
Ch. 432 Twin sister?

Walking down a set of very dimly lit earth hew stairs the dark green hooded cloak coved shadow mist elven warlock assassin made his way into the hidden mage tower. Other than navigating the treacherous slick steps in near darkness, he had no trouble with walking right through the front door of the tower. Towards the bottom of the stairs off to the right side he found the scorce of the dim light and had to fight his instincts to attack.

"Welcome new green robed brother."

"Young acolyte why are your robes pale?"

"Tower born. My father is the Master of this hidden place of knowledge."

"I see."

"The truth you see, and the truth that is are not necessarily the same."

"That is the way of the world and some truths forever remain in the shadows."

"Wise words new brother. How does one call himself and come to find this place?"