

“Even if I have to kill thousands, even if thousands of souls will have to call me from hell because of that, I already made the pact with myself since I chose the slaughter path. I won’t hold back, I will kill my way to become the strongest and eradicate any threat that might stand in our path so that when I see you, we will live together rather happily” One minute he was a normal human going about his normal life on earth before he was given a project, a project that was supposed to be the last in his life because they were destined to die. Somehow, he was able to survive. He was the only one who survived the calamity where hundreds died. The accident led him to discover new mysteries of his body that were dormant and also brought him new friends. Finding out that he was part of something big, something that could rebuild or destroy the universe. Also going on the quest to find his real parent, he finally arrived at a crossroads. Choose between his parent and his girlfriend and each choice determines the fate of the universe, What will he do? Follow through this intriguing novel that will bring you to the edge of your seat to know the full story. A new dimension of Dracula, I mean why does Dracula have to be a vampire, the name is domineering and needs something more domineering with it. If you are tired of the conventional novels that talks about powers, follow this novel that will open you to a new world of magical realism and also take your imagination far more than you except.

Gbaye_Opemipo · 都市
93 Chs


The moment he opened his pupils, he felt something suddenly leave his eyes and float in front of him. It was the two eyeballs in his eyes.

"How can I still see" He asked himself confused.

"Hmm does that mean that I have a pair of eyeballs in both eyes" He thought. His heart was beating in excitement. Information suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Merge," he thought. The two eyeballs merged immediately.

"Expand" He commanded and the eyeball enlarged.

It turned into a domain that enclosed him and the other three before he stopped its expansion.

"Where is this," Richard asked confused.

"You are in the infinite dimension, you will probably become my lab rat" Mark answered. He looked around and saw that it was a void, the void was black but had different small stars illuminating them making it look beautiful.

"Ok the stars are my primal sword intent from my sword heart" He nodded his head. He was going through the information that was on his mind. Suddenly Mia hurled a fireball at him while the other two moved towards him. He tried to project his chaos out but he found out that he couldn't control any energy in this domain.

"Hmm," He thought but what happened next surprised them. The attack stopped in front of him like it just hit an invisible barrier. Jackson arrived before the barrier in front of him while Richard appeared behind him. The two hurled a punch at him, but it just stopped an inch before him.

"One of the functions of infinity" He read the information in front of him. He nodded his head in understanding.

"How" The three looked at him like they were looking at a monster.

"I'm in front of you but also in another dimension called infinite dimension so there is a dimension separating me and you" He explained.

"And another function of it is," He said as he snapped his finger. Suddenly the three felt their body start to perform the same action, their heart was beating but it was only replicating the beat it made before and it was performing it infinitely making them unable to move because everything in the dimension was only happening in a split second.

"Your body can perform the same thing thousands of times,", He said. He soon finished reading the whole information.

"Let's start with the first function of this domain," He told them.

He pointed his hands forward.

"Disintegrate," He thought. Suddenly, before they could think about anything.

"Pop". They looked like they turned into bubbles and burst out of existence.

"Woah" He was surprised.

"Is my ability too strong or are they too weak?" He thought.

"Well, no more lab rat" said he recalled the eyeball into his eyes and used the blindfold on himself again. The dimension was called off and he was back in the shadow void

"Where are they" Martins asked. They just dealt with their enemies.

"They were disintegrated" He answered. They all shuddered when they heard that. The battle had already finished, his face was already pale while his body was feeling weak.

"Arise" He raised his hands and different cries were heard as shadows crept up from the dead bodies, he did not even spare the leaders. The blood essence from the dead bodies on the battlefield started to enter his body through the ground. He started filtering the shadows. By the time he finished the time count for the shadow voidability was already up and his shadow was recalled back.

The people who were eagerly anticipating the result all turned surprised because all they could see was Mark, Martins, Amelia, and Charlotte at the front and one hundred shadow soldiers lined up in an orderly manner at the back. The terrified humans all cheered immediately after regaining their wits. They were very happy because they now had a chance to reverse the doom that was already upon them.

Tiger looked at the screen while his eyes were squinted.

"Bastard," Jackson said as he threw the glass cup in his hand against the wall. The leaders were all having myriads of expression but everyone's expression was not pleasant especially the head of earth. A troop of one thousand elite superhumans is utterly decimated and all this is through one person. The leaders of Earth were terrified at this kind of power. They thought they already sided with the right people when they sided with the superhumans because they were the strongest people. Now it looks like they were wrong because another set of terrifying people had appeared.

"Call back our troops of superhumans that are going to the mercenary ground, we are giving up on it now," Tiger said.

"We've underestimated this person, the only way we can conquer them is to combine all our forces and wait for them," Mia said.

"Prepare the missiles, let them be available for launching anytime" Tiger commanded. Johnson Blaq left the room to carry out the order.

"This is starting to get interesting, let them come here if they can survive the bombardment of the missile," Tiger said as he smiled.

"They can't possibly survive it, even I will be almost dead if I get caught in one of not to talk of us preparing ten of them," Jackson said.

