
Chapter 98: The Conspiracy of the Saints of Poison 2

This is a huge cave house with lush flowers and plants. Of course, they are all poisonous flowers and weeds. The top of the cave house is full of sharp rocks that may fall at any time.

After the two entered, there was a feeling of suppression from the beginning, as if the so-called Saint Thousand Poison was not dead, and a powerful aftermath was enveloped here.

The vindictive energy flowing in the human body has become a little clumsy.

Perceiving this sense of suppression, Chen Mo couldn't help but flashed a solemn color in his eyes.

In the huge cave house, there is not one passage, but dozens or hundreds of passages extending in all directions, and the openings of each passage are almost the same size, and thick poison seeps from the openings.

"Where to go?" Chen Mo said, the treasure map of Windfury Longyan pointed out that this was gone, and did not indicate which passage.

"These passages should have been created by the Poison Flame Demon Flood Dragon. Don't worry, I will feel it." Although the thick fog that gushes out of each cave is similar, Yi Qingyao can still find some differences with the colorful poison meridian.

"Take the seventh passage from the left."

In order to be afraid that Chen Mo would not believe it, Yi Qingyao personally led the way forward.

Chen Mo followed, but after really stepping into this passage, the feeling of suppression became stronger and stronger.

Walking in the quiet and dark passage, hot temperatures rushed from the depths of the passage, lingering around the body, and within the passage, there were only the faint sound of two people's footsteps.

After walking in this quiet atmosphere for ten minutes, finally, a faint light came from the front.


The strange fires attracted each other, and the strange fire on Chen Mo's body rose again involuntarily. The two accelerated their pace, and when they reached the end of the passage, they split into two more forks.

Guided by the different fire, Wind Fury Dragon Flame is on the right side of the road.

And Yi Qingyao looked to the left.

Chen Mo glanced at her lightly and walked to the right.

Upon seeing this, Yi Qingyao gave a cold snort, stomped his feet, and walked to the left.

After Chen Mo stepped into the fork on the right, he didn't walk long before he came into a huge stone room.

The stone room is simple and empty. In the center of the stone room, there is a stone bed. On the stone bed, a dead bone sits on it, and a yellowish hot flame is suspended in his chest.

"Ding, you can spend 150,000 luck points to snoop when you find the strange fire, wind, anger, and dragon flames."

Chen Mo didn't care about the system, but planned to surrender the strange fire first, and then snoop, at a very low cost.

Chen Moyi's hand wrapped in flames, grabbed it towards the yellowish flame.

Unlike what he had imagined, Windfury Longyan did not resist, but was easily grasped in his palm.

However, the next moment, Chen Mo frowned, because the system suggested that it would still take 15 points of luck to snoop.

"what happened?"

Chen Mo looked at the skeleton on the bed carefully, and came behind the dead bone, and found a huge gap, as if something had struck from behind, piercing his chest in one fell swoop.

If this is the Saint of Ten Thousand Poisons, then this Windfury Dragon Flame should be his own.

The reason why I am reminded to have 150,000 luck points.


A strong and dangerous thought suddenly came to Chen Mo's mind.

If Chen Mo didn't guess wrong, Saint Thousand Poisons hadn't died.

Windfury Dragon Flame still has its master.

Even if two people can come here, both are...

"Ah!" A scream broke Chen Mo's thoughts, which was exactly what Yi Qingyao sent out.

Chen Mo caught the Wind Fury Dragon Flame and hurried away. As soon as he reached the stone chamber on the left, he heard a cold shout: "Don't come here!"

But it was still too late. A thick poisonous smoke was sucked into Chen Mo's mouth and nose. When Chen Mo was about to run the Idol Prison Guard as a resistance, a soul body flashed out of a colorful poisonous flower and moved towards Chen Mo strikes.

"Hundreds of years, someone has finally come. This king did not expect that this introduction has attracted two." The soul body Jie Jie sneered: "Boy, you are a good body. Use this sage for a use."

After speaking, when Chen Mo didn't react, he rushed into Chen Mo's mind.

"Ding, find the weak three-star saint soul body, you can spend 260,000 gas luck to snoop."

"Ding, I found the Nine-Colored Poisonous Flower of Tier Nine Herbs, which can cost 210,000 Qi Luck to snoop."

"Ding, discover the origin of the wood spirit, you can spend 140,000 Qi Luck to snoop."

"Ding, the intruder is found, the identity verification fails, the system automatically deducts all the luck points, and the anti-virus program is started."

"Antivirus is in progress, 10%, 20%..."

"No, boy, what the **** are you? No, let go... let go of this saint, this saint..."

Chen Mo turned a deaf ear, because he couldn't help it.


"Boy, my saint is dead, and... I won't let you go, Wind Fury and Dragon Flame, come in for my saint..."


The voice of the soul body disappeared completely, and a rush of soul energy and surging memories poured into Chen Mo's brain.

It's not over yet.

Wind Fury Dragon Flame also poured into Chen Mo's body just before the soul body disappeared.

Chen Mo hurriedly sat down.

In the stone room, Chen Mo and Yi Qingyao sat cross-legged inside. In the right corner, a splendid and gorgeous poisonous flower bloomed, and all kinds of poisonous smoke rushed out.

When Yi Qingyao saw this scene, she wanted to make Chen Mo hold her breath, but she couldn't talk. When she talked, poisonous smoke would flood into her body.

She looked at the multi-flower in the corner, but she did not expect that it would evolve from the colorful million-poisonous flower to the nine-color million-poisonous flower.

The latter is the legendary ninth-order medicinal herb, but she can't resist it.

Even if Yi Qingyao didn't say anything, Chen Mo knew that this poisonous smoke was not good for him, but he couldn't help it. While he wanted to resist the wind, fury and dragon flame, he wanted to refine this powerful soul energy.

There are so many gods that can't be distinguished at all.

I can only watch the poisonous smoke, wisps of it blending into his body.

At first, Chen Mo was able to resist this poisonous smoke.

Until a pink poisonous smoke erupted from the nine-color poisonous flower.

Chen Mo couldn't resist.

As soon as the pink poisonous smoke entered his body, Chen Mo felt his body immediately become hot, and an evil fire emerged from his lower abdomen, and suddenly spread all over his body.

Upon seeing this scene, Yi Qingyao's complexion changed, feeling bad, and wanted to get up and run out of the stone room.

But when she was picking the Nine-Colored Poisonous Flower, the latter suddenly bloomed, and the poisonous smoke gushing out in an instant caused Yi Qingyao, who had not had time to prepare, to inhale in his mouth and nose.

She just feels weak now.

Chen Mo's dark eyes were gradually replaced by a touch of pink, he was eager to find something to release the anger in his body.

When he saw Yi Qingyao, he stood up and walked over.

The Wind Fury Dragon Flame, which had no resistance in his body, also began to raging.

Because the previous owner of Windfury Dragon Flame was the Saint of Ten Thousand Poisons, it was more or less poisonous.