
Chapter 96: Little doctor fairy?

The figure shrouded in the black robe took the lead in attacking, and the robe had no wind, and a thick gray smoke gushed out of his body.

Some poisonous flowers and weeds around the black robe figure couldn't bear the smoke, and they all withered and died.

These changes, naturally in my eyes, the pupils suddenly shrank, and the poison that had existed in the poisonous smoke actually died under this kind of smoke.

"Ding, if you find a one-star master, you can spend 1,000 luck points to snoop. Note that if you have a lower cultivation base than yourself, the two sides will exchange."

"Huh? Only a one-star master, how can he withstand this poisonous fog." Chen Mo could clearly see that the other party did not make any obstacles.

The gray smoke gushed out, Chen Mo didn't care, nor did he get rid of the strange fire on his body, condensing the fireball, and threw it towards the opponent.

But after this fireball entered the gray smoke, it decomposed strangely, and it was easily decomposed by the gray smoke during a short breath.

Although Chen Mo didn't use his full strength, it was a strange fire, and the smoke was not even afraid of a strange fire.

"Leave here quickly, otherwise, die!"

The black robe figure said coldly.

"Huh, a mere star of the Great Fighter, dare to be so arrogant, just look at it!"

Seeing that the other party not only shot first, but also spoke so arrogantly, Chen Mo couldn't bear it.

The light of the different fire brought a little light to this abyss.

"Death!" A cold voice that was biased towards magnetism spit out from the black robe figure's mouth. With a wave of the sleeve robe again, thick gray smoke flooded the sky.

"Who is looking for death is not necessarily." With a move of Chen Mo's wings, he suddenly appeared above the black robe figure, his five fingers clenched into fists, and the black vindictiveness rushed out from the fists, using the power of two giant elephants, fiercely. The smashed down.

Chen Mo's strength, the moment he flew down from the abyss, the black robe figure felt a little, but she did not retreat, because there was something she had to get in the abyss.

Under the sleeves, an unusually pale and slender palm stretched out. The next moment, a kind of gray smoke rolled on the palm of his hand. After a short breath, the gray smoke was actually a little red.

With a light push, this grayish reddish smoke enveloped Chen Mo.

"Is it true that smoke is omnipotent?" Chen Mo's eyes flashed coldly, his fist suddenly increased, and his punch broke through the smoke, hitting the black robe figure's chest heavily.

Just when Chen Mo was surprised that something was so soft.

The black-robed figure flew out, hit the rock wall of the abyss, and immediately fell to the ground.

"Puff." A mouthful of blood spouted from the black robe figure's mouth.

The black-robed figure held his chest, stood up from the place with difficulty, and fled towards the abyss.

"Huh, want to escape?" Chen Mo snorted coldly, chasing after him, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the black robe figure.

"Pretend to be a god, let me reveal your true colors and see!"

"No." At this time, a weak female voice spit out from the black robe figure's mouth, with a little panic on her face, and a trace of panic in her eyes.

Chen Mo didn't listen to her, so he pushed aside the brim of her black robe, and under the shining of the strange fire, a long white hair came into Chen Mo's eyes.

Under Senbai's long hair, there is a beautiful face as beautiful as colored glaze. The small cherry mouth is not dotted and red, and the blood dripping from the corners of the lips adds a bit of beauty.

The two strands of white silk on the cheeks are a bit seductive because of sweat.

The woman is beautiful, and her beauty is not reduced by her white hair.

But her condition was very bad at this time, as if she was going to die.

"You're looking for death!" Since practicing the Colorful Poison Sutra and eating poison, she has covered her white hair and swears in her heart that anyone who sees it will die.

As the anger erupted, her body was trembling, and a trace of venom spread out from her body, as if to release something terrible.

Chen Mo frowned and said coldly, "If you don't control it, I'm sure to kill you before it erupts, and I can leave here."

The woman raised her brows and moved slightly, and the venom spreading out of her body also converged.

"That's right, I think you came to this ghost place, and you want to have a certain gain, and you don't want to just die on the spot." Chen Mo's wings were retracted, and when the strange fire rising from his body hadn't recovered, he still had to rely on it. The fire fends off poisonous smoke.

The woman ignored Chen Mo and was deeply jealous of Chen Mo in her heart.

"Let's talk, what are you looking for here, if there is no conflict, maybe I can help you, if there is a conflict..." Chen Mo sneered, and the end of the game can be imagined.

After Chen Mo knew that she was all poisoned, he didn't want to kill her. If you didn't talk about it, he was just a small master, and he couldn't get a few luck points.

In case of killing, it will cause the poison in her body to disperse, which will be troublesome instead.

The woman still said nothing, but secretly rubbed her aching chest.

"Don't say yes, if I find you with me later, don't blame me for being impolite."

Asking her not to speak, Chen Mo glanced at her casually and said coldly.

Take out the treasure map and prepare to find the exact location.

"Seven colorful poisonous flowers." Just when Chen Mo was about to leave, the woman said suddenly.

"Colorful Poisonous Flower?" Chen Mo's gaze flicked, then turned his head and glanced at the woman deeply, and then said in a deep voice: "The Seven-Colored Poisonous Flower is an eighth-order herb, the most poisonous thing in the world. According to records, this flower can only Only those who possess the poisonous body can swallow it. Do you want it?"

Furukawa gave Chen Mo a description of the Seven-Colored Poisonous Flower in the Pharmacist's Handbook.

The woman didn't expect Chen Mo to know so much, but she was surprised at the same time, she said coldly: "I am the Evil Poisonous Body."

Hearing this, Chen Mo was taken aback, is she?

A person suddenly appeared in Chen Mo's heart, feeling that that person and the woman in front of him were inseparable from each other.

Ask directly: "What is your name?"

"Is this related to this matter?" The woman's eyes were cold.

"It's related." Chen Mo was firm.

"Medical Qingyao."

When the woman finished speaking, she passed by Chen Mo and walked towards the side passage of the abyss.

"Yi Qingyao? A pseudonym?"

Chen Mo muttered, looking up, and found that the place where the woman was going was exactly the place pointed to by the treasure map.

Chen Mo hurriedly followed.

When she noticed the figure following her, Yi Qingyao was not surprised. According to her observation of the environment of the abyss, combined with the data collected from various places, it should be the site of the Saint of Ten Thousand Poisons.

The saint of poison, the strong one thousand years ago.

A self-cultivation has reached the three-star battle sage.

He is still a famous poison master, not a poisonous body, but he will practice poison to the extreme.