
CHAPTER 1:Unbound

In hearts entwined, a love so pure

Boundless and strong, forever endure

Unbreakable bond, a flame that burns

Eternal love, for which my heart yearns


In the hallowed halls of Lincoln High, where dreams and aspirations intertwined, Ava Summers stood on the precipice of her poetic destiny. Clad in a white flowing dress adorned with delicate floral patterns, she exuded an air of ethereal grace, her every step an elegant dance. Sunlight streamed through tall windows, casting a warm glow upon the polished wooden floors. The walls adorned, with artistic masterpieces and inspirational quotes, whispered stories of past triumphs and future possibilities. Amidst the vibrant ambiance, a knot of nervousness tightened in Ava's stomach, her trembling fingers betraying her anxiety. For Ava, this presentation was the make - or - break moment - a chance to prove her worth and secure her path as a writer. Failure was not an option; the consequences loomed like a dark cloud, threatening to snatch her dreams away. As she navigated the maze like hallways, the cacophony of students chatter mingled with the beat of her anxious heart, amplifying the stakes and fueling her determination. Within the walls of this venerable institution, Ava knee that her poetic expression had to find its voice, or risk losing her chance to become the writer she longed to be.

As Ava took her place at the front of the classroom, her heart pounded in her chest, the weight of anticipation hanging in the air. The room fell into hushed silence, all eyes fixed upon her. With a deep breath, she began to read, her voice trembling at first, but gaining strength with each word.

"In the garden of my dreams", she whispered, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. The verses danced off her lips, weaving a tapestry of emotions and imagery that enveloped the room.

"Where flowers bloom with secrets untold", her voice grew bolder, resonating with a new found confidence, or maybe it was her best friend, Sarah, cheering her up that made her regain her confidence. As she dived deeper into her poetry, her nervousness melted away, replaced by a sense of purpose and connection. The words flowed effortlessly painting vivid landscapes and evoking a symphony of emotions. "Like whispered echoes in the night", she intoned, her voice carrying the weight of longing. The audience, captivated by her eloquence, hung onto every syllable their breaths held in suspended awe. In that moment, Ava transcended the confines of the classroom, transported by the power of her own words.


As she sat down with her best friend,Sarah, at their favourite ice cream place, a radiant smile adorned Ava's face. They had just returned from Ava's presentation earlier. The applause and positive feedback from the audience still echoed in her ears, filling her with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

" Sarah, I can't believe it", Ava exclaimed, her eyes shining with happiness. "The presentation went even better than I imagined. I felt so connected to the audience and they really appreciated the poetry."

Sarah beamed with excitement, eagerly leaning forward. "That's amazing, Ava. I knew you had a gift for writing, bit seeing you up there, captivating everyone with your words... It was truly something special."

Ava's heart swelled with gratitude for her best friend's unwavering support. She had always been there, encouraging her to pursue her passion for poetry and providing valuable feedback on her compositions. Their friendship had been a constant source of inspiration and motivation throughout their high school years

Raising their ice cream cups in a celebratory gesture, Ava and Sarah toasted to the success of the presentation. They relished in the moment, reminiscing about the journey of discovering and honing Ava's poetic voice, the late-night brainstorming sessions, and the shared laughter and tears.

However, amidst the jubilation, a twinge of melancholy crept into Ava's heart. She couldn't help but long for her parents, who had passed way when she was younger. They had always been her biggest supporters, attending every school event and cheering her on from the front row. Their absence during this momentous occasion left an undeniable void.

A sigh escaped Ava's lips, her voice tinged with longing.

"Sarah, I wish my parents were here to witness my progress so far. They were my biggest fans, and I know how proud they would have been."

Sarah reached across the table, gently squeezing Ava's hand. She understood the depth of her friend's emotions and the significance of parental presence in such moments. "I know, Ava. Your parents would have been beaming with pride , just like I am now. But I believe they are watching over you, showering you with love and encouragement from above."

Ava's eyes glistened with tears, a mixture of joy and sorrow. She found solace in Sarah's words, grateful for the unwavering support and understanding. With renewed strength, she raised her chin and smiled, determined to carry her parents memory in her heart as she continued to pursue her passion for poetry.

Together, they laughed, reminisced, and celebrated the success of the presentation, cherishing the memories and vowing to make every word and stanza count in honor of Ava's parents

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