
Dragon's fire: Heir to the Kingdom Of Night

The story follows Young Night'Tail, Hide, who's fleeing from his mother as she arranges his future wife for him. He's been too difficult for his mother to deal with, so now, she's tried tying him down to one of the three princesses of the Ocean. How will he escape? Where will he go? Who will he meet?

Your_local_author_ · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 6

"Well, it makes it easier to find you if we get lost, or if Arison finds you." Takashi said bluntly.

Hide nodded, looking at the cloth glowing on the end of his tail.

"Well, what now? Hide's injured and can't fly for the time being. And I have no clue where to go from here," Tsuki said.

"Well, I could've, y'know. Taken control, and helped Hide fly? I can carry up to two thousand pounds." Takashi said, sulking on the perch.

Tsuki sighed.

"No. You always take control of our adventures. Besides, he's way more than two thousand pounds. I'm at least that weight." she said, stretching her wings out.

"I don't know if I should be offended or not." Hide said, his ears drooping.

Takashi rolled his eyes.

"Well, Hide. Tonight, I want you to sleep in the moonlight. If you recharge in the moon, it should heal your burns fully, then we can head south. The kingdom of the sand is the furthest south, but also contain the antidote for the Blaze dragon's venom!" Tsuki said enthusiastically.

Hide's eyes widened, a smile slowly going to his face.

"Well, No one here may be poisoned, but it could be helpful." Takashi said.

Tsuki looked out to the clear, blue sky.

"Well, If Hide's burns heal, we should be headed out by tomorrow morning" she said.

Hide jumped up, spinning in a circle.

"It's torture not being able to fly! I mean, this time back home, I'd be flying around the palace's spires, and all sorts of places!" Hide complained.

"Well, you better be a fast flyer, if you fly around you're entire kingdom in a day, you must be fast," Takashi said, looking slightly sour.

Hide looked at Takashi for a moment, noticing his sour expression.

"What, are you a slow flyer Takashi?" Hide teased.

Takashi looked at Hide, his amber eyes shooting daggers.

"Relax, I'm only teasing." Hide said.

Tsuki looked around, looking uneasy.

"What's wrong? You don't look alright. Your feathers are slightly fluffy," Hide said, looking over at Tsuki, who's feathers were very fluffy at that point.

"I'm perfectly fine!" She said, looking anxious.

"Well, that guard mentioned something about a second dragon. I hate to bring this up, but was she talking about you? That's great! That means he may have actually been looking for you." Takashi said, having a slight smile on his face.

Hide glanced over to Takashi, who had been sitting on the wooden perch, his tail hanging next to him, and his long wings cupped around his body.

"Huh?" Hide blurted.

"Well, Tsuki will you tell him, or shall I?" Takashi said, adjusting his paws.

"I'll tell him. I might as well anyways." Tsuki said, pulling herself up into a sitting position.

"Well, obviously, I'm from the moon kingdom. The queen never liked me, I was one of the smallest eggs in the hatchery, and one of the smallest dragons in the medicine unit. Because of this, I was often stuck on my own, and I often went to the queen for a growing enchantment. But since I was the smallest, I was the most worthless, in her eyes. Once you were born, I was around a year old. No one had come to claim my egg, so I had no one. But one day, a black dragon came in with a smaller black dragon. One seemed to be around a few months, and the other seemed to be as old as the queen at that time. The larger black dragon came up to me, asking if I could go home with him, and teach his little brother medicine, but also become a royal guard when I was old enough. Once he took me home, he later revealed his name was Arison, and that he was the queen's personal guard. When I asked him about the growing enchantment, he said he'd help me get it. A few weeks went by, and Arison later said that the queen wanted to meet with me, and when I went to go meet her, she sat me down in a room full of dragons big and small. Arison sat on a short rock, while the queen sat on a taller rock. She had then told me, if I had any more plans on enchanting myself, I'd be banished from the kingdom. Of course, the room filled with whispers, and of course, I hadn't listened. Later, I snuck into the palace, and went to the library's restricted section, a section where I knew enchantments lie. So, I went to go find the growth enchantment, and only got halfway through, before the queen and Arison broke through the doors. I was able to steal a protection enchantment scroll, before being thrown into the courtroom, and banished from the kingdom. Arison didn't even say anything in my defense." Tsuki said.

"Oh wow..." Hide said.

"Don't forget about me!" Takashi said, leaning over in Tsuki's direction.

"Oh, right," Tsuki said, chuckling to herself for a moment.

"Well, once I was banished, I flew away, trying to find the closest den to my home, hoping to find one that was close enough to see the outer walls from there. Funnily enough, I met Takashi, who was running away from his own home, he's never filled me in on why, though. Anyways, we just clicked, and decided to live here together. And We've only been here a few years, before you showed up!" Tsuki said.

He looked over to Takashi, before catching him looking away from Hide, covering his face with his wing, embarrassed.

Takashi's amber eyes peeked through to Hide, before turning his gaze over to Tsuki.

"Yeah, I'm not comfortable going to my home, if we're going around the ten known kingdoms." He spoke timidly, almost like he was on the verge of tears.