

Entry to Writing Prompt Contest 82: Academy. If you like the story, please vote thank you :) ----------------------------- Oh, Pitiful lambs that only know romance and fluff, stay clear, and stay away. For this is a story for wolves who do not fear what lies beyond the doors of morality and depravity. Innocent souls are not welcome here, for I will unleash the sadistic, narcissistic, and wild side of me that sleeps beneath the surface. Do not judge something you do not understand. Do not talk about what you cannot comprehend. This is a story from a dream. A dream that demands to be told. For me to write this story takes a lot of courage, so you better open your eyes and behold. What lies beneath the surface of a smile, is yet another evil smile. A story born from a dream...truth and reality are not what they seem. ----------------------------- [DISCLAIMER: This is for mature audiences only. Innocent vanilla boys, and vanilla girls should not dare read this, for it will only corrupt your soul. You had been warned. Don't blame me for showing you a world where darkness can be light, and light can be dark. A world where morality is but a thin line from depravity, and a good story is hidden behind the facade of a twisted story.] ----------------------------- (For Mature Audiences Only) P.S Cover Photo is not mine. If any of you can direct me to the artist I will greatly appreciate it. All credits go to the rightful owner.

Elyon · 一般的
10 Chs


It was a rainy Friday morning and Ciel was feeling as cloudy as the weather. He ignored the lecture of the professor, and the latter turned a blind eye on his actions. The teachers of Saint Clare doesn't want to offend the influential people of the academy. As long as they don't do anything excessive, they were willing to look the other way.

Ciel was deep in thought. He was still mulling over the letter sent by the president of the student council. He knew he had to reply soon, or else things would get troublesome. He was weighing his options when the phone in his pocket vibrated.

He checked the ID and saw that it was a message from Kate. He opened the text message to read its contents.

[Sir, the investigation has been completed. I'll hand the data to you after school.]

His lips curled into a smile after reading the message. He returned the phone to his pocket and glanced outside the window. The rain showed no signs of stopping, but Ciel didn't mind.


He closed his eyes and took a nap. The hours passed by and the morning classes came to an end. Ciel stood up from his seat to head to the cafeteria when Keith stopped him in his tracks.

"Ciel, my sister asked me to bring you to the Flower Pavilion to have lunch." Keith said, smiling.

'Why are all the annoying people coming out of the woodwork?' Ciel sighed.

Keith chuckled at his reaction and grabbed his hand, "Sorry Ciel, If you want to complain, complain to my sister."

Ciel allowed himself to be dragged away by Keith. This was one of those occasions where he hated his family for planning something without his permission. Keith's sister, Eliza Ross, was his 'Fiancee' and she was two years older than him.

His father and Keith's father were very close friends. The 'arranged marriage' was agreed to by both of them when Ciel was only one-years-old. He only became aware of this arrangement on his fifteenth birthday when his father announced their engagement during the party.

He almost made a scene then and there, and only compromised because he didn't want to embarrass both families in front of a crowd. After the party, he immediately confronted his father and forced him to break the engagement.

His father, William Summers, didn't listen to him and even threatened to disown him if he refused. That day, he ran away from home and broke ties with his father. He went to his grandparents estate on the country-side taking Kate with him.

His grandparents were very protective of him since he was the only son of their daughter. They refused to give him back and even Ciel's father had no choice but to take a step back.

Both families sat down to talk and found a compromise. The agreement was that Eliza would continue to remain as Ciel's fiancee, and marry him if he's still single when he reach the age of twenty three.

Ciel reluctantly agreed to this condition and both parties promised to abide by the terms written in the contract. Among the conditions was that Ciel had to act as a proper 'fiance' and not ignore Eliza.

In turn, Eliza would not get in the way of any women who would try to approach Ciel. Although this agreement sounds fair on the surface, the same couldn't be said behind the scenes.

With Ciel's good looks, it was impossible for any women to resist him. Some of the girls who tried to actively pursue him found themselves being pressured by both families behind Ciel's back.

Only Kate was an exception. They were afraid that Ciel would retaliate if someone were to touch his 'toy.' They didn't want to force him to do something that both families would regret in the future.

Keith cheerfully announced their arrival at the Flower Pavilion. The servants of the Ross family opened the gates and allowed the two of them to enter. A beautiful girl with long black hair adorned with butterfly hairpins smiled when she saw the two of them.

"Took you long enough," Eliza said, smiling.

"Ah~ Ciel was being uncooperative as always sister dear. It's not my fault!"

Ciel glanced at the beauty in front of him. If it was anyone else, they would gladly kneel in front of her and beg her to become their lover. However, Ciel, was not just 'anyone'. He sat down on a seat in front of her without waiting for an invitation.

He leaned back on his chair and gestured to the servants of the Ross Family, "Hurry up and serve lunch, I'm hungry."

The servants looked at their mistress. Eliza smiled and nodded. They didn't dally any further and began to place delicacies on top of the table. Ciel saw that the table was filled with his favorite dishes.

He gave a brief nod to Eliza and began to eat. Keith and Eliza joined him and the three of them ate lunch together. The servants left them alone and only the noise of cutlery was heard inside the pavilion.

"Here, have some buttered prawns," Keith said while shoving a few of them in Ciel's plate. "They're your favorite right?"

Ciel didn't talk and ate the buttered prawns with gusto. He acted like Keith didn't exist, and just focused on the meal before him. Eliza shook her head helplessly at the two of them and continued to eat her meal.

When the three of them had eaten their fill, Eliza rang a small bell and the servants returned to clear up the table. They worked swiftly and efficiently, clearing the table in no time at all. They left after making sure that everything had been taken care off.

Ciel leisurely sipped his fruit juice while waiting for the siblings to start the conversation. The minutes passed and the two of them did nothing but stare at him.

Ciel brought down the glass of fruit juice on top of the table and smirked at his fiancee.

"Dear, fiancee of mine. Did you call for me thinking I would shower you with love and affection?" Ciel said, mockingly.