
Chapter 95: The wood spirit!

"It's really poison everywhere..." The poisonous scorpion with a big head burst out of the hole in the yellow sand, and its tail hook pierced towards Chen Mo.

This is already the thirtieth head Chen Mo has touched, and he wants to kill his own poison.

After entering the middle of the desert, the number of poison raids became more and more frequent.

Due to the poisonous smoke in the sky, it is difficult for the sun to shine in, but the hotness of the desert is no less than that of the Tagor Desert, and it is necessary to guard against poisons that may surprise at any time.

The environment of the Toxic Desert is more difficult than the Tagore Desert.

Chen Mo licked his dry lips, took out a water sac from the ring, took a sip, and relieved the discomfort caused by his lips.

But just here, the sudden change, a green vine with the thickness of a thigh and an unknown amount of growth, crazily poured out from under Chen Mo's feet, and entangled towards his body.

Perceiving the vibrations under his feet, Chen Mo evaded instantly as if he were swimming in a dragon.

In that instant, a vine measuring tens of feet tall rose from the original position of Chen Mo.

The huge vines were covered with sharp poisonous thorns. Seeing that the attacked prey was avoided, the vines actually expressed their anger to Chen Mo spiritually, and entangled towards Chen Mo again.

"Thousand Lei Jue!"

This time Chen Mo didn't avoid it, looking at the huge vine that hit, his face was calm and his hands quickly formed seals.


A huge thunder pillar swept across the poisonous smoke in the sky, and slashed fiercely on the vines that were still several meters away from Chen Mo.


A flash of lightning passed by.

The huge vine collapsed to the ground, and the surface was completely dark.

Upon seeing this, Chen Mo's face turned serious, because he didn't hear the system prompt.

At the next moment, an abnormal change occurred suddenly.

The sand under Chen Mo's feet shook again, and the amplitude of the vibration became larger and larger.

With a thought of Chen Mo, two different fires rose from his body in turn, and immediately enveloped his body.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

One by one, vines that looked the same as before broke out of the sand, swept towards Chen Mo in a kind of cage.

"Ding, discovering part of the body of the wood spirit creature can spend 15,000 air luck points to snoop."

The system's prompt sounded, but Chen Mo hadn't been able to inquire about the wood spirit, because the countless vines had already enveloped him in all directions.

One of the vines took the lead in attacking. When the strange fire on Chen Mo's appearance was touched, the part of the vine that was touched instantly turned into nothingness, and the remaining part was pulled away like lightning.

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, I thought you weren't even afraid of strange fires.

However, his relaxation was only temporary. After the injured vine retracted, all the vines surrounding Chen Mo suddenly shrouded.

As the giant vines were incinerated by the alien fire, one vine finally broke through the defense of the alien fire and entangled Chen Mo's body.

The poisonous thorns on it pierced into Chen Mo's body. After a short while, Chen Mo felt a sense of paralysis.

This wood spirit was more powerful than Chen Mo had imagined, and it was able to break through the defense of the alien fire.

"Wings of Liberty."

With a movement of Chen Mo, a pair of large black and white wings ejected from his back.

The feathers are as sharp as a blade, which will break through the defenses of different fires, and the scarred vines all over the body will be cut off.

Chen Mo's body rose into the sky, and the remaining vines continued to chase unwillingly.

While Chen Mo resisted the strong poisonous smoke in the sky, his body soaring into the air reached a certain height, paused, and shouted sharply:

"No matter what wood spirit you are, die for me now!"

"The Heavenly Emperor Profound Thunder Seal!"

Accompanied by the billowing thunder, an extremely large handprint condensed above Chen Mo, and immediately, with an unrivaled momentum, he patted the vine that was catching up.

The two collided together, as if a little witch saw a big witch, the vines were exploded under the devastation of the huge handprints.

There was a section of the sand that was not out of the soil, so I hurriedly walked in.

But the power of the Heavenly Emperor Xuan Lei Yin was more than that, it was also wrapped in a handprint with huge energy, slammed on the yellow sand below, making a earth-shattering explosion sound, air currents blasted, and layers of yellow sand were lifted.

The resulting crack chased after the vine that had slipped into the depths of the sand.

There were countless poisons involved during this period, and finally turned into a total of two thousand and one hundred air transport points.


As an explosion sounded in the distance, a pitch-black vine was exploded out of the yellow sand.

"Escaped?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, this vine did not turn into a point of luck.

Chen Mo didn't go down to the ground immediately, but observed for a while, and after confirming that there was no abnormality, he landed slowly.

After landing on the ground, Chen Mo immediately swallowed a detoxification pill, and then ran the detoxifying jail force to expel the poison that the vine had pierced into the body.

After finishing all this, Chen Mo called out the system and checked the information of the wood spirit.

After a while, I understood what was going on with this wood spirit creature.

There are different fires in the vindictive continent, so naturally there are some different gold, different water and the like.

And the wood spirit creature is a kind of heaven and earth spirit creature similar to the different fire, with huge energy.

"No wonder it can break through the defense of the alien fire." Chen Mo suddenly realized.

It seems that there are many good things hidden in this 10,000-poisonous desert.

According to the wind and fury dragon flame map, Chen Mo walked toward the depths of the desert. I don't know how long he walked. There was poisonous smoke. Chen Mo couldn't judge at all. How long had passed.

However, it is getting closer and closer to the location indicated on the map.

After another distance, Chen Mo finally reached the location indicated on the map.

This is an abyss, dark and indistinct, and the poisonous smoke lingering over the desert is surging out from this abyss.

The poisonous smoke contained in the abyssal poisoning smoke is more than a hundred times stronger than that of the outside world.

"If this strange fire is really in this place, it will become a poisonous kill after so long."

Chen Mo secretly said, immediately holding his breath, three flames enveloped his body, his wings flapped, and he slowly flew downwards.

At the bottom of the abyss, a black figure walked cautiously. Not only did the surrounding poison gas have no effect on the figure, but she was gradually inhaled into her body.

"Five-colored flowers, desperate grass..."

Every time the black figure took a step, he pronounced the name of a herb, as if it had already been read by heart.

Every medicinal plant here can kill a large group of people if it is casual.

The black figure moved closer and closer to the depths.

Just here, a flame fell from the sky.



Two different voices sounded at the bottom of this abyss at the same time.