
Dragon's fire: Heir to the Kingdom Of Night

The story follows Young Night'Tail, Hide, who's fleeing from his mother as she arranges his future wife for him. He's been too difficult for his mother to deal with, so now, she's tried tying him down to one of the three princesses of the Ocean. How will he escape? Where will he go? Who will he meet?

Your_local_author_ · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 3

Once the black dragon's eyes had hit Hide's bush, he began to walk towards it, his eyes squinted. After a moment, their eyes went back to their normal position.

"Arison! There's nothing in town, just accept you lost someone." they said, turning their head back to face Arison, and his guards.

Arison scoffed and flapped his wings twice.

"Scatter everybody. Evacuate homes if you have to. Just find the prince." he said.

The small, black dragon scurried back to Arison's side, making sure to flick his tail as a subtle signal for Hide to escape.

"You better not fuck anything up, Kira. The queen personally assigned me to you, meaning, I'm responsible for you, and your screw ups." Arison said harshly.

Kira slightly flinched, looking at Arison with a harsh gaze.

"I would never lie to my own family. I requested the Queen to learn from you. Not to be accused of fucking up my assignments." Kira said, his eyes never escaping Arisons.

Arison squinted his indigo eyes and turned around to manage his troop.

"I said scatter!" Arison roared to the slightly spread-out dragons.

They all flinched at his sudden outburst, and quickly sprinted away from eachother.

Hide took this as his moment to escape. He swiftly crawled away, until he met the edge of the town. There, he saw a drop, that could kill over three hundred, sturdy dragons alone with its drop

Hide quickly jumped off the cliff, extending his wings. Suddenly, the air, swung him upwards. He rode the wind, as the moonlight in the cold night started to fade as the clouds began to cover them. He was now in near complete darkness. The moon's lights gave him a boost of energy, but without it, he suddenly felt unmotivated, and hollow. Hide tempted himself with the idea of flying back home, and cuddling up in his room. However he knew that wasn't an option for him. He needed to do this, he had to find a place to live that didn't make him fear for his life.

As the clouds dispursed, the light from all three moons were right on him, like a spotlight. Hide felt a sudden jolt of energy, and his mind cleared. He scanned the area, seeing a mountain in the distance. Maybe a mile or so away. Hide adjusted his wings, to lower him to it, hoping someone would let him spend the night there.

Hide made his way to the top of the mountain, noticing a circle opening on a short ledge. The ledge was very wide, enough to have three full grown dragons extend their wings, and spin. Hide flew up to the ledge, trying to take a peek inside.

The moonlight helped Him see inside. The inside seemed to be made by dragons who had designed his room at home, A simple design on the inside. Steps going up to a small ledge, which seemed just as wide as the one outside. There was also a perch seemingly big enough for two dragons, full grown of course. The perch seemed to be made from Acasta wood. A strong wood, stronger than the steel you'd find on earth.

Castles in the south were made from that wood I believe, since they have a high burn point. Hide thought

It looked like no one had stepped a paw in there since it was built. Hide stepped inside, hoping it was far enough from his home.

Hide climbed the steps first, hoping they were still stable. Sure enough, they were. So Hide made a little nesting spot with his satchel, and fell asleep.

Hide soon awoke with fire being blasted at his tail. He yelped, and jumped up, getting his satchel around his long neck in a hurry.

Hide began flapping his wings, trying to get away, before he was blasted in his left wing, and fell to the cold, rock floor. He felt his body trembling with fear.

"Takashi! What the hell are you thinking?! This poor dragon got hurt because of you!" He heard someone shout.

A feathered dragon fluttered in. Her feathers slightly fluffed out. She was short, like Kira, but not enough to mistake for a newly hatched dragon. She was beautiful, her navy-blue feathers contrasted with her black underbelly, and her black spots. She had the star-like pattern on her, just like Arison, Kira, and Hide himself. She had feathers shaped like horns on her head, but they didn't seem natural, like someone had done it for her.

"Tsuki I barely did anything to him. But he's intruding on our place." A male voice said, Hide couldn't see him, but his voice was deep, like he's never had a drink of water in his life.

The feathered dragon named 'Tsuki' bent down beside Hide, looking at him dead in the eyes.

Her sky-blue eyes had a huge contrast to her whole body. Compared to Hide, with his ocean blue eyes, she was far more beautiful, than he ever was. "Let's get you fixed up. After all, my friend here injured you something fierce." She said, her tone completely changing. From angry, to kind in the span of three minutes.

"Don't ignore me! We have to discuss this- this foreigner in our hom!" The male cried.

"Shut you're trap before I make it shut with Cobwebs." She threatened. The dragon named Takashi, snorted in discontempt; And Hide saw little fragments of smoke in the air, as Tsuki began to scan his injury.