
Chapter 97: The Conspiracy of the Poisonous Saint 1

The bottom of the abyss is extremely dark, giving people a sense of depression.

The bottom can resist the poison of the poisonous smoke in the abyss, the strength is up to Tier 4, and he is good at sneak attacks. From time to time, there will be some strange sounds and beast roars coming out of the abyss.

Suddenly, a fiery flame shone in from outside, getting closer and closer, illuminating the road in the depths.

On both sides of the road, there are all kinds of poisonous weeds and poisonous flowers.

On the poisonous weeds, there are still a large number of monster bones.

Under the light of the fire, a group of shallow steps came over.

It is Chen Mo and Yi Qingyao.

Chen Mo held a different fire.

Gray smoke spread out around Yi Qingyao's body.

The breath of the two made the surrounding poisons dare not approach.

Yi Qingyao can see the poisonous flowers and weeds on both sides, the joy on his face, without language.

A large number of these poisonous flowers and weeds were picked, and they were collected into the vows.

"Be careful..." At this moment, a Tier 4 purple armored centipede jumped out of a poisonous weed and attacked Qingyao, the doctor.

For poison, Yi Qingyao can be regarded as a big meal.


Just when Yi Qingyao was too late to escape, a black spear about one foot long flashed past Yi Qingyao's eyes, piercing deeply into the head of the purple armored centipede, and then nailing it to the rock of the abyss. Above the wall.

"Ding, kill the purple-armored centipede of Tier 4 monsters and get 4,100 luck points."

The black spear dissipated, and the corpse of the purple armoured centipede fell to the ground, and the green liquid permeating from its wound continued to flow out, corroding the poisonous weeds below and gradually withering.

Chen Mo glanced at her faintly, said nothing, and continued to walk forward.

"Thanks...thank you!" Yi Qingyao reluctantly spit out two words.

Chen Mo ignored her.

Medical Qingyao muttered, secretly said, what a look, when I get the Colorful Poisonous Flower, I will definitely want you to look good.

The two continued to move forward, and when they came to a poisonous swamp, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The huge waterfall swamp is almost full of bones, especially in the middle of the middle swamp, a dragon skeleton, which shocked Chen Mo.

Especially for Yi Qingyao, although she had expected it, she was still shocked.

There is a straight angle on the head of the dragon, and because of the blood of the dragon clan, it is a seventh-order beast as an adult.

But looking at the dragon skeleton, which is dozens of feet long, it was at least a Tier 8 monster before it fell.

What's in it?

Can make the eighth-order beast fall in this swamp.

The poison gas in it became more and more dense, and the resistance at any moment caused Chen Mo's body to consume vindictive energy very quickly.

Black and white wings ejected from Chen Mo's back, wanting to fly over this geometrically unknown swamp.

Seeing Chen Mo's body slowly lifted into the air, the medical Qingyao below couldn't help but begged, "Please, take me there."

A look of pleading appeared on Yi Qingyao's cold face.

Chen Mo ignored her and flew forward.

If it is on the flat ground, he may help. In this case, he will not help.

"Huh." Yi Qingyao stomped angrily. What's the matter with this man? Isn't Lianxiangxiyu even good at it?

In the end, she could only tap on her toes, and took advantage of her strength to fly up, and immediately jumped from this skeleton to another.

And Chen Mo, who flew to the front, ushered in waves of poisonous attacks.

"Damn wicked animal." Chen Mo couldn't bear it anymore. He pinched the Yin Jue with his hand, and the thunder fell from the sky, one after another in the poisonous swamp.

Tianlei was originally the nemesis of poison, but the poison in this swamp did not know what kind of mutation, not only was not afraid, but instead faced Tianlei and attacked Chen Mo.

On the side of Yi Qingyao, as the sky thunder fell, the skeleton in the swamp sank in one by one.

Seeing that there is no place to stay, the skeleton currently standing on is also in precarious condition, Yi Qingyao said loudly: "Take me away, I can take you to the ruins of the strong fighting sage."

Chen Mo didn't listen to her, who knows if she knew she was dying, she just said nonsense.

In response to the poisonous attack, Chen Mo moved forward slowly.

"It's true, I didn't lie to you. This Poisonous Demon Flood was killed by the Saint of Ten Thousand Poisons, and the Poison Demon Flood is the guardian beast of the Colorful Ten Thousand Poisonous Flower..."

Looking at the billowing bubbles rising from the swamp below, Yi Qingyao said a lot in one breath.

Did not hear Chen Mo's response, just when she thought she would die here.

Her arm was grabbed fiercely.

"If you don't want to die, hurry up." Chen Mo said coldly.

Yi Qingyao hugged Chen Mo's waist, a panic appeared between his eyes.

It was extremely difficult to get through this gas swamp.

Chen Mo put it down on a huge skeleton, and the strange fire inside his body rose again. He coldly said, "Go ahead, what did you mean by what you just said?"

However, Yi Qingyao said: "The colorful poisonous flowers in there belong to me, and the rest belong to you."

Chen Mo frowned and said impatiently: "It's useless if I want that flower."

Hearing this, although Yi Qingyao was still a little uneasy, he still said: "According to the information I have collected and what is said in the Seven Color Poison Classics, I know that in this abyss, there is a colorful flower that has grown for thousands of years. ."

"Beside this Seven-Colored Poisonous Flower, there is an eighth-tier Poisonous Flame Demon Guardian. The Demon Flooded has to absorb the poisonous gas of the Seven-Colored Poisonous Flower to cultivate, so it stays day and night until the arrival of the Holy One."

Yi Qingyao told Chen Mo everything he knew.

"So you mean, this Poison Flame Demon Flood Dragon was killed by the Saint Thousand Poison?" Chen Mo said.

Yi Qingyao nodded, only as a fighting saint powerhouse, he could kill a Tier 8 monster.

"If this is the case, the Poison Sage killed the Poison Flame Demon Flood Dragon, then how could he himself fall? Did he swallow the Colorful Poison Flower?"

Chen Mo felt a trace of doubt, and immediately vetoed himself again. No, he, as a proficient in poison art, couldn't be ignorant of the horror of the colorful poisonous flower.

"The Seven-Colored Poisonous Flower is still there, and the poisonous smoke in this abyss is emitted from it." Yi Qingyao said: "As for why I know he has fallen, it is because I have his excellent manuscript in my hand."

Yi Qingyao took out a chronological scroll from Na Jie.

"In other words, you can get here, relying on the guidance of the manuscript?"

Yi Qingyao nodded.

Chen Mo felt that something was wrong, but couldn't perceive anything wrong.

According to what the doctor Qingyao said, Chen Mo can be sure of one thing, that is, the Colorful Thousand Poison Flower and the Wind Fury Dragon Flame are in the same location.

Under the leadership of Yi Qingyao.

The two came to a dark cave.

From the degree of weathering of the cave, there is a certain year.

As soon as Chen Mo entered the entrance of the cave, he felt the throbbing from the strange fire on his body.

Seeing this scene, Yi Qingyao suddenly raised her brows and whispered, "There is still a strange fire in it?"

Chen Mo did not answer.

Walk into this dark cave.

Shortly after.

The two discovered that there is a cave in this cave