
Chapter 94: Arrived in the Toxic Desert!

Chen Mo only remembered that before going to bed, Yun Yun said something he wanted to have a baby.

I didn't know if I agreed, or didn't agree.

Not long after sleeping, Chen Mo was woken up.

It's dawn, ask him to escape quickly.

Fortunately, it was a quarter of an hour before the slip was blocked by Nalan Yanran.

Although the relationship between the three is clear, it does not mean that all three of them agree to sleep together.

This kind of thing, you have to get familiar with the relationship and make progress gradually.

Wuling City hosted a two-day celebration banquet, going up to Chen Mo and down to the ordinary soldiers, which was full of joy.

After the celebration banquet.

The imperial palace wall of Wuling City.

"Are you leaving?" Chen Mo stared at the distant horizon, and the afterglow of the setting sun rendered the horizon a beautiful picture of the city.

"Yeah." Queen Medusa did not look at him either, her red lips hummed softly, her narrow eyes looked at the afterglow, and said lightly: "This king has been away from the snake-man tribe for so long, so it's time to go back and take a look. "

"Besides, now there is only the finishing touch. This king can't help much here."

Yes, after completely annexing the Izumo Empire, Chen Mo intends to stabilize Lingyan Pavilion, develop for a period of time, and then advance other empires.

Queen Medusa really didn't help much during this time.

And Chen Mo agreed to her, and the war ended and let Queen Medusa see the snake tribe.

In the aftermath of Queen Medusa, Chen Mo still looked at the horizon, sighed slightly in his heart, the air around him squirmed, and he planned to leave.



As soon as Chen Mo said so, Queen Medusa immediately turned her head.

"This is a soul-clearing pill, which has the effect of clearing all participating souls in the body and nourishing the soul." Chen Mo spent 5100 Qi luck points in exchange for a soul-clearing pill and threw it to Queen Medusa.

Queen Medusa took it backhand, looking at Chen Mo, hoping to hear his next words.

However, it still didn't.

"Thanks." Queen Medusa hummed and turned and walked into the crack.

Looking at Medusa's back, Chen Mo couldn't help but said, "Qingmo, can your heart be opened to men?"

Medusa's eyes flickered, but she didn't turn her head, her voice was always cold and cold: "It depends on who it is?"

"What about me?" Chen Mo blurted out directly this time.

Medusa's slender hand suddenly clenched, and then let it go, her coquettish red lips filled with a pleasant smile, as she spoke, she walked into the crack.

"When you really defeat this king with your own strength, this king will give you this opportunity."

"But this king won't give you too long!"

At the last word, there was a hint of playfulness in Medusa's voice.

The voice dissipated, and the seductive back figure disappeared completely, leaving only a faint fragrance remaining in the world.


On the edge of the poisonous desert.

"You don't need to follow in. I feel that something is calling me inside."

A thin and weak figure shrouded in black robe, looking at the poisonous smoke in the desert, which can no longer see clearly, said in a deep voice.

After swallowing the thing collected before, she didn't break out again.

She is sure that what she needs is set here, even if it is called a death forbidden place, she will go in and break in.


Early the next morning.

"Teacher, Sister, Old Patriarch Nalanjie..."

Chen Mo's eyes swept across the people below, looking at the distant skyline, and then turned back and smiled: "I've decided, it's time to go out and make a break by myself."

Yun Yun stood in front of everyone, and no one except Chen Mo could see her expression at this time.

Yun Yun squinted her eyes slightly, her eyes mixed with a little bit of dismay, her teeth gently bit her red lips below, and said in a very gentle voice, "Are you really leaving?"

Chen Mo nodded, and immediately said haha, "Teacher, you don't have to miss me too much. I will be back soon, but then..."

"That's when Lingyan Pavilion became famous throughout the continent." Chen Mo said silently in his heart in the second half of the sentence.

Nalan Yanran's eyes were flushed, because she told Chen Mo before that she wanted to go with him, but Chen Mo severely refused.

Saying that his strength is too low, he may not be able to protect himself.

At this time, she was eager for strength more than ever.

Yao Ye looked at this man who was gradually reaching maturity, with blurred eyes. Although she was not very close to him, Yao Ye was confident and became one of his pillows.

Suddenly, Yao Ye didn't know what was going on, and his face turned blushing and looked at Yun Yun.

"Haha, old patriarch Nalan, I will trouble you to get old with the ending of the Izumo Empire, everyone, goodbye!"

After a loud laugh, the wings of freedom behind Chen Mo flickered, and the whole person turned into a streamer, flying towards the east.

Seeing Chen Mo's figure getting smaller and smaller in Nalan Yanran's field of vision, and then disappeared, Nalan Yanran clenched her slender hands and suddenly said in a deep voice, "Teacher, I want to enter the gate of life and death!"


Canaan College, Hou Ya.

"Miss, after receiving the news, the heavy scars have fallen. It was a member of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan who killed him." The green figure is too difficult. Every time he receives news that the young lady does not want to hear, he returns. have to say.

"What?" As expected in the green figure's heart, the girl's face sank after listening, and a touch of anger rose on her delicate face: "What's the matter with the Heavenly Demon Phoenix Clan? What are they coming out to join in..."

The green figure did not say a word, silently bearing the vent of the girl's anger.

When the girl finished venting, the green figure continued: "The patriarch said that the northwest area is not peaceful recently, let me go back as soon as possible."

After speaking, the green figure was vented again.

The girl immediately said slowly: "Go to the last thing, unite with several major sects in the northwest region, and let them attack Lingyan Pavilion, as long as they agree and the conditions are allowed to open..."

"Yes." The green figure no longer refuted the girl's words.

After the green figure left, the girl stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the white cloud in the sky in the distance. The white cloud gradually turned into a figure in the girl's eyes. She murmured: "Even if I leave, I won't make him feel better. !"


Three days later.

Outskirts of the Wandu Desert.

Following the flow of a tyrannical air current, a black shadow slowly landed on this piece of yellow sand after the gust of wind lifted up.

"What kind of poisonous smoke is this? It's so difficult to resist even a different fire." Chen Mo frowned, and seeing his more embarrassed face, it was obvious that he had suffered a lot from poisonous smoke.

Poisonous smoke lingers in the sky above the 10,000-poisonous desert, and every time one goes deep, the poisonous death increases by one point.

Chen Mo didn't believe in evil, so he wanted to fly in directly.

But now, Thaksin is.

He stepped on the soft yellow sand, practised on a high hill, looked around, then took out a primitive map from Na Jie, followed the route marked above, and proceeded slowly.