
Jade Williams and Demi Cupiditas

"Jade...""Jade!""Jade!! You're going to be late to meet your father!"'I know what you're thinking... this must be a classic Creepypasta fanfiction, how wrong can you possibly be?... They're not real.' Jade thought to herself, breaking the fourth wall, now staring at the mirror before her as she looked at her reflection.As she stared, she thought about what she had done to other humans, she thought about more ways she could continue what she wanted to do, and to do so, she had to steal from her father who owned a hospital that partnered with a National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility.Her green orbs darted to the video camera beside her on the counter, grabbing it before walking out of the bathroom. Walking down the short hall, she turned to the stairs, looking at her mother at the bottom of the stairs, her cold expression didn't soften."God, look at you, you don't even try to look good," Cristina spoke as she looked at her daughter atop the stairs, she didn't know what was wrong with her, but everything seemed wrong, Jade wasn't normal, in her perspective."Why would I try to look good? I'm visiting my dad at the hospital, not a formal gathering," Jade spoke blankly as she slowly stepped down the stairs, there was something indeed wrong with her, no one knew what, even the doctors had trouble diagnosing her."I guess you're right, Jamie is waiting, let's go," Cristina sighed as she opened the front door and left, Jade fell silent as she stared at the open door while her mother walked to the car, her eyes narrowed as she watched her Mother's movements, 'Who's Jamie?'Soon shaking out of her thoughts she followed her mother to the car with a blank stare as she looked at Cristina, looking out of the window before the peace was ruined by her Mother opening her big mouth, "What's with the silence? Do you hate me?""We established this, Cristina, you may be my birth mother, but I couldn't care less," Jade spoke, she had no interest in getting to know her mother, she didn't care one bit, and her Mother was stupid for asking that question, it was as clear as day."What have I done?" Cristina asked, trying to know her daughter and what she could do to get Jade's interest, she already knew that Jacob, Jade's father had her interest in being a doctor, but what could Cristina do?"I think it's clear, you're a tool in a shed, that I don't need," Jade spoke as she still stared out the window, she knew she hurt her mother, but she didn't care. Everyone around her felt it, she was odd, something was gone from inside her, her 'Heart.'With silence Jade was finally able to think, as Cristina started driving soft sniffles were heard from her, but Jade knew not to engage with it, it would only fuel Cristina with false hope, but what she couldn't help thinking about was... 'Who the fuck is Jamie?'She began to think to herself, thinking of ways to get rid of this 'Jamie.' Cristina is cheating on her father with this man, and if her father found out, he would be broke, and a broken tool couldn't be useful to her, she'll have to deal with Jamie in some way or another.Thinking of ways to find him, she decided to look through her mother's phone. However, not at the moment, but it was clear her mother didn't realize she had spoken Jamie's name directly to Jade, looking at the facility coming into view, she felt herself growing excited, something she had always felt coming to the facility, especially when it came to the labs.She couldn't wait, she was a visitor who came weekly to watch and observe, often getting to try out the testing procedures or participating in the 'activity,' of tests, and doing inventory checks. As soon as her mother parked, she got out of the car with her video camera in hand, now walking towards the facility, looking for her dad, she spotted him."Dad, I've come for the visit," Jade smiled as she looked at her dad, if she was correct, it was the day she was going to do an inventory check, and because she had gotten the very trust she worked hard to get, she doesn't need to be supervised."Jade... I have to inform you of something... the other night, your friend Cody... he appeared in some surveillance," Jade raised a brow as his father spoke, 'Friend? Cody? When was he ever a friend to me? He was just an acquaintance.' Jade thought as she looked at her father with a sour expression."Cody? He was pronounced dead last year, the surveillance must've been hacked, you should get it checked," Jade spoke, she didn't believe her father, she lacked the feeling to care for Cody, what she needed to do was feed the beast that lives in their up-scale neighborhood a couple houses down, Demi Cupiditas."I don't think it was, it showed the facility was breached, but there's no proof that anything was stolen, we already did an inventory check, and everything seems to be there, but we thought you would detect something in the inventory if something were to be missing.""Asking your daughter for help? I will, but I will also be bringing some viruses and chemicals back home with