

Entry to Writing Prompt Contest 82: Academy. If you like the story, please vote thank you :) ----------------------------- Oh, Pitiful lambs that only know romance and fluff, stay clear, and stay away. For this is a story for wolves who do not fear what lies beyond the doors of morality and depravity. Innocent souls are not welcome here, for I will unleash the sadistic, narcissistic, and wild side of me that sleeps beneath the surface. Do not judge something you do not understand. Do not talk about what you cannot comprehend. This is a story from a dream. A dream that demands to be told. For me to write this story takes a lot of courage, so you better open your eyes and behold. What lies beneath the surface of a smile, is yet another evil smile. A story born from a dream...truth and reality are not what they seem. ----------------------------- [DISCLAIMER: This is for mature audiences only. Innocent vanilla boys, and vanilla girls should not dare read this, for it will only corrupt your soul. You had been warned. Don't blame me for showing you a world where darkness can be light, and light can be dark. A world where morality is but a thin line from depravity, and a good story is hidden behind the facade of a twisted story.] ----------------------------- (For Mature Audiences Only) P.S Cover Photo is not mine. If any of you can direct me to the artist I will greatly appreciate it. All credits go to the rightful owner.

Elyon · 一般的
10 Chs

Moonlight Cradle

Kate opened her eyes and found herself held in a soft embrace. It took a while before the gears inside her head started turning. She recalled what happened earlier and a blush crept on her face. She was now wide awake and glanced at the sleeping man beside her.

Ciel looked peaceful in his sleep, which was the complete opposite of when he was awake. Her hands fearlessly caressed his chest and moved downwards to trace his well-defined abs. Her face was as red as a tomato, but she didn't care. Ciel was a deep sleeper and it would take more than this to wake him up.

Last night was not the first time the two of them had made love to each other. Four years ago, Ciel had still been an innocent boy, and she, an innocent girl. They made love to each other in a very clumsy way.

She could still remember how flustered he was back then. Now, her young master is a confident man, and his skills in bed had greatly improved. The pleasure she felt last night couldn't even compare to the other times that they had slept with each other. The difference was like heaven and earth.

She buried her face into his chest, breathing in the manly fragrance coming from him. It had been so long since she was embraced by this young master. He no longer smelled of milk and honey. Instead, he smelled crisp and masculine.

She bitterly smiled, and carefully stood up from the bed in order to not wake the sleeping man beside her. Kate picked up her clothes that were lying on the floor, and quickly wore them. She headed back to the bed and gave Ciel a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.

A minute after she left, Ciel opened his eyes. There were no signs of drowsiness in them, there was only indifference.

'Silly girl.'

He stood up from the bed and took a shower. Not long after, he left the hotel and returned to the school dormitory. Ciel only had two afternoon classes today, so he was not in a hurry. He was still wearing the suit he wore last night, and though his suit from the night before was rumpled, he still looked dashing in it

The ladies weren't able to keep themselves from staring at him. Some were even brazen enough to take snapshots on their mobile phones. Ciel didn't mind--this was not the first time that someone took photos of him without his permission, and it definitely wouldn't be the last.

He was in a good mood today, so he let those stupid girls have their fun. He was about to enter the dormitory when a man with long black hair tied in a ponytail blocked his way.

"Good Morning, Ciel, looking good!"

"Good Morning, Keith." Ciel tapped Keith's shoulder in a friendly manner and walked past him.

He glanced at the dumbfounded expression on Keith's face before entering the hallway of the dormitory.

'Idiot.' Ciel smirked as he headed for his room.

The dormitory of the rich and influential students of the academy was different from the other dormitories. It was very spacious and lavishly decorated. This was also true for the families that were part of the board of directors in the school.

Those lucky enough to be born within these families had their futures secured as long as they didn't cause too much trouble within the academy. Ciel opened the door to his room and headed straight to his bedroom.

He checked his closet and chose something comfortable to wear. He wore shorts and a sleeveless shirt. He leisurely sat on the couch and organized his thoughts. It would take a few days for Kate to finish her investigation, so until then he could just follow his normal routine.

He boot up his laptop and checked his e-mail to see if there was any new messages he hadn't read yet.

Seeing none, he browsed his music folder and chose a song. A soft melody played from his speakers, and Ciel closed his eyes to listen. It was his favorite among the many songs in his library. The song was called "Moonlight Cradle." It was a song that was composed by his mother many years ago.

He hummed along following the tune, and his voice joined the symphony. The union of humming and the song spiraled inside the room. If someone were to hear this melody, the only word that would be able to accurately describe it would be "Eargasm."

The music came to an end, and Ciel remained motionless with his eyes closed. He was still reminiscing about the past when a loud knock on the door broke him out of his stupor.

He clicked his tongue and stood up, 'Keith, you mother f*cker…'

Ciel opened the door and was about to deliver a blow to the troublemaker when someone he was not expecting appeared before him. He rested his hand on the door frame and smiled.

"Yes? Do you need me for something?" Ciel asked. 'This is interesting, Lady Fate seems to be playing tricks on me.'

He gazed at the scholarship student who was staring anxiously at him. To think that his target would appear in front of him right after he ordered Kate to do an investigation. The irony made him chuckle from within.

Lyle looked at the man in front of him in surprise, "I'm here to deliver a letter from the student council president to Mr. Ciel Summers."

Ciel's lips almost twitched when he heard Lyle's reply. The student council president of the academy was someone that he hated and respected at the same time. He sighed and gestured for the scholarship student to enter his room.

"Please come in, it would be rude of me not to entertain a guest."

"O-Oh, alright. Thank you for the invitation."

Lyle went inside the room, while Ciel closed the door. The sound of a lock clicking in place echoed silently in the room.