"Well let's see" Tiger answered

Back on the battlefield, Mark had already recalled the shadows into the body while he had finished absorbing the blood essence into his body.

"Your face is pale," Charlotte told him.

"I'm tired from the battle, it drains energy" He answered her, everything all came down to his body. He had overexerted his body. They wanted to go back to the ship when he just felt tired and his mind turned woozy. Different foreign thoughts were coming into his mind.

"Kill, Kill" Different foreign thoughts invaded his mind and they were trying to overwhelm his consciousness. He felt a sudden headache and could not help but kneel on the floor,

"What's happening" He thought to himself.

"What's happening," Martins asked. The thought suddenly subsided and his headache stopped but his body was still feeling weak.

"I'm just weak" He answered.

"Yeah, it is expected you already overexerted yourself" Matins answered as he bent down to help him up.

"Liz what's happening" He thought in his mind.

"This is just a side effect of absorbing too much blood essence, the blood essence contains a portion of the human consciousness. The consciousness of human thought exists for some time and it will try to affect you but it will soon dissipate afterward. They went back into the ship and Martins helped him to get on his bed. He slept immediately his head touched the pillow. The latter just left him alone.

"Where am I" In a void space, a voice was heard. The voice resounded. The void space was filled with fragments that contained different pictures. The person who was talking was Mark. He remembered that he was tired due to the battle in the evening and the moment his head touched the pillow, he slept off but he did not know how he got there. A fragment floated in front of him and it soon shattered into pieces. A black hole came out from it, the black hole sucked him in. After what looked like an eternity, he finally arrived at another place.

"Bang" He was thrown down, and his body hit the ground. He stood up and looked around, it was a world that was very beautiful but it did not look like earth. It was a forest with different houses built from trees, there were different luxurious trees. He looked around and saw different people with very beautiful bodies and they all looked like humans except for their pointed ears. The children were running around happily while the adults were doing different things. After observing for some time, he was able to make an assumption, that they all control plants in different peculiar ways. This life continued for years, he felt as if he was living among them, even though they could not see him. They continued to multiply and live peacefully and happily, it made him forget Earth where people have to strive and work from the day they are born to the day they die.

When he was engrossed in while forgetting how much time had passed. Suddenly a portal appeared outside the beautiful planet and creatures with tall bodies, black scales, and black deep eyes like an abyss emerged from the planet.

"What!!" He exclaimed because the energy they were controlling resonated with the pure chaotic energy in him and they were also like him, except that he was more elegant and had a pair of wings. This means they must be his race. They floated outside the planet while quickly surrounding it and after they've surrounded it, they linked their hands. Chaotic energy came out from their linked hands and they served as a medium through which the chaotic energy covered the whole planet, he saw that the planet was destroyed, and in its place was pure chaotic energy. They sat cross-legged and started to absorb the energy. His eyes widened but he felt his vision blur after some time, he was back on the bed in his house.

A planet brimming with life and happiness was destroyed

"Who are those people and why are they controlling my energy" He asked himself. He tried to think about it but he just could not place his mind on it. Closing his eyes. He just sighed helplessly as he went out of the room. It was midnight and no one was outside, Charlotte, Amelia, and the others were in their respective rooms. He opened the door and went outside to the verandah, he looked at himself in the clear water.

"Hmm," He sighed tiredly again as what happened could not help but come back to his mind. A beautiful planet was destroyed just like that. His once clear mind was now in turmoil, different questions were now revolving in his mind. Complex questions that he could not answer.

After sometimes

"Strength," He said. Strength is his greatest problem. If he has strength, he will be able to get answers to this question. Everything comes down to strength. He thought as he looked at himself in the clear water that was showing his image. He removed the blindfold from his face and he was able to see himself. His eyeballs were diamond-shaped, not circular ones again. They were black and looked deep but some small dots were shining in them making them look extremely beautiful.

"Finally we've finally gained a connection to the being of chaos" A voice resounded. In a dark space, there was a dark castle that had thousands of stars shining on it to illuminate it but, the stars could not hide the chaotic energy that was rippling from the castle. The dimension looked infinite and one peculiar thing was that this dimension was rippling with an energy that was familiar to Mark. It was the chaotic energy he was controlling. In the castle, there was a man with a golden crown wearing a dark robe who was very handsome. Beside him, there was a lady who was also wearing a crown and a dark robe but she was also extremely beautiful.

"Finally I get to see my son, he is not dead," The lady said with emotion.

"Our gamble finally paid off darling" The man turned to the lady as he said happily but the lady snorted and left the castle. The man just laughed wryly and turned to a dark space behind him.

"Begin the portal generation process with our connection to our kin-man, and complete it in at most two years, I can't wait to finally get a reunion with my son," He said excitedly.

"Yes sir" A voice came out from the space.

"And also tell the remaining world to prepare, I can't wait to consume the world that did this to us," He said with killing intent coming out from him

Another Chapter finished. How is it?

Gbaye_Opemipocreators' thoughts