eyes lit up as he took in the sight. "Wow, they really have everything here, don't they?"

Lira nodded in agreement, her gaze sweeping across the room. "This is great. A chance to unwind and have some fun."

Elaris observed the room, his interest piqued. "What do you want to do first?"

Lira's eyes sparkled mischievously. "How about a game of cards? Winner gets bragging rights."

Kael chuckled. "You're on. But be warned, I'm pretty good at this."

Elaris raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his gaze. "Cards? I've heard of them, but I'm not very familiar."

Lira's smile widened. "No worries, Elaris. We'll teach you."

With a mix of excitement and anticipation, they gathered around one of the tables, a deck of cards spread out before them. Kael explained the rules while Lira shuffled the cards with practiced ease.

As the game began, the room filled with friendly banter and the clatter of cards being dealt and played. The trio's competitive spirit came alive, and soon, the sounds of laughter and friendly taunts filled the air.

As the game progressed, Elaris found himself catching onto the rules and strategies. His focused expression turned into one of amusement as he played his cards.

Lira grinned at his growing enthusiasm. "See, not so hard, right?"

Elaris chuckled. "I'm starting to get the hang of it."

Kael leaned back, his cards in hand. "Looks like we've got ourselves a competitor."

The game continued for a while, each round bringing more laughter and excitement. Eventually, the final hand was played, and Lira emerged as the victor, her triumphant grin earning her a playful groan from Kael.

Lira raised her hands in mock victory. "Bragging rights are mine!"

Kael chuckled and shook his head. "Well played, Lira."

Elaris leaned back in his chair, his lips curved into a smile. "That was fun."

As they finished their game, Lira glanced toward the small stage, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Hey, Kael, you're good with instruments, right?"

Kael nodded. "Yeah, I can play a bit. Why?"

Lira's grin widened. "How about we put on a little performance? Elaris, you can be our audience."

Elaris's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Me? Why not join in?"

Lira winked at him. "Oh, I will. But let's see what Kael can do first."

Kael chuckled, his curiosity piqued. "Alright, I'm game. What should I play?"

Lira pointed to a nearby lute. "How about that lute? Play us a tune, and I'll provide the vocals."

Elaris settled back in his chair, intrigued by the idea. "I'd love to hear it."

With a nod, Kael picked up the lute and strummed a few chords, finding the melody as his fingers danced over the strings. Lira's voice joined in, clear and melodious, as she sang a lively tune.

Elaris found himself entranced by the music and the way Kael's skillful fingers coaxed the notes from the instrument. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the music and as the song came to an end, Kael and Lira exchanged smiles, their collaboration bringing a sense of joy to the room.

Elaris applauded enthusiastically, a genuine smile on his lips. "That was amazing!"

Lira grinned, her playful spirit shining through. "Alright, Elaris, your turn now. Pick an instrument, any instrument."

Elaris blinked, his surprise evident. "Me? I'm not sure..."

Kael chimed in with encouragement. "Come on, it's all in good fun."

Elaris hesitated for a moment before nodding with a grin. "Alright, let's give it a try. but I only ever play a grass reed"

Lira's eyes sparkled. "Well they don't have that here but there is a flute and a ocarina!"

Elaris contemplated. "Hmm, I think I'll go with the Ocarina."

He moved to the Ocarina and tentatively tapped the surface, experimenting with the rhythm. As he found his groove, his confidence grew, and soon, he was immersed in the melody, creating a lively hymn that blended with the music in the room.

Kael and Lira joined in, their instruments and voices weaving together in a spontaneous jam session that filled the room with energy and laughter.

As their impromptu performance came to an end, the room was filled with applause, the other mages in the recreational area drawn to the music and the joyful atmosphere.

Elaris's heart was light as he set the ocarina aside, his breath slightly labored from the exertion. He exchanged a triumphant glance with Kael and Lira, a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie shared between them.

Lira clapped Elaris on the back. "You've got a natural talent there!"