me, considering I also have my little lab at home," Jade spoke as she looked at her father, which he agreed to, of course having to pay huge sums for the stuff shes taking.'Cody... of course, not many people know him... but he piqued my interest, and believe it or not, he was the killer linked to the deaths within the city.... X-Virus,... He was the same age as me... so we're 18 around now, I think..' Jade thought. Breaking the fourth wall as she spoke to the "readers."Dismissing her father, she walked away and made her way to the inventory, wanting to make sure no one else was stealing her goods, "That damned idiot," she spoke through gritted teeth as she thought about how annoying Cody was, and how annoying his twisted mind worked.'I have a beast to feed, and you're not making it easy...' Jade thought as her shoes tapped on the white cement floors, her eyes darting side to side, reading the signs on the hallway walls, she had been here many times, she doesn't know why she keeps looking for the sign that says 'Inventory.' Maybe it was to keep her thoughts at bay, controlled...The silence as she walked down the hall, her eyes darting side to side to read the signs, zoned out, thinking to herself and completely in her world until it abruptly stopped, looking at the sign that read 'Inventory.' She snapped back to reality walked to the door and looked at the smashed keypad."What an idiot... this only works in movies, must've alerted the security alarm which made him retreat..." Jade spoke to herself before smiling, opening the door with her keycard, "What kind of idiot smashes a keypad that isn't even working..."Jade was giggling as she thought about how stupid Cody had gotten, it's only been a year, and he hasn't realized they changed up the security, how ignorant of him..."Oh, I wasn't expecting someone to be here..." An unfamiliar voice spoke, it was rather deep and chilling, but Jade didn't mind, she turned to look at the person, with brown hair and brown eyes, he looked exhausted."You're new... according to the policy, I don't think new people should be in here without supervision, get out," Jade spoke as she looked at the man, she then eyed his movement, her cold green eyes staring at the new person."I was sent here... they said to get cyanide..." The man spoke, Jade's eyes narrowed as she looked at the man, it was clear to him that Jade had a suspicion, and her increasing felt himself getting nervous."You know... Cyanide kills people..." Jade spoke as she eyed the brown-haired male down with her green eyes, she knew who this was, it wasn't Cody, but someone sent here, "who hired you?" she questioned, no one was supposed to be here, especially after an attempt of robbery, she was a trusted person, therefore she does the inventory check."Wilbur Williams," The man spoke, she was right, he was lying to her, she smiled sickly as she looked at the brown-haired man, "Naming my father? I think he would've told me you'd come here, I'll give you a chance to get out of here.." Jade spoke as she stared at the man, she saw him getting nervous, a person who was supposed to be here wouldn't be as he was.The man put his hands up as she silently left the Inventory room, Jade smirked as she thought about how stupid Cody had gotten, next time, he should plan it out better, now that the Inventory room is now her personal play area. But this only made her question her beliefs.This must be someone that he had brought into his letting scheme of murdering people and testing new chemical mixtures on people... or that there is a group of murders somewhere in the world she's in, or was it a separate world or dimension they're kept in, hence why it's so difficult to keep track of Cody.She knew he was still alive, but she had difficulty keeping track of him, he was all over America, leaving his syringes everywhere, cravings on the wall of his name, "X-Virus." 'How is he traveling?'Jade shook her head as she continued to do her task, checking inventory and writing down what there was and how much she was taking, her thoughts then started to eat at her, she needed to take her frustration out on something or someone.... 'Jamie.'...There she was, dead of night, her father was working the night at the Facility, he had to do some financing with his daughter's purchases, and had to order new replacements for the things she had taken. However, Jade wasn't at the facility, rather, she was at Jamie's house, the man her mother was cheating with."I can't have you break my father..." She whispered as she opened the side window, quietly climbing into the kitchen, she controlled her breathing, her mother was at home which made this perfect, she'd be able to kill him with no problem...She wore a black mask, a black turtle neck, black skinny jeans, and black vans shoes, topped with a white lab coat, as she stood in the kitchen, she saw no cameras until she froze in her spot..."Are you... the tooth fairy?"It was a kid, she looked at the kid before crouching down to the kid and patting the kid's head, "Yes... but it's time for a good night's