
I'd Be Very Careful

編集者: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Do you want to go back and wait for me?"

Hearing his father's words, the little boy immediately shook his head.

"No, I want to stay here with Daddy."

His words were rather dignified as he stared intently at the pot.

The corners of Mo Boyuan's mouth twitched slightly.

"Up to you."

After saying that, he open the packaging of the noodles. He took out two bowls from the cupboard next and washed them. Then, he sprinkled the remaining chopped green onion into the bowls. As to ginger, garlic, and coriander, Mo Boyuan had liked them.

Of course, he didn't mind if there were small amounts of them in cooked dishes.

The little boy kept staring at the pot.

"Dad, it is smoking."

Mo Boyuan removed the lid. The color of the shrimps in the pot had changed.

"It's not done yet."

They should be cooked for fifteen minutes. It had only been less than ten minutes. It was still early.