Kael grinned. "I have to agree. That was awesome."

Elaris's cheeks flushed with pleasure, his gratitude evident. "Thanks, both of you. I had a lot of fun."

Lira stretched her arms overhead, a contented sigh escaping her lips. "Well, that was a great way to spend the afternoon."

Kael nodded in agreement, his energy and spirits high. "Definitely. It's nice to have some time to relax and have fun."

Elaris's gaze was soft as he looked at his newfound friends. "I'm glad I got to experience it with you both."

Lira playfully nudged him. "Hey, we're in this together, remember?"

Kael grinned. "Exactly. And there's plenty more to come. Tomorrow's a new day, after all."

The trio made their way back to the dining hall.

The aroma of dinner greeted them as they entered, the enticing scent of roasted meats, freshly baked bread, and a variety of vegetables wafting through the air.

The dining hall was bustling with activity, mages engaged in animated conversations as they enjoyed their evening meal. Kael, Lira, and Elaris found an empty table and settled in, filling their plates with a selection of the delicious fare.

As they ate, the day's events replayed in their minds—the lecture on primal magic, the impromptu music session, and the shared laughter in the recreational rooms. It had been a day of learning, bonding, and exploration, and their hearts were full.

Elaris looked around the dining hall, his gaze taking in the diverse group of mages. "It's interesting to see everyone here, all with their unique talents and stories."

Lira nodded in agreement, her eyes alight with curiosity. "Absolutely. We're all connected by magic, but we each bring something different to the table."

Kael gestured toward a group of mages engaged in a lively debate. "And yet, despite our differences, we share a common journey."

As they savored the last bites of their meal, the trio's conversation turned to plans for the evening. With a satisfied sigh, Lira leaned back in her chair. "So, what's next on the agenda?"

Elaris's lips quirked in amusement. "Well, we could always head to the library for some quiet reading."

Lira's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Or... we could have a friendly match in the sparring room."

Elaris raised an eyebrow. "You're quite the fighter, aren't you?"

Lira shrugged with a playful smirk. "I do like a good challenge."

Kael chuckled. "Alright, it's settled then. Let's head to the sparring room and see who comes out on top."

With their plans set, they finished their meal and bid farewell to the dining hall, their steps echoing softly in the corridor. As they made their way to the sparring room, excitement and camaraderie filled the air.

The sparring room was spacious, with padded floors and walls, designed to accommodate a variety of training activities. Other mages were already engaged in practice sessions, their movements fluid and controlled.

Lira cracked her knuckles, a determined glint in her eyes. "Time to see who's got the upper hand."

Kael stretched his arms, his posture relaxed yet ready. "Let's keep it friendly, alright?"

Elaris nodded, his expression serious yet intrigued. "I'm curious to see how Shemlen magic influences combat."

With their positions marked, the trio faced each other in the center of the sparring room. The first clash of arms was met with laughter and playful taunts, their movements amiss of strategy and only experimentation of learning.

Elaris conjured ethereal Arcane bolts that danced around his hands, sending them soaring toward his opponents. Kael deflected the projectiles with a burst of fire magic, while Lira summoned illusions to distract and confuse.

The room was alive with energy, their magic intertwining in a graceful dance of power.

It was a chance to test their skills, to learn from each other, and to revel in the thrill of friendly competition.

As the sparring match continued, the trio's bond deepened, their trust in each other growing stronger with every exchange of spells and tactics.Eventually, laughter and breathless excitement filled the room as they called a truce, their bodies flushed with exertion.

Lira grinned, wiping a bead of sweat from her brow. "Well, that was a workout."

Kael nodded, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "Indeed. You've got some impressive moves, Elaris."

Elaris's smile was genuine, a newfound sense of camaraderie warming his heart. "And I must admit, your control over the elements is quite remarkable."

As they caught their breath and shared stories of their experiences in combat, the sparring room seemed to embody the essence of their journey—filled with challenges, discoveries, and a sense of unity.