rest..." she whispered to the kids, before swiftly slicing the kids neck open with the knife in her hand, she couldn't scream, she was suffocating and choking on her blood, but before she fell Jade caught her and carefully laid her down."I'm sorry little one, but I can't let you live, especially after seeing me..." Jade whispered before looking around for clues, she looked at the fridge and saw drawings from the kid, mother dead, she was just an only child, no stepmother, just Jamie was left.As she got her confirmation on the lack of family members she crept around the first floor before creeping up the stairs, her footsteps silent as she walked down the hall, finding the master bedroom was open, she pushed the door open a bit more as she crept to the bed, grabbing a towel as she gripped onto it tightly.Jade planned to choke him out, she needed to feed her beast, she couldn't kill him with chemicals, it would poison Demi, she needed to choke, so she got onto the bed and laid behind the man before sneaking the towel around his name, of course, it caused some shifting which made him to speak."Ugh... angel, go to your bed..."Jade ignored this and proceeded to pull tightly onto the towel and on both ends she gripped it, causing him to jolt awake, but she was strong even, he struggled and pulled against her force, he choked himself more than she did, biting her lip underneath the mask she was wearing, and she felt him growing weaker.He then fell limp as she choked him for another 3 minutes until she knew he was dead, she then got off the bed and dragged his body to the kitchen on the first floor, before calling her beast on the phone, as her phone rang she walked around the building closing the blinds and making sure he had no security system."Ohhh Jade, been some time you have called me, I'm starved...""I'm aware... though, I have some food for you..""Great, what's the address?""I'll send it to you."Jade hung up the phone and texted the address to Demi, she looked at the bodies in front of her and looked at the kid, she couldn't say she felt bad, she didn't expect anyone else to be there, as she waited she heard a knock at the door, looking at the front door, as she peaked through the fish hole and seen it was Demi, opening the door and letting her in."How exciting, what do we have here!" Demi exclaimed once the door was closed before falling silent as they looked at the kid, the dead body of the kid on the floor, lifeless, "Jade, I thought we agreed, no fucking kids.""I know, but I couldn't risk her telling the cops, plus, you don't have to touch her, just eat the father," Jade spoke as she sighed, looking at the kid, she felt pity as Demi went to start cutting up the man, she moved the kid away from Demi and the dead man, and sat on the floor next to the kid as she ran her fingers through the child's hair."Poor kid...""Yeah, no kidding... you killed her," Demi chuckled as she continued to cut the man up, his blood forming a large puddle around him as Demi continued her work, she was going to be eating a lot, and she'd be here for hours."I won't leave until you're done," Jade spoke as she blankly looked at Demi who looked like she had been craving human flesh for some time, "Sorry that I haven't fed you... you know I don't like killing without a reason...""You mean not feeding me isn't a good enough reason?" Demi questioned as they looked at the black-haired female, before turning her attention back on the man as she continued to skin the dead body, "who was this man?""I do care about you... Demi, it's just you don't depend on human flesh," Jade spoke as she looked at the child, running her hand through the girl's hair, looking at the kid's features she recognized her, from a kid's magazine, "fuck.""What?" Demi asked, still not looking away from her current work, not realizing what Jade was saying 'fuck' about."This kid is Allison Walter, from the kid's magazine," Jade spoke as she looked at the kid, looking over at Demi, while Demi looked back at her, "you're fucking with me," Demi uttered, as they looked at Jade, soon cutting off meat from the thigh of the man."I'm not, Demi... I wouldn't lie about killing a famous person," Jade spoke as she looked at Demi who practically cleaned off the thigh from its muscles, "Okay... I'll cook the thigh muscles and we can leave, muscular men aren't the best to be eating... too stringy, I do, however, love eating the women around 20-25 years of age..." Demi spoke as she stood up and cleaned the muscles she had just cut from the male.As Demi began heating a pan on the stove element, she put oil on it before throwing in some spices commonly used for cooking beef, now cutting up the muscles into little strips to look like before as she began throwing them in, frying the stripes of meat as she cooked it."You make me want to try some..." Jade spoke as she smelt the air around them, looking at the kid before shaking her head and standing up, deciding to watch Demi cook."Do you?""I was joking.""You have a weird way of joking around...""I thought it was obvious, was I not?""100%"