
Ch. 282 Not so Brilliant Nightshade

"Father-in-law if you will please hold off on presenting your gift for the bride and groom for a moment while we welcome our expected but uninvited guest King Brilliant Nightshade of Shadow Mist Kingdom."

"It is nice of you to join us King Nightshade, but if you continue to cause a disturbance at my wedding, you will find the limits of my desire to have a peaceful day with my new bride, and those that came to celebrate our union."

"It looks like covering my face is of little use when it seems that I was all but expected to crash the wedding banquet."

"I knew the moment you left your castle. Although you do have a rather impressive set up underground passageways."

"So you have a talented spy, but I was able to get passage on one of the dwarven kingdom's air ships by simply disguising my face as a human, and dressed as an envoy of some unimportant City-state and make it into this city past many guards."