As the evening wore on, the trio eventually decided to call it a night, their bodies and minds weary from the day's adventures.

They made their way back to their room, and settled into their beds, the echoes of laughter and the memories of the day's events lingered, promising more moments of magic, friendship, and the endless possibilities that awaited them in the days ahead but still a darkness hung over them hidden but in plan sight.

And as the night deepened, the tower was bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, a beacon of learning, but also a cage for that learning.

Elaris drifted of to sleep, all the fun he had with his too new friends falling to the back of his mind, he had often thought during the day. Was it okay that he was having fun with these two Shemlens so soon after the bandits attack?

Elaris knew he was only trying to keep his mind off the subject, and he also guessed that was Kael and Lira's goal aswell.

As Elaris drifted off to sleep, he found himself in a place that seemed both familiar and foreign—a dreamscape that was at once ethereal and unsettling. He stood on the precipice of a world that existed beyond the boundaries of reality, a realm known as the Fade.

As he looked around, the landscape shifted and swirled with colors, shapes, and forms that defied logic. He was alone, and yet he sensed a presence, an invisible force guiding him forward.

Following an instinct he didn't fully comprehend, Elaris began to walk, his steps taking him through a meandering path that seemed to materialize before him.

The world around him pulsated and changed, as if responding to his thoughts and emotions.

Soon, he found himself standing before a grand and ancient library. The structure seemed to have been built from shimmering, luminescent crystals that radiated a soft, soothing light.

The entrance beckoned him, and as he stepped inside, he was surrounded by shelves upon shelves of books, scrolls, and tomes.

Elaris's curiosity ignited, and he began to explore the library, running his fingers along the spines of books that whispered secrets and knowledge from ages past. He paused at a particularly ornate tome, its cover adorned with intricate elven runes and symbols.

As he opened the book, the words on the pages began to shift and transform, revealing stories of a time long forgotten—the era of the elven gods and their epic battles against the titans.He read about the elven pantheon, led by gods such as Mythal, Fen'Harel, Elgar'nan, and Andruil. Each deity embodied different aspects of elven life, magic, and nature.

They were revered as creators and protectors, shaping the world and guiding their people.The pages recounted the elven gods' epic struggle against the titans, primordial beings of immense power who sought to shape the world according to their own desires.

The battles were fierce and cataclysmic, with magic and elemental forces clashing in an age-old conflict.

Mythal, the All-Mother and protector of justice, was instrumental in leading the elven gods' charge against the titans. She was revered for her wisdom and magic, wielding her knowledge to counter the destructive forces of the titans.

Fen'Harel, the Dread Wolf, emerged as a complex figure—a trickster, a rebel, and a bringer of change. His actions were shrouded in mystery, and his motives often conflicted with those of the other gods. Yet, his cunning and strategy proved vital in the gods' fight against the titans.

Elgar'nan, the All-Father and god of Vengeance, brought his fiery rage to the battlefield, wielding his power to smite the titans and protect his people. Andruil, the goddess of the Hunt, contributed her fierce determination and connection to nature to the cause.

As Elaris read on, the scenes around him began to shift, and he found himself witnessing glimpses of these battles and events. He saw Mythal's light illuminating the darkness, Fen'Harel orchestrating strategies that defied expectations, Elgar'nan's flames engulfing the titans, and Andruil's arrows piercing through the very fabric of reality.

The words and images painted a vivid picture of a time of turmoil, sacrifice, and heroism. Elaris felt a mix of awe, reverence, and melancholy as he delved deeper into the lore of his people, realizing that the history of the elven gods was intertwined with the fate of the world itself.

As he continued to read, he sensed the presence that had guided him here growing stronger, a sensation of connection that went beyond words. The knowledge he gained in this ethereal library felt like a gift, an understanding that would shape his path and perspective.

And as he absorbed the stories of gods and titans, of battles and sacrifices, Elaris couldn't help but wonder about the implications of these ancient tales on his own journey